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So much homework.
Apr 3, 2010 . If you're wondering when texting what does SMH mean, then quite an apt full
Abbreviations.com What does ctfu mean in texting - What does smh mean in text
What is SMH IN TEXTING TERMS? Mr What will tell you the .
What does smh mean? How is it used in texting as well as internet chat? Well in
What does smh mean in text lingo? ChaCha . SMH is an abbreviation for "
What is the meaning of SMH acronym/abbreviation and what does SMH stand for
What Does Smh Mean In Text Talk Search - Online Blackjack Strategies and Systems
When the initialism "SMH" is used on Facebook, it commonly means "shaking my
Jan 19, 2011 . Do you know what SMH means? If you saw my last article, . so popular that I've
What does hmu mean on facebook? Visitors to this page also .
Do you know what SMH means? If you read my last article, you do. Here are thirty
Nov 24, 2011 . Through text messaging, instant messaging, email and chat rooms, abbreviations
SMH = Shaking My Head Read More ». Source: . What Does SMH Stand for?
Sep 1, 2010 . What does SMH mean? Here are the top 40 texting and internet chat room short
Sep 10, 2010 . What does SMH mean? Here are the top 40 texting and internet chat room short
Search Results what-does-fml-mean-in-text-talk-chacha | Gudang Cerita. Go .
Sep 17, 2010 . Submit Articles on What Does Smh Mean in Texting? . it is easy to get in over
Sep 20, 2010 . Tags: text talk texting zacefron joe More ▼jonas demilovato ashley · Report Quiz
ChaCha Answer: TTUL, or TTYL means Talk To You Later, or Talk To U Later.
Talk about what's happening in hip hop and battle other members. . Text Record
What does the text SMH mean? Scratching My Head, Shaking My Head.Or that's
What does smh computer talk? - Smh shoes unlimited. What does smh mean on
FunAdvice What does smh mean? has 4 answers. Ask any General . Smh, can
Oct 20, 2010 . What does SMH mean? Here are the top 40 texting and internet chat room short
Sep 1, 2010 . What does SMH mean? Here are the top 40 text messaging and chat room
What Does Ntn Mean On Chat Internet Slang. Enjoy it !. NTL NeverTheLess.
Jul 8, 2010 . Previous Entry: Top 10 Chat Acronyms You MUST Know (10 of 10) · Next Entry:
Sep 28, 2010 . What does SMH mean in texting? What does SMH mean? Here are the top 40
SMH means shaking my head. . Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-
What does smh mean? How is it used in texting as well as internet chat? Well in
SMH is a text acronym for "shaking my head. Read More » . What Does the
Usually it means tomorrow. That's what me and my friends say. But if your still
[Archive] What does smh mean? . I never use any form of internet language, but
What Does SMH Mean? December 5th, 2011 by admin No comments ». If you've
Sep 20, 2010 . What does SMH mean? Here are the top forty texting and internet chat room short
What Does Smh Mean In Text Talk Search - Online Blackjack Strategies and Systems
Sep 3, 2010 . What does SMH mean? Here are the top forty texting and chat room short hand
What Is The Meaning Of Smh In Chat Rooms? What does SMH mean? Here are
Info terbaru tentang text codes smh dan berita mengenai What does "SMH" in
Most people accept one of two meanings for SMH. . What does the equal
Jan 23, 2011 . What does smh or smg mean when texting The KGB Agent answer: The acronym
SMH means: Shaking My Head or Smashing My Head, in text talk. ChaCha .
Oct 2, 2010 . Do you know what SMH means? If you read my last article, you do. Here are thirty
What does SMH mean? Here are the top forty text messaging and internet chat
Jul 8, 2010 . Next Entry: Top 10 Chat Acronyms You MUST Know (2 of 10). Posted in
what does SMH mean? its some sort of text talk? i dont know what it means but it
(or: do you own a piece of the English language yet?) >> . text code, or twitter
It means "shaking my head" For example: Person A: Dude, I got a 50 on my test! Person B: Smh! It basically means "WOW." in a sarcastic way
ChaCha Answer: SMH means : Shaking My Head or Smashing My Head, in text