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Feb 21, 2011 – One of the hardest things a company has to do is to predict what consumers want. If a company get the prediction wrong it can cost them .
How companies such as Google and Best Buy gather the collected wisdom of customers and employees to better predict future events. A McKinsey Quarterly Risk .
The Journal of Prediction Markets is an academic peer reviewed journal publishing articles both commissioned and submitted, survey articles, .
Prediction Market Blogs. Risk Markets -- Jason Ruspini · Washington Stock Exchange . Google Prediction Markets: Putting Crowd Wisdom to Work, Bo Cowgill .
Sep 28, 2010 – An introduction to wisdom of the crowds research using prediction markets, with a case study comparing to surveys.
Mar 18, 2010 – The purpose of this module is to implement a prediction market in Drupal. The prediction market features a 'market maker', a facility to .
StrategyPage's Prediction Market . Catagory, Event, Current Prediction. China, War on the Korean Peninsula. EXPIRES: 03/01/2012 .
Qmarkets provides Enterprise idea management software & prediction markets, for innovation, sales forecast & decision support .
Hosted software for prediction markets that improves predictive business intelligence, forecasting, identifies value of new ideas, and helps forge new .
The Prediction Market Industry Association is an international network of industry thought leaders, practitioners, enthusiasts, researchers and vendors. .
Prediction markets (also known as predictive markets, information markets, decision markets, idea futures, event derivatives, or virtual markets) are .
Apr 13, 2011 – Research papers, including my own, report that the accuracy advantage of prediction markets, while real, may often be small compared to .
22 hours ago – Posted on July 29, 2011 by Chris F. Masse. Posted in Midas Oracle Archives | Tagged prediction markets | Leave a comment .
Mar 9, 2011 – What is a prediction market? Also known as information market, . Whenever there is betting, that's a prediction market,” notes Balkan. .
In the case of prediction markets, there are occasionally some which easily be gamed by a broad audience. There is a new market on hubdub for: .
Tooling around with prediction markets a few years ago led me to devise this betting format for sports tournaments. I have called it (and I apologize for .
May 19, 2008 – As you've no doubt heard, prediction markets are online trading sites that let people buy and sell shares tied to, among myriad other things .
Apr 30, 2011 – Recently posted to SSRN: FantasySCOTUS: Crowdsourcing a Prediction Market for the Supreme Court, a draft paper by Josh Blackman, Adam Aft, .
John was the CEO of prediction market Intrade, one of the most well-known real- money . In the twelve months since I last wrote about prediction markets, .
What is a prediction market? What are some examples of prediction exchanges in action? Why is Betfair a 'prediction market' or 'exchange'? .
"For many people, Intrade is the king of the prediction markets." Stephen J. Dubner, Freakonomics. "Want straight answers on what will happen in politics .
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He points out that prediction markets are an excellent way to tap into knowledge that would be difficult for senior management to access otherwise. .
Jul 15, 2011 – Are the world's leading IT security experts willing to put money on their predictions about upcoming events? We'll soon find out.
by J Wolfers - 2004 - Cited by 537 - Related articles
Using the power of prediction markets for disease surveillance. . Prediction markets, on the other hand, are well known for their ability to quickly .
I've thought about pulling some kind of stunt around this, for example, setting up a prediction market contract on whether the article about me would be .
When we use prediction markets to make decisions, we usually make a decision based on the most likely possible outcome in the market. .
The Foresight Exchange Prediction Market. Consensus Point Prediction Market Software · Claims · All Accounts · Ticker · Summary · Mailing Lists .
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Prediction Markets on the Debt Ceiling, U.S. Credit Downgrade · Prediction Markets on the Debt Ceiling, U.S. Credit Downgrade .
THE Leading Prediction Market. Trade political futures and tap into the wisdom of crowds. . The World's Leading Prediction Market. Search Markets .
Jul 30, 2008 – Most, however, are simple prediction markets, with one market per . In contrast, a single combinatorial prediction market lets a few .
Prediction Markets for Enterprise Collective Intelligence. . We use a combination of prediction markets and discussion forums to highlight risks and .
Using Prediction Markets to Enhance US Intelligence Capabilities - A "Standard & Poors 500 Index" for Intelligence.
[PM Industry-38] Prediculous.com - new prediction market site . Predcitiuon Markets a misnomer. By Mike Parker - Nov 14 2010 - 1 author - 0 replies .
Yes some trials happens in marketing, but firms overall still display a puzzling neglect of randomized trials, and of prediction markets. .
Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system.
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Zocalo is a toolkit for building prediction markets, markets in securities that pay out depending on outcomes of future events. They provide estimates of .
The World's Leading Prediction Market Platform, More Members, More Markets, More Predictions, More Opportunity to Contribute and Learn from the World's #1 .
Participate in real-money futures markets as part of ongoing research in economics. Markets include results of future political elections, movie box office .
Welcome to the NITLE Prediction Markets. Here we use a market system to learn about emergent practices for higher education. How it works: market stocks are .
Sep 5, 2007 – What is a prediction market? This video provides an answer, in three minutes or less.
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In the important United States market the top places for online prediction market applications are Betable, FriendBet, BettingIn, and goBookmaker. .
The World's Leading Prediction Market. Search Markets Go. Home · How it Works; Markets. Markets. Loading. Login. Login. Login. Username: Password: Login .
Pioneering prediction markets company NewsFutures (2000-2010) has evolved into Lumenogic, the first consulting company entirely dedicated to delivering .
Jul 29, 2003 – The Pentagon has scrapped its plans to operate the Policy Analysis Market, which would have allowed online traders to wager on the .