Other articles:
Oct 2, 2008 . Alternative prediction markets, including BetFair, British sports books, or play-
designed to objectively determine the accuracy of participants' probability
This year, he was the co-author of the chapters, “Uses of sports wagering-based
Betfair – world's biggest prediction exchange; Intrade – for-profit company with a
But other prediction markets, dealing with everything from sports and
The Iowa Electronic Markets is an academic market examining elections where
Jan 25, 2012 . For example, the popular prediction market site intrade.com has markets for
Jan 6, 2008 . Sports betting is essentially a prediction market. The odds or the betting line
(2008) Luckner et al. Negotiation Auctions and Market Engineering. Read by
tive theories of price formation in prediction markets, which have stressed the . ..
Sep 28, 2010 . Another prediction market is Betfair, which predicts sporting events more correctly
From November 2001 to January 2004, USA Today co-branded the NewsFutures
THE Leading Prediction Market. Trade political futures and tap . Welcome to the
Accurate forecasts are essential in many areas such as business and sports
Philadelphia. Sports Prediction Markets. Interestingly, sports betting markets
Prediction markets are increasingly used to aggregate information on particular
I've long wanted to see a successful prediction market, especially one that covers
Dec 22, 2009 . As featured on NewsNow: Sport news Sport . Prediction Markets RSS. What is a
Mar 17, 2010 . Called Predictalot, it is a prediction market that allows users to bet on any .
Aug 30, 2007 . Nowadays, we can get good estimates of the probabilities of many interesting
economics and finance literatures. Sports betting markets are particularly unique
a sports prediction market. Moreover, market liquidity can become an issue in
Prediction markets (also known as predictive markets, information markets,
Jan 14, 2010 . Examining thousands of sporting and movie events, we find that the relative
Everyone's opinion is combined to form a prediction about what will happen. . .
Feb 17, 2007 . There is a common view out there that prediction markets, like TradeSports,
performance of prediction markets to conventional methods of prediction, namely
Jun 9, 2010 . Prediction markets were all the rage a few years ago, two of the most .
domains in which prediction markets are most likely to be useful. First Draft: .
This article compares the forecast accuracy of different methods, namely
Prediction Markets. In a prediction market, people trade stocks related to events.
Jan 25, 2008 . A blog on prediction markets and innovation . . Meanwhile in sports when we
Is the Sports Intelligence Marketplace a prediction market? Yes, it is a prediction
The Iowa Electronic Markets is an academic market examining elections where
Sep 16, 2009 . seatgeek SeatGeek, launched Tuesday at TechCrunch50, is a Farecast-like Web
Oct 22, 2011 . panies like Betfair.com have moved the sports betting business online, but also
The recent worldwide increase in gambling and prediction markets, including
It is the biggest prediction market in the world in terms of numbers of bettors and
Prediction market applications supply information, advice and tips for users who
Feb 29, 2012 . Abstract. Researchers commonly use sports betting lines as predictions of the
Sep 8, 2008 . Everyone wishes they knew the future, and with prediction markets . SportsPoll.
Jul 29, 2003 . The granddad of online prediction markets is the Iowa Electronic Markets, which
implies that the predictive power of the sports betting market could be an
prediction markets depends on market liquidity. I use three years of intraday data
Jun 30, 2010 . In terms of the topic of sports betting, our paper asks a different question than
It would be interesting to have a sports prediction market section on intrade. I'm
Yoopick: A Combinatorial Sports Prediction Market. Sharad Goel and David
Oct 14, 2008 . Romney: Who's Winning the Sports Donations? . . Prediction markets are simply
While many treat such prediction markets as recent phenomena, wagering on . ..
May 19, 2008 . There are trading sites for sports, Hollywood, even avian flu. Have we all been