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[pygtk] PyGame surface in a PyGTK app? Mark Mruss selsine at gmail.com. Tue Sep 26 07:35:27 WST 2006. Previous message: [pygtk] Updating a progressbar .
A pygame Surface is used to represent any image. The Surface has a fixed resolution and pixel format. Surfaces with 8bit pixels use a color palette to map .
##t_random = pygame.surface.Surface((256256)) ##t_random.fill((0,0,0)) ##for y in range(0256): ## for x in range(0256): ## c .
3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 12, 2010I'm trying to convert a CvMat to pygame.surface. If i try: .
mysurf (pygame.surface): Surface to blit to. Defaults to self.background . mysurf (pygame.surface): The surface to be written to the screen. .
Failure - raises a TextRectException if the text won't fit onto the surface. """ import pygame final_lines = [] requested_lines = string.splitlines() .
def drawText(text, surfObj, x, y, fgcol, bgcol, pos='left'): """A generic function to draw a string to a pygame.Surface object at a certain x,y location. .
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pygame.image.fromstring - create new Surface from a string buffer .
There doesn't seem to be a built in way in PyGame to 'blur' a surface, but you can fake it bay scaling the surface twice: Scale it small once, then scale it .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 22I was wondering if it is possible to declare the wxPython windows as a surface of pygame so i can draw on it and use all pygame functions on .
Sep 29, 2010 – Preloading OpenGL stimuli (hardware acceleration) will preload an OpenGL texture , but reset the corresponding pygame surface. .
list of all available windows software downloads tagged with PyGame surface - page 1.
pygame.transform.smoothscale - scale a surface to an arbitrary size smoothly .
Surface((width, height), flags=0, depth=0, masks=None): return Surface pygame. Surface((width, height), flags=0, Surface): return Surface pygame object for .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 6, 2008check out the Surface.set_shifts() and Surface.set_masks() methods added in pygame 1.8.1. With this you can tell pygame to treat the surface .
5 posts - Last post: Nov 10, 2005. Because none of those 4 behaviors are something I'd want pygame to do and I can't think of any other way to resolve the surface having .
A pygame Surface is used to represent any image. The Surface has a fixed .
To convert surface to specific format use pygame.surface.convert(surface) or convert(depth) or convert(mask) or just convert(). The last one will convert to .
A pygame Surface is used to represent any image. The Surface has a fixed resolution and pixel format. Surfaces with 8bit pixels use a color palette to map .
pygame.surface.pyd. . pygame.surface.pyd. 16 results found. File description: Unknown. Company name: Unknown. Product name: Unknown .
elif isinstance(texels, pygame.surface.Surface): # pygame surface . .. raise TypeError("Expecting numpy array, PIL image, or pygame surface") .
2 answers - Oct 23, 2010I'm playing with pygame for the first time (and am kind of a newb . . You didn' t call the inherited constructor: class Zombie(pygame.Surface): .
SRCALPHA|pygame.HWSURFACE, 32) self.screen_size = surface.get_size() . . Surface((size*2, size), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) # FIXME: Draw the interior here .
Unable to draw widgets, surface argument becomes None. Simple-Pygame-GUI · Bugs; Bug #485121. Reported by aqua on 2009-11-19. 0 out of 4 heat flames .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 14I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. AttributeError: 'pygame.Surface' object has no attribute 'surface' While running game code: .
Note that the surface should not have transparency set, or weird things will happen. """ self._background = pygame.Surface((self._width, self. .
This usually gets alphaed before stuff gets put in it. def make_box(color = [111 , 255, 148], size = [130, 40]): s = pygame.Surface([size[0] + 8, size[1] + .
This document assumes that you're familiar with Pygame's Rect and Surface objects. Concepts about Rects and Surface will be given only cursory mention here, .
Surface(size, flags, 32).convert_alpha() image.fill( (0,0,0,0) ) else: image = pygame.Surface( size, flags ) return image @classmethod def find_resource(cls .
Jun 7, 2007 – Access Cairo surface from numpy and pygame - Free Download Software.
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 18self.image = pygame.Surface((800, 400), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA) self.image.blit( MyLoader.load("Images\\board", (800, 400)),(0,0)) .
Nov 21, 2006 – We alias the memory from a cairo surface so that we can manipulate the bits as a numpy array, or display/manipulate the image in pygame. .
PixelArray(Surface): return PixelArray pygame object for direct pixel access of . . pygame.Surface((width, height), flags=0, Surface): return Surface .
Dec 21, 2005 – Re: [pygame] Effecient way to 'darken' a surface? To: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx; Subject: Re: [pygame] Effecient way to 'darken' a surface? .
Apr 15, 2010 – Free Access Cairo surface from numpy and pygame Download, Access Cairo surface from numpy and pygame 1.0 Download.
Jul 26, 2004 – The surface is one of, if not the most, important elements of Pygame. A surface is like a canvas on which you can draw lines, images and so .
/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pygame/surface.so . does have the Surface object, and one routine to create new surfaces, pygame.Surface(). .
8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Nov 16, 2008Alternatively, has anyone had success putting a PyGame Surface over the PyOGRE window? Anyway, any pointers would be greatly appreciated. .
Feb 19, 2011 – pygame.surface - download at 4shared. pygame.surface is hosted at free file sharing service 4shared. Online file sharing and storage - 15 GB .
2 answers - Feb 28So I've got a problem - I'm writing a game prototype in Python, .
Exercises. Move the head; Quit on any key pressed. Find the size of the monkey surface; Move the head when pressing a key. Read pygame examples .
Nov 1, 2009 – screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)). pygame.display.set_caption('game') . background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) .
s = pygame.Surface((800, 600)) r = pygame.Rect(10, 10, 10, 10) s.set_clip(r) . Surface, (100, 100), pygame.SRCALPHA, 24) # if we have a 32 bit surface, .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 26image = pygame.Surface((40,40)) image.fill((0,0,0)) image.set_colorkey((0,0,0)) image2 = image.copy() pygame.draw.rect(image,(0,0200),(2,2 .
RPM resource pygame.surface.so. Found 1 RPM for pygame.surface.so. Package, Summary, Distribution, Download. freevo_runtime-1-1.i386.html, Freevo_runtime .
Boxes also include a Pygame Surface(called screen), 2 colors (background and box ), and a Rect object. (Rect's represent drawable screen regions.) .
Jan 30, 2011 – import pygame.surface # dynamically loaded from /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages /pygame/surface.so import pygame.display # dynamically .
SysFont(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 36) paddle_dimensions = (24, 96) paddle = pygame.surface.Surface(paddle_dimensions) paddle.fill(game_colour) ball .
Oct 18, 2009 – Problems setting large values for pygame.Surface- Python Programming. Visit Dev Shed to discuss Problems setting large values for pygame.