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Feb 6, 2011 . i dont know what it means but it was IM talk .
Sep 20, 2010 . Article from Super Article Directory and entitled What does SMH mean when texting? - By V Culpepper.
15 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Aug 18, 2009View topic - Hey guys, what does "smh" mean? page of the Eminem Forum.
Internet Slang question: What does smh mean in text? Smh in text messaging .
Mar 17, 2011 . What does SMH mean? I can't fucking figure it out :X.
Mar 14, 2011 . Match topics and articles about what does smh mean slang surchur on this site. Feel free to subscribe our newsletter Ebook and Magazine .
Apr 3, 2010 . One such three letter acronym abbreviation is SMH. So, what does SMH mean? Given below are the various versions of the answer to this .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Nov 10, 2009What does 'smh' mean? I see it on FB all the time, and don't know what it means. Is it dirty? Aisling Rose 8/8/10. 11-10-2009 at 11:53 AM .
Internet Slang question: What does SMH mean? Shaking my head or Scratching my head Most people accept one of two meanings for SMH. Some people say it means .
7 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 2 days agoThrough the years of being on CM I have figured out all the lingo, except this one!
HAHAH, but I mean if I was a guy you know I'd go for her! ;] She's got the whole package you know what I mean? She's nice, sweet, friendly, lovable, cute, .
Sep 1, 2010 . Article from 1Article World and entitled What does SMH mean in texting? - By Valentina Culpepper.
What does smh mean at Website Informer. WhatDoesItMean.Com, What does your phone number spell?, All Acronyms - The Largest and Most Comprehensive Acronyms .
What does SMH mean? ChaCha Answer: Acronym for 'shake my head' or 'shaking my head.' Usually used when someone finds something so stu.
Do you know what SMH means? Here are the top forty texting and chat room short hand acronyms you must know. You really don't want to look like a nOOb or be .
what does SMH mean? 4:27 PM Dec 10th, 2010 via web Retweeted by 1 person. UniverseOfBiebs. Belieber since '09♥. Footer. © 2011 Twitter; About Us · Contact .
FunAdvice What does smh mean? has 9 answers. Ask any General Knowledge questions you have and get fast answers.
Jun 5, 2009 . I always see this and people use it aim, facebook, myspace. . shake(ing) my head = smh . shake or shaking my head .
Sep 17, 2010 . Author Resource: You can find the author's website here What Does SMH Mean in Texting. The author of this article is also a regular .
Looking for the definition of SMH? Find out what is the full . New: What does SMH mean? Lookup more meanings for SMH using our Meta Search! .
18 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jul 3, 2006yea ma cousin does dat "cheewww! aswell, i think "tsk" might go wiv smh, u kno wen u shake ur head at some1 u can use "tsk" . . i see it in .
Welcome to a Facebook Page about WHAT DOES SMH MEAN. Join Facebook to start .
Reference & Definitions Question: What Does SMH Mean? The three-letter acronym SMH has a range of meanings. Typically it would denote The Sydney Morning .
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 1, 2008Local High School Star. IBLEEDGREEN20's Avatar. Join Date: Dec 2007. Location: Meredith, NH. Posts: 1520. Default OT: What Does SMH mean? .
20 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Feb 28, 2009face value is offline. face value's Avatar. Join Date: Nov 2008. Posts: 2961. face value will become famous soon enough. what does smh mean? .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 25, 2009I dont like internet language either (i might use lol somethimes though). Its kind of annoying to rotfl (whatever that means) smh, imo, .
Top questions and answers about What-Does-SMH-Mean. Find 13 questions and answers about What-Does-SMH-Mean at Ask.com Read more.
Acronym for 'shake my head' or 'shaking my head.' Usually used when someone finds something so stupid, no words can do it justice. Sometimes it's modified to 'smfh' .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 23I've been seeing all the time, but I have no idea what it means lol.
Internet Slang question: What does 'SMH' mean? SMH SMH stands for scratching .
teryrobertson: The word "smh" in internet or text terms means "shaking my .
Jan 9, 2010 . Wondering what the acronym SMH means. Just saw someone use "smh" in a tweet on twitter.
what does smh mean informe. . what does smh mean in titles/descriptions. notices.smh.com.au. Rating: 6. notices.smh.com.au > .
25 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Feb 14, 2009WTF does smh mean and what's this TROY song people talking bout. JoeBuddenTV.
What does smh mean? - You can ask questions and answer questions on twitter.This is twitter app.This is twitter application.
What does SMH mean? SMH is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the SMH definition is given. .
Aug 16, 2008 . What does smh mean when texting? - FoolSearch.com.
6 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 31, 2005Age: 24. Posts: 1546. Rep Power: 11. ballistic crouching tiger. Send a message via AIM to ballistic. Default what does SMH mean? .
Article from eArticle Mall and entitled What does SMH mean in chat rooms? - By Valentina Culpepper.
Do you know what SMH means? If you read my last article, you do. Here are thirty -eight more texting and internet chat room abbreviations you must know.
smh: shaking my head. . What does the tag #smh mean on Twitter? twitter T Tweet this definition . (when somebody does something really stupid) .
Example of chat acronyms text You know what lingo what really mean Mall and mean it does smh agent answer the acronym abbreviation is the full Months ago .
what does smh mean? uh, what? . what does smh mean? jkubba. + Follow Ask a ? jennifer kubba jkubba. uh, what? jkubba responded 2 weeks ago. Smile 1 .
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 25, 2008really? I say 'smh' in everyday life. i thought it was like a sound or something, like.
Sep 17, 2010 . Do you know what SMH means? If you saw my last article, you do. Here are 38 more texting and chat room acronyms you really need to know.
What does smh mean - What does SMH mean? I was chatting online and someone said SMH to me. .what does SMH mean?
Charlotte Mee i think it means shake my head becuz people write it when they . .. So Many Hours Sitting Mad Here Sucking My Herm!!!! bahahaha to funny, smh .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 24, 2010Points: 1144521.45. Bank: 393985.51. Total Points: 1538506.96. Donate. Send a message via MSN to Ben_London. Default What does SMH mean? .
When texting or talking in a chat room, someone may type the letters smh. In texting or chat room lingo, they stand for shaking my head or. see more.
Apr 3, 2010 . Abbreviations tend to stump us quite often. One such abbreviation is SMH. So, what does SMH mean? Read on to find out. What Does SMH Mean.