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May 21, 2011 . Restricted Access - Password Required TNX 4 UR Support Email the WebMaster
This is the repeater directory where you can submit repeater and repeaters
KC4GZX Georgia 2 Meter Repeater Directory.
Skywarn Repeater Directory National Weather Service, Fort .
ARCA-Repeater Directory. Wednesday, May 11, 2011. Band 600 = DSTAR Band
The NOTES information supplied by us is truncated in the repeater directory due
Freq Finder is an iPhone based Ham Radio Repeater Directory that locates
USREPEATERS Amateur Radio Online Repeater Database Always update
D-Star Repeater Directory . D-Star Repeaters in Japan List .
Sep 30, 2011 . This is the same data that is used in the ARRL Repeater Directory and for the
K1IW Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Transmitters Database Websearch. Use
Jun 25, 2001 . The tenth edition of our GMRS National Repeater Guide is the latest in PRSG's
The Directory tab allows you to sort the Amateur repeaters in Missouri in a
About the Directory: New England Repeater Directory (NERD) is the most
Mar 3, 2011 . GMRS & FRS RADIO SERVICE, QsoNet Another VOIP mode, USA REPEATERS.
The KQ1L Maine 2-Meter Repeater Directory. FREQ, Off Set .
The most up-to-date listing of VHF/UHF amateur repeater stations operating in
Nov 11, 2011 . Repeater Directory access is provided through four indexes: City County
RFSearch Engine · Amateur Repeater Database · Order Kamko QSL Cards ·
myGMRS.com is a General Mobile Radio Service community where users can
This list reflects data on file with the MRC as of the date published. This list is
The RARS web site has a list of the Triangle area 2-meter repeaters. Check it out
Repeater Directory · D-Star Solutions . Japan D-Star Repeaters · App for
The year is almost over, but there is time to make sure your repeater listing is
Select City for Local Repeater List, ADAMS, ADAMSVILLE .
Sep 3, 2011 . 144/220/440 MHz Repeater Directory Centered on New York City Compiled by
Welcome to the K5EHX amateur (ham) radio repeater search engine. Click in US,
New York Repeater Directory (NYRD) was born in 2003 as an addition to the
SSTV Repeaters - List of SSTV repeaters world wide .
Amazon.com: The ARRL Repeater Directory 2011/2012 Pocket Size Ed (
Jan 18, 2009 . Welcome to the W.P.R.C. Repeater Directory Page. This page is updated on a
Oct 24, 2011 . O, Open/Carrier Access, WX, Weather Net. C, Closed Access, L, Link and/or
The best directory of repeater locations and frequencies for the 21800+ repeaters
This is the official source of Dallas and Fort Worth repeater frequencies! There
Click on image below for the new details instructions page. • Favorites - Now you
Sep 6, 2011 . Welcome to the Arizona Repeaters Directory serving the great state of Arizona for
Nov 15, 2011 . The tables below list the VHF and UHF repeaters that can generally be worked
Repeater Directory. Output Frequency, Callsign, Location.
Louisville Repeaters, Kentucky Repeaters, Louisville Repeater .
Visit our sister site: NEW YORK REPEATER DIRECTORY · New England
Now linked to Odessa, Midland, Lubbock, Amarillo, Las Vegas. 902_hub now on
Feb 8, 2011 . Repeater Directory by Region by Frequency · Repeater Directory of Digital
NW Ala - NE Miss - SC Tenn VHF Repeaters. Location, Freq, PL .
Visit our sister site: NEW YORK REPEATER DIRECTORY .
This is not just some outdated and stale repeater directory with copied