Jan 11, 12
Other articles:
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an increasingly popular term that refers to a
  • a variable developmental disorder that appears by age three and is
  • Definition of Autism from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Essential Versus Complex Autism: Definition of Fundamental Prognostic
  • The biggest changes were in 1994, when the DSM-IV came out. The Asperger's
  • Apr 2, 2009 . Psychiatry. a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by
  • Following are the disabilities included in the definition. Autism: A developmental
  • Definition of autism. painting by jane mary hannah. Scientific evidence now
  • An extension, the extreme male brain theory, hypothesizes that autism is an
  • 5 days ago . An autism screening tool must meet all three primary areas defined by the DSM-
  • Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive
  • A mental disorder characterized by severely abnormal development of social
  • Autism is defined differently in the fields of education and medicine. A description
  • Definitions of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Are autism spectrum disorders really on
  • Definition of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism spectrum disorders are life-long
  • Apr 16, 2008 . They are calling this rise in autism an “epidemic” and argue that such an . of
  • Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex disorder. While there is
  • Autism FAQ - Definition of Autism. The following is from the Diagnostic and
  • Definition: Autism Spectrum Disorders, sometimes called Pervasive
  • Apr 13, 2009 . Here is a basic definition of autism and autism spectrum disorders.
  • Autism as classically defined was and is a devastating disorder. It was a severely
  • Understanding the definition of autism can be a complex process. Learn how to
  • A pervasive developmental disorder characterized by severe deficits in social
  • Sixteen studies of the prevalence of autism in childhood, using epidemiological
  • (redirected from Autism in Children). Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus,
  • Autism is a developmental disorder that surfaces in approximately 1 in 500
  • Oct 30, 2000 . Federal Definition: (i) Autism means a developmental disability significantly
  • Many parents with autistic children ask: What is the definition of autism spectrum
  • Special Education Information: Disability Definitions: Definition of Autism, Special
  • Apr 9, 2010 . Autism is an elusive disorder in all respects. Symptoms and behaviors vary
  • May 17, 2011 . Dr. Offit said the study authors reach erroneous conclusions due to an erroneous
  • Because autism is defined by a common set of behaviors, it is best represented
  • The definition of autism has changed significantly since it was first described in
  • Some doctors believe the increased incidence in autism is due to newer
  • Jump to: navigation, search. The term "autism spectrum" is often used to describe
  • Autism is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders (
  • My definition of autism has evolved through my experience as an autism
  • May 27, 2010 . Definition. By Mayo Clinic staff. Autism is one of a group of serious
  • Autism Resources - Sites with Definitions of Autism . What is autism? from
  • AUTISM: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms,
  • Definition: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA 300.7 ©(1)(i)]
  • Define autism. What is autism? autism meaning and more by Macmillan
  • She focuses on learning preferences, strengths and interests as she reframes the
  • Autism Society of America · Center for the Study of Autism . A. (Editor) When
  • IDEA Definition of “Autism”. Under our nation's federal special education law, the
  • Aug 17, 2009 . Diagnostic Criteria. Photo: child with doll The American Psychiatric Association's
  • Apr 27, 2011 . Autism: A spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by deficits in
  • AUTISM OVERVIEW If you or someone you know has been affected by Autism,
  • Definition of Autism. Federal Regulations. August 14, 2006. §300.8 (c)(1)(i)

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