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Mar 31, 2011 . What does smh mean in text message? Miscellaneous.
Top questions and answers about What Does SMH Mean on Facebook. Find 10
What does smh mean? I'm soooo confused!!! Just want to know what smh means
smh: shaking my head. . Discover what hashtags really mean, and add your
Jun 5, 2009 . I always see this and people use it aim, facebook,…
Aug 31, 2011 . What does Smh mean?? - Ask questions and get answers from real experts with
By Guest Do you know what SMH means? If you read my last article, you do. That
Sours topic reminded me to ask this. - Teen Forums, College Forums, Teen Advice
Relevant answers: What does the text SMH mean? . What does smh mean on
SMH. SMH stands for "scratching my head," as in, I don't know the answer. It can
What does SMH mean ? Like on facebook or in chat ?
When texting or talking in a chat room, someone may type the letters smh. In
What does SMH mean in texting? - By V Culpepper.
"What does Smh mean?" "Shake my head." "At what!" - I hate it wen people be
What does SMH mean? I was chatting online and someone said SMH to me. .what
Oct 20, 2010 . Article from eArticle Mall and entitled What does SMH mean in chat rooms? - By
What does smh mean? How is it used in texting as well as internet chat? Well in
Message Icon Topic: What does SMH mean?( Topic Closed). Post Reply Post
Other; 247Sports Home · Football Recruiting · Basketball Recruiting · SoFla
Reply 3: What does SMH mean? vikes_r_us replied 8 months ago. shaking my
What does fwm meen in facebook slang? - Fwm means on facebook. What does
What Does SMH Mean? November 25th, 2011 by admin No comments ». If you'
This acronym has been out for a while now, yet ppl still ask "what does SMH
What Does SMH Mean on Facebook? September 18th, 2010 by admin Leave a
Sep 10, 2010 . What does SMH mean? Here are the top 40 texting and internet chat room short
SMH means shake my head or shaking my head .
Acronym for 'shake my head' or 'shaking my head.' Usually used when someone finds something so stupid, no words can do it justice. Sometimes it's .
Shaking my head :-) . I've never seen those initials before. I checked all the CM
What is WHAT DOES SMH MEAN? Mr What will tell you the definition or meaning
Jul 4, 2011 . What does SMH mean on facebook, Everyone says it and i feel left out because i
Smile. onlyyou123 (onlyyou123). onlyyou123's responses are protected. +
12 results . Looking for the definition of SMH? Find out what is the full meaning of SMH on
Apr 3, 2010 . One such three letter acronym abbreviation is SMH. So, what does SMH mean?
Mr What will tell you the definition or meaning of WHAT DOES SMH MEAN .
What Does SMH Mean? November 24th, 2011 by admin Leave a reply ». If you'
Jul 13, 2011 . what does smh mean. Posted in the Booneville Forum. Share. Read. 3
what does smh mean. jackolantern06 May 1 Permalink. I cannot figure that one
What does smh on fb mean - Smh what does that mean on fb :: Ask . what does
Join Date: Dec 2007. Location: Meredith, NH. Posts: 1516. IBLEEDGREEN20
What does smh mean? How is it used in texting as well as internet chat? Well in
Go Back, Arizona Cardinals Forums > Off Topics > Non-Sports Topics · Reload
Sep 1, 2010 . Article from 1Article World and entitled What does SMH mean in texting? - By
What Does SMH Mean in Facebook?. Since the advent of the Internet as a
What does smh on fb mean? Visitors to this page also . What does smh mean on
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of SMH is. The
Aug 15, 2011 . “SMH” may be used in response to a situation or comment for which a person
Top questions and answers about What Does SMH Mean. Find 263 questions
Age: 24. Posts: 1546. Rep Power: 12. ballistic crouching tiger. Send a message
Do you know what SMH means? If you read my last article, you do. Here are thirty
Sep 20, 2010 . Article from Super Article Directory and entitled What does SMH mean when