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When this directive is set to None , then .htaccess files are completely . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
May 11, 1998 . The <SAMP>ServerTokens</SAMP> + directive controls whether the . + +<HR> + +< H2><A name="servertokens">ServerTokens directive</A></H2> +<! .
Jump to ServerTokens: ServerTokens directive. Syntax: ServerTokens Minimal|ProductOnly|OS|Full Default : ServerTokens Full Context: server config .
The ServerTokens directive configures the Server HTTP response headers. This directive is some what of a security concern in that it can reveal the version .
Apache2 Server Tokens, Security And Performance Tuning Configuration in Debian. ServerTokens Directive. ServerTokens is only available in Apache 1.3 and .
Jump to ServerTokens: Compatibility: ServerTokens is only available in Apache 1.3 and . This directive controls whether Server response header field .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 18, 2010However for ModSecurity SecServerSignature setting ServerTokens directive must be full. Could CSF take this into account? .
This directive specifies the name of the character set that will be added to . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
Jump to ServerTokens: Compatibility: ServerTokens is only available in Apache 1.3 and later. This directive controls whether Server response header .
Jump to ServerTokens: ServerTokens directive. Syntax: ServerTokens Minimal|ProductOnly|OS|Full Default : ServerTokens Full Context: server config .
The ServerTokens directive controls whether Server response header field which is sent back to clients includes a description of the generic OS-type of the .
Jump to ServerTokens: ServerTokens Prod[uctOnly]: Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache . After version 2.0.44, this directive also controls the .
The value used for version information is that specified by the ServerTokens .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 31, 2005Hello: I am trying to reduce the amount of information given out when someone tries to Banner Grab for Version information.
This directive can be used to enable the use of those modules. . . ServerTokens directive. Syntax: ServerTokens Minimal|ProductOnly|OS|Full .
It's also possible to use one AddOutputFilterByType directive for each of . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
Oct 15, 2002 . To actually change the server tokens you need to recompile .
After version 2.0.44, the details of the server version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. See also: ServerTokens (p. 258) .
May 30, 2005 . I read that "ServerToken" directive in httpd.conf file will .
Jump to ServerTokens: This directive controls whether Server response header field which . ServerTokens Full (or not specified): Server sends (e.g.): .
Jun 15, 2006 . After version 2.0.44, the details of the server version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
in reply to Re: ServerTokens Directive in thread Altering "Server" HTTP Header Param. For some reason I recall being able to specify ServerTokens Off. That .
Apr 1, 2010 . Hi all, when playing around with the new reverse proxy feature I saw that when real server is not available the apache presents the full .
7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jun 11, 2007So I can only conclude that the ServerTokens directive is working correctly on my system. And since my Apache installation is from a stock .
This directive specifies a default value for the media type charset parameter . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
This directive controls whether requests that contain trailing pathname . . server version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
. ServerSignature; ServerTokens; ServerType; ShmemUIDisUser; StartServers; ThreadsPerChild . Current documentation for this directive may be found here .
The directive-type can be one of the following groupings of directives. . . server version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
. ServerRoot; ServerSignature; ServerTokens; SetHandler; SetInputFilter . . When this directive is set to None , then .htaccess files are completely .
Jump to ServerTokens: This directive controls whether Server response header field which . ServerTokens Major: Server sends (e.g.): Server: Apache/2 .
When this directive is set to None , then .htaccess files are completely . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
Nov 30, 2009 . Using the ServerTokens directive you can control the amount of information being sent to the client. Below you can see the out from a apache .
Jump to Server Directives: The cupsd.conf file contains many directives that determine . ServerKey; ServerName; ServerRoot; ServerTokens; SSLListen .
The ServerTokens directive specifies the information that is included in the Server header of HTTP responses. The default value is Minor which generates .
Aug 3, 2009 . Hide the Apache Web Server Version number with ServerSignature and ServerTokens directivesYou can easily hide Apche (httpd) version number .
Jump to ServerTokens: This directive controls whether Server response header field which . ServerTokens Full (or not specified): Server sends (e.g.): .
When this directive is set to None , then .htaccess files are completely . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: May 2, 2006If it's not in your Apache configuration, you must manually add the ServerTokens directive and restart Apache. .
. ServerSignature; ServerTokens; ServerType; ShmemUIDisUser; StartServers . . This directive selects the type of user authentication for a directory. .
Compatibility: ServerTokens is only available in Apache 1.3 and later. This directive controls whether Server response header field which is sent back to .
25 posts - Last post: Aug 21, 2006<note>Setting <directive>ServerTokens</directive> to less than <code>minimal</ code> is not recommended because it makes it more .
When this directive is set to None , then .htaccess files are completely . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
. ServerRoot; ServerSignature; ServerTokens; SetHandler; SetInputFilter .
Jan 18, 2007 . ServerTokens The ServerTokens directive specifies the amount of OHS Server details that should be revealed to the clients as part of the .
Hide the Apache Web Server Version number with ServerSignature and ServerTokens directives. by Vivek Gite on September 15, 2007 · 0 comments .
May 31, 2005 . I read that > "ServerToken" directive in httpd.conf file will limit the amount of > information given out. First off I didn't find the .
Re: [SLE] ServerTokens Directive Apache with SLOX4.1. From: Anders Johansson < andjoh@xxxxxxxxxx>; Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 04:04:33 +0200 .
This directive controls whether requests that contain trailing pathname . . server version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .
This directive activates a particular output filter for a request depending on . . version number presented are controlled by the ServerTokens directive. .