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Aug 27, 2009 . In Cherokee Admin: General Settings > Server Tokens (pull down) Provide a field for NONE. Have Cherokee feed back a blank server .
. ServerPath; ServerRoot; ServerSignature; ServerTokens; SetHandler; SetInputFilter . .. DefaultType None is only available in httpd-2.2.7 and later . .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 19, 2005Turn off servertokens # Set upload_max_filesize to 8M . . text-decoration: none ; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; .
ServerTokens Full; ServerTokens Major; ServerTokens Minimal; ServerTokens Minor; ServerTokens None; ServerTokens OS; ServerTokens ProductOnly: Specifies .
setCulture(culture), none, Sets the culture in which to return results. setMapStyle(style), none, Sets the Bing Maps style. setServerToken(serverToken .
Dec 4, 2008 . ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal .
6 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Nov 30, 2008. HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model apache2-mpm-worker - Apache . (Closes: #496080) * Correct description of ServerTokens in .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 26, 2006ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal CUPS/1.1. .
May 1, 2011 . <SERVERTOKENS LEVEL="NONE"/> Once this parameter is set, restart webcache. Once done check the header information again and you should see .
20 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 18, 2005ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal .
ServerTokens Full; ServerTokens Major; ServerTokens Minimal; ServerTokens Minor; ServerTokens None; ServerTokens OS; ServerTokens ProductOnly .
ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal CUPS/1.1.23 .
setCulture(culture), none, Sets the culture in which to return results. setMapStyle(style), none, Sets the Bing Maps style. setServerToken(serverToken .
When issuing security tokens, use the <SecurityTokenReference> element to specify a security token within a <serverToken> Element element. .
Either tokenURL or serverToken is required in the constructor. . setCulture( culture), none, Sets the culture in which to return results. .
8 posts - Last post: Sep 5, 2006Unix box with ServerTokens None. > 2. it's not required. Right, we're getting religious about some protocol data which is not .
May 12, 2006 . ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal CUPS/1.1. .
Jan 6, 2010 . Is ServerTokens None supported. This was added in Oracle's Apache 2.0 distribution . The Oracle document stated to set ServerTokens None. .
Jan 3, 2005 . ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal .
Feb 3, 2005 . ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal .
serverToken, String, The Bing Maps services token used by the ArcGIS VEAdapter . setCulture(culture), none, Sets the culture in which to return results. .
Next, the security administrator creates profiles for the security officer's access to the FTP and Web Server tokens: RDEFINE CRYPTOZ SO.FTPSRV.* UACC(NONE) .
Nov 16, 2001 . >How-To-Repeat: (See default setting for ServerTokens) >Fix .
Mar 31, 2011 . To do this, set “AllowOverride None” in the root directory. . To avoid this, set the ServerTokens to Prod in httpd.conf. .
ServerTokens Full ServerTokens Major ServerTokens Minimal ServerTokens Minor ServerTokens None ServerTokens OS ServerTokens ProductOnly Specifies what .
Oct 3, 2006 . ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal .
. ServerSignature; ServerTokens; ServerType; ShmemUIDisUser; StartServers . .. Also as of Apache 1.3 none of the wildcards match a `/' character, .
Jun 6, 2007 . ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal .
ServerTokens None ServerTokens ProductOnly ServerTokens Major ServerTokens Minor ServerTokens Minimal ServerTokens OS ServerTokens Full .
Feb 23, 2007 . SecDefaultAction log,auditlog,deny,status:403,phase:2,t:none . . If ServerTokens is not set to Full, then the memory space is most likely .
Dec 6, 2005 . The ServerTokens directive is used to determine what Apache will put in the Server HTTP . Set Options to either None or -FollowSymLinks .
Jul 11, 2007 . .TP 5 ServerTokens Full .TP 5 ServerTokens Major .TP 5 ServerTokens Minimal .TP 5 ServerTokens Minor .TP 5 ServerTokens None . .
ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal CUPS/1.1.23 .
May 14, 2009 . ServerTokens: specifies what information in provided in the Server # header of HTTP responses. The default is Minor. # # ServerTokens None .
Jan 10, 2008 . ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal .
ServerTokens Full; ServerTokens Major; ServerTokens Minimal; ServerTokens Minor; ServerTokens None; ServerTokens OS; ServerTokens ProductOnly: Specifies .
ServerTokens None ServerTokens ProductOnly ServerTokens Major ServerTokens .
Apr 9, 2009 . This feature request is to append another value to the default selections for Server Tokens. Would like for one of the options to be NONE. .
A suggestion to use a "ServerToken None" was met with resistance because "All the ServerTokens options that hide version numbers are .
By: a guest | Apr 27th, 2011 | Syntax: None | Size: 8.44 KB | Views: 20 | Expires: Never . ServerTokens ProductOnly. ServerRoot "/etc/httpd" .
When I point to a non-existing page on my website, I got a NOT FOUND page . . I distinctly remember having to have servertokens set to full for this to .
ServerTokens None # ServerTokens ProductOnly CUPS # ServerTokens Major CUPS/1 # ServerTokens Minor CUPS/1.1 # ServerTokens Minimal CUPS/1.1.22rc1 .
Sep 8, 2007 . ServerTokens Full ServerTokens Major ServerTokens Minimal ServerTokens Minor ServerTokens None ServerTokens OS ServerTokens ProductOnly .
Sep 13, 2000 . Number: 6530 Category: protocol Synopsis: ServerTokens offers no "NONE" option Confidential: no Severity: non-critical Priority: medium .
ServerTokens: specifies what information in provided in the Server # header .
We'll hide the actual version using the ServerTokens directive in the httpd.conf file. . . AllowOverride None will prevent developers from overriding these .
5 answers - Apr 30, 2010up vote 1 down vote. Turn Off ETags [1] FileETag None. ServerTokens Prod, ServerSignature Off [2] ServerTokens prod ServerSignature Off .
ServerTokens Full ServerTokens Major ServerTokens Minimal ServerTokens Minor ServerTokens None ServerTokens OS ServerTokens ProductOnly Specifies what .
ServerTokens: specifies what information in provided in the Server # header of HTTP responses. The default is Minor. # # ServerTokens None .
Mar 22, 2011 . To do this, set “AllowOverride None” in the root directory. . To avoid this, set the ServerTokens to Prod in httpd.conf. .