Jul 18, 11
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  • Is Exigence a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Exigence definition, Anagrams of Exigence, Scrabble score for Exigence, .
  • EXIGENCE as Noun Definition 1, Exigency. EXIGENCY, emergency, pinch. Derived Forms Of The Word "EXIGENCE". EXIGENCES, Plural .
  • A really fast dictionary. fast like a ninja. exigence: noun. °Exigency. Your history [x]. Find out more | Link to this page | Your history .
  • Exigence definition, Anagrams of exigence, words that start with Exigence, and words that can be created from exigence.
  • Bitzer identifies three key components that define and make-up any .
  • Whereas Bitzer's concept of exigence is limited to the factual realities of a setting, Miller's definition of exigence repositions exigence within the .
  • A good example is the definition of aporia above. . situation because they have the power to constrain decision and action needed to modify the exigence. .
  • Test Your Vocabulary. Take Our 10-Question Quiz · Word Games · Word of the Day · New Words & Slang · Video. Dictionary; Thesaurus; Spanish; Medical .
  • Dictionary for exigency/exigence : exigency/exigence Definition,exigency/ exigence Thesaurus,
  • Definition of Requirement: . exigence definition: Caractère ou prétention de celui qui exige, qui se montre exigeant. exigence definition: Ce qu'exigent .
  • usu pl (= requirement) → (An)forderung f; (of situation) → Erfordernis nt. (= emergency) → Notlage f. (= urgency) → Dringlichkeit f .
  • exigence definition : exigency , exigence n pl , -gencies, -gences 1 the state of being exigent; urgency 2 often pl an urgent demand; pressing requirement 3 .
  • “The effusions of passion which exigence forces out are for the most part striking and energetick; but whenever he solicits his invention, or strains his .
  • Exigence - Definition of Exigence is presented by 1913 online Webster's Dictionary. Includes dictionary browser, morphological search by meaning of Exigence .
  • English to Russian definition of exigence. 67047 references. Display. - select - , 10, 25, 50. Online Dictionary > English to Russian > exigence .
  • Exigence explanation. Definition of Exigence is provided by 1913 Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, .
  • EXIGENCE: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term EXIGENCE in the Online Dictionary.
  • exigence - 4 of 4 thesaurus results Main Entry: exigence Part of Speech: noun Definition: demand Synonyms: demands, exigencies, exigency , necessity , need .
  • Meaning of Exigence: Exigency. . Exigence 1. Definition: Exigency. © Copyright 2004-2010, ExoCrew. All rights reserved. [ Policies ]
  • Definition: In rhetoric, those factors that restrict the persuasive strategies or . A rhetorical situation creates a call for change (an exigence), .
  • Reverso offers you access to an french translation, definition and synonym dictionary for exigence and thousands of other words. .
  • Exigence Meaning and Definition. (n.) Exigency. Exigence: words in the definition. Exigency,. Become a SponsorSponsor Results .
  • The effusions of passion which exigence forces out are for the most part .
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  • Skip to definition. . A pressing or urgent situation - exigency. Derived forms : exigences. Type of: crisis. Encyclopedia: Exigence. Nearest .
  • exigence: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries Online.
  • usu pl (= requirement) → (An)forderung f; (of situation) → Erfordernis nt. (= emergency) → Notlage f. (= urgency) → Dringlichkeit f .
  • Search for "exigence" in all of MSN Encarta. E-mail this entry . Definition: 1 . urgent need: something that a situation demands or makes urgently .
  • Definition of exigence , meaning of exigence , Exigence - 1 exigence exigency.
  • Definition of exigence from Webster's New World College Dictionary. Meaning of exigence. Pronunciation of exigence. Definition of the word exigence.
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  • EXIGENCE Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Search Engine.
  • Define Exigence. Search multiple spelling dictionaries online. Get definition to words. Over 100+ dictionaries. Define, Spell Check, Research, Bible names, .
  • Definition of French word exigence = requirement. . French Word: exigence f. English Meaning: requirement. German Meaning: Erfordernis .
  • EXIGENCE definition : n. Exigency. . exigence (plural exigences). Exigency. Definition of EXIGENCE from http://en.wiktionary.com. .
  • Search for "exigence" in: Student Thesaurus · Rhyming Dictionary. Browse words next to "exigence." Student Dictionary One entry found for exigence. .
  • Definition of exigence in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of exigence. What does exigence mean? Information and translations of exigence in the most .
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  • Each student asked ten people to define rhetoric, and each student returned with ten . The situation that motivates us is called a rhetorical exigence. .
  • Definition of Exigence with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
  • Exigency definition, exigent state or character; urgency. . exigency or exigence (ˈɛksɪdʒənsɪ, ɪɡˈzɪdʒənsɪ, ˈɛksɪdʒəns) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide .
  • Definition of Exigence provided by Aces Law. More definitions such as Exigence can be found by browsing on the navigation or searching using the sites .
  • ex·i·gence audio ( k s -j ns) KEY NOUN: Exigency. Thesaurus: synonyms for exigence. Visit our partner's site. Provided by Houghton Mifflin .
  • Dictionary - Definition of exigence. . Date "Exigence" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1660. (references) .
  • Exigence. n. Exigency. Sign In. Username Password. Forgot password? Register. Topics. Top 100 topics · Find your topic .
  • Dictionary for exigence : exigence Definition,exigence Synonyms,exigence Origin, exigence Thesaurus,
  • In rhetoric, an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak.
  • exigence n. Exigency. . What is the exigence of Michael Jackson phenomenons? What was Dickens's exigence for writing a tale of two cities? .
  • Definition of Exigences with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
  • Definition of exigent in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of exigent. Pronunciation of exigent. Translations of exigent. exigent synonyms, exigent antonyms.

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