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Both are related to Latin exigere in its two meanings 'to enforce payment of .
Definition of exigency in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of exigency. What does exigency mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic .
Oct 25, 2010 – exigency|exigency meaning, todays gold rate, conspiracy meaning, conspirator meaning, conspiracy . exigency|exigency meaning, .
3. a case or situation that demands prompt action or remedy; emergency: He promised help in any exigency. Also,ex'i•gence. .
ex·i·gen·cy ( k s -j n-s , g-z j n-). n. pl. ex·i·gen·cies. 1. The state or quality of requiring much effort or immediate action. .
Exigency Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample sentence of Exigency.
EXIGENCY: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term EXIGENCY in the Online Dictionary.
Exigency Meaning and Definition. (n.) The state of being exigent; urgent or exacting want; pressing necessity or distress; need; a case demanding immediate .
meaning of exigency - a pressing or urgent situation.
Meaning of exigency in Almaany Dictionary, searched domain is General category, in the dictionary of English Arabic. A comprehensive Dictionary contains the .
See latest Photos & Wallpapers of Exigency Meaning: fig 07.
Get the answer to "What is the meaning of the word exigency?" at Answers Encyclopedia, where answers are verified with credible reference sources like .
Apr 25, 2011 – Gold Rate: exigency|exigency meaning, todays gold rate, conspiracy meaning, conspirator meaning, conspiracy . exigency|exigency meaning, .
Latest exigency meaning Photos. exigency meaning wallpapers download. free wallpapers download. This page have exigency meaning photos. .
MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of exigency and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory.
exigency - Definition of exigency. Find the meaning of exigency. exigency synonyms. At webdictionary.co.uk - The uk online dictionary and thesaurus.
English To Urdu Dictionary: find exigency's meaning in urdu, arabic, hindi, french, german, spanish. see exigency's defination and synonyms.
English Vocabulary and Idioms Forum discuss this word. Meaning of exigency (noun ) form: exigencies a critical period or condition. What does exigency mean? .
Tamil Meaning of Exigency, Free Tamil Dictionary Online | 'Tamil to English' & ' English to Tamil' Dictionary | Free Tamil Dictionary Software, Downloads, .
Apr 11, 2011 – Exigency Meaning: Even good people and good organizations .
exigency n. , pl. , -cies . The state or quality of requiring much effort or . What is the meaning of exigencies? » More. Follow us. Facebook. Twitter .
Definition of exigency in the online dictionary, Lexipedia. The meaning of exigency. What does exigency mean? exigency synonyms, exigency antonyms.
Tamil Meaning of Exigency - exigency Meaning - Free English to Tamil .
Meaning of exigency from Collins free English Dictionary online. Definition of exigency. Look it up with Collins!
The state or quality of requiring much effort or immediate action.
Moreover, it is through the act of parenthesizing meaning that literary . . Concerning this living without the unknown ahead and this exigency of a .
Telugu Meaning of Exigency, Free Telugu Dictionary Online | 'Telugu to English' & 'English to Telugu' Dictionary | Free Telugu Dictionary Software, .
Answer of: what is meaning of EXIGENCY in Hindi? EXIGENCY का मतलब हिंदी में जानिए| This page show EXIGENCY meaning in hindi.
Test Your Vocabulary. Take Our 10-Question Quiz · Word Games · Word of the Day · New Words & Slang · Video. Dictionary; Thesaurus; Spanish; Medical .
The state of being exigent; urgent or exacting want; pressing necessity or distress; need; a case demanding immediate action, supply, or remedy; as, .
Definition of exigent , meaning of exigent , Exigent - 1 clamant, crying .
1) Definition of Exigency: a pressing or urgent situation. In other words Exigency means Emergency. Get more meanings of Exigency.
2 answersDefinition from answers.com: exigency n., pl. -cies. The state or quality of requiring much effort or immediate action. A pressing or urgent situation. .
Nov 19, 2008 – Exigency Meaning: MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of .
Results 1 - 9 – The board is thinking about declaring financial exigency, meaning it could eliminate jobs, even the ones under contract. .
EXIGENCY: translations into spanish (EXIGENCIA, . ), synonyms and english definitions. . Exigency: meaning into spanish, synonyms and english definitions .
(b) An extended exigency means an exigency of such significance as to—. (1) Threaten the national security, safety, or welfare; .
exigency in Punjabi. Translation and meaning of exigency. Also see audio pronunciation, translation, synonyms, meanings and definitions in Punjabi and .
Definition of "EXIGENCY", examples of usage, realted terms, synonyms & antonyms.
Provides a definition of exigency. . [noun] a pressing or urgent situation; " the health-care exigency"; [noun] a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually .
Definition of exigency - meaning of exigency – Webster's Dictionary Thesaurus - exigency means - define exigency - use exigency in a sentence - Webster .
This is the place for Exigency definition. You find here Exigency meaning, synonyms of Exigency and images for Exigency.
Requiring immediate action or remedy. See Synonyms at urgent. 2. Requiring .
HinKhoj provide online dictionary (Shabdkosh) to see meaning of words. lang= en&word=AVASHY+HEE/MEANING-OF-AVASHY+HEE/MEANING-OF-EXIGENCY.
[F exigence & LL exigentia (as EXIGENT)]; The meaning of exergue is: n. 1 a small space usu. on the reverse of a coin or medal, below the principal device. .
Englishmalayalam.com - the largest and most trusted free online english malayalam dictionary.
Definition of exigency , meaning of exigency , Exigency - 1 exigency a pressing or urgent situation "the health-care exigency" 2 emergency, exigency, .
(b) An extended exigency means an exigency of such significance as to— (1) Threaten the national security, safety, or welfare; (2) Last more than 3 calendar .
Largest English Hindi Dictionary, Shabdkosh with Hindi Thesaurus and English Thesaurus, Meaning Hindi English Dictionary, exigency - Hindi Meaning of .
(b) An extended exigency means an exigency of such significance as to—. (1) Threaten the national security, safety, or welfare; .