Other articles:
Greetings, I am looking for a way to store repeater data so a simple click of . I
Locate the folder where TravelPlus for Repeaters Version 15 was INSTALLED.
Austin Amateur Radio Club & Austin Repeater Organization . International
The Picture Directory software lets you easily import your own photos, and make
Mar 3, 2011 . We also do a schedule yearly overhaul of the Repeater List. . . This software is
Jan 17, 2010 . We are getting ready to revise our on-line database software this year. . 2010 8:
the programs I have written here..If you find any of them useful, drop me an Email.
Directory. Travel Plus For Repeaters also works with most radio programming
Jan 29, 2008 . Amateur Radio Repeater Directory for your Palm OS Devices.
You can locate ham radio repeaters along US and Canadian travel routes using
Directory Assistant is a full-service directory script. It allows you to search
Amateur Radio Video, documentary, amateur radio club meeting program, . 6/13
Jun 6, 2010 . LaFonera Software Universal-Repeater . 1.1 the script; 1.2 the config file . A
directories and databases software for ham radio.
Web directory software which allows individuals, small businesses and companies
Repeater is the software that both InstantSupport and the viewer connect to. .
Oct 22, 2011 . Repeater Directory. AREA REPEATERS. AR/MO/OK. These are not in order so
Repeater directory online And/or iPad Communications. . would like to run it on
Kenwood programming software table.
Visit our sister site: NEW ENGLAND REPEATER DIRECTORY . If you do not
Read user reviews, ratings, and comments for Amateur Radio Repeater Directory
The best directory software is ARRL's TravelPlus, which can be found here:
. a number from 1 to 7162. Add to wish list . Practice examination software to
With our software you will be able to enjoy your hobby more. . Freq Finder is the
Free Amateur Radio Repeater Directory Download,Amateur Radio Repeater
Mar 12, 2011 . The excellent ARRL Repeater DirectoryŽ books (in both pocket-sized and
Locate ham radio repeaters along US and. Canadian travel routes using this map
APRS is a trademark of Bob Bruninga, WB4APR. aprsworld.net is not associated
RFinder Worldwide Repeater Dir 1.11.173 - RFinder, the premier repeater
TravelPlus for Repeaters product reviews by real people like you. Only at .
Think of it as a mapping software with repeater info. After you've highlighted your
Compiling. Just type "make" in directory where you unpacked the zip file. It
Before you spend money for a worthless out dated printed repeater directory from
Locate ham radio repeaters along US and Canadian travel routes using this map
North American Repeater Directory. . a repeater. There are also many export
EchoStation is a repeater-control program for Windows which makes it easy to
Software: Amateur Radio Repeater Directory v1.2. Sub-Category: Personal Info
Northern Ontario Repeater List - Welcome! . on how I do this, check out my
Visit our sister site: NEW YORK REPEATER DIRECTORY · New England . This
More Frequency Links. New England Repeater Directory · Strong Signals · 6
Jun 25, 2008 . BSEditor: Amateur Radio Repeater Listings at your fingertips for the first time on
Radio repeater lists world wide links.
Simplex repeater controler software.. . simplex repeater functions using a
Flexible voice repeater function enables 0.4-4 times audio streaming speed.
F6DQM, Gabriel, free ham-radio software developper. . Locates on the azimuth
iPhone ham radio software. . Freq Finder: iPhone Repeater Directory - Freq
(More on Reflectors later in the program). See for a Repeater Directory. Repeater
Amateur Radio Repeater Listings at your fingertips for the first time on your
Radio Modification Books and Repeater listings and maps, User Manuals and
Nov 28, 2009 . freq finder is an iphone based ham radio repeater directory that locates repeaters