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Stop piercing your baby's ears. They're a baby, not a baby doll. - For all those who can't stand seeing those babies getting pierced at the mall. For all the times .
this doesnt include the 6 years i spent as a apperntice)The most sanitary place to get childs ears pierced is your pediatrician's office?Most childern and babies .
It's a topic just as hot (and controversial!) as breastfeeding, circumcision, and co- sleeping: Is it OK to pierce an infant's ears? What about a toddler's? Here's what .
Jan 11, 2010 – So I've gone back and forth debating whether or not to get my daughters ears pierced once she's born and is a few months old. what is .
Jump to How do I prepare myself and my baby for the piercing?: It is important that your baby is in perfect health when you get her ears pierced. .
Jul 23, 2008 – If you're set on having your baby's ears pierced, it's probably safer to ask your pediatrician if she'll do it for you with a needle. And here's what .
Some parents have their daughters' ears pierced as babies, some choose to wait much longer. Learn the pros and cons of piercing young children's ears and .
Jan 1, 1999 – There are many reasons parents decide to have their daughter's ears pierced. There are cultural reasons, family traditions, personal preference .
baby getting her ears pierced - YouTube Oct 12, 2008 - 5 min - Uploaded by nicksboo824
Answer and ask baby piercing questions, vote on baby piercing polls, create your own online baby piercing survey and interact with people around the world .
5 posts - Last post: 2 days agoPiercing a babies ears is so revolting. 6 replies [ Reply | Watch | More. General Topics. 10.25.11, 12:40 PM Flag ] .
Apr 12, 2010 – Her grandma was very sad and always asked me when I was going to get my baby's ears pierced. But being a first time mommy, I was scared .
Mar 9, 2011 – Just wanted to get everyones opinions on babies wearing jewellery and piercing their ears. Babies uncle bought him a rather heavy bangle .
May 18, 2011 – Tattooing toddlers, piercing babies' ears: Is there really a big difference?
Jul 5, 2011 – My daughter was all of 4 weeks old when my husband's side of .
Piercing Baby Squeal Sound Effect. Download Sound Effects and Sound FX.
Jan 23, 2011 – Thinking about baby ear piercing for your child? There are many things to take into consideration. Read this article to make sure you've .
May 23, 2011 – Should you pierce your baby's ears? Learn the pros and cons of ear piercing in babies, what safety tips to keep in mind, how to care for baby's .
25 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Oct 16, 2010Piercing baby girls ears. For or against? Keep in mind that this is tradition in many cultures. My cousin had her baby girl's ears pierced when .
Ask a doctor about baby ears pierced infection septic pus bump, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, questions and answers, health articles, doctors, health tips .
Baby's ear piercing - YouTube Nov 24, 2006 - 1 min - Uploaded by MartinBaxter116
40 posts - 35 authorsI would worry about infections in a baby or toddler! My mom doesn't have her ears pierced (she thinks its barbaric!) and made me wait until I was 12, after I had .
Starting at $65, we carry out medical ear piercing for babies, children and adults with advanced technology which is completely sterile and safe. Click to find out .
10+ items – Reviews on Baby piercing in San Francisco - Babypiercing.com .
June 15, 2011|By Amitai Etzioni, Special to CNN. Amitai Etzioni says the risk of complications from piercing a baby girl's ears is higher than that of circumcising a .
15 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Oct 5, 2008Do you agree with ear piercing a newborn baby or are you against it? I am asking because I just had my DD ears pierced today. I am getting .
Apr 2, 2009 – Does anyone know a good studio that specializes in ear piercings for baby girls? We dont want to take her just anywhere, especially a place .
When my daughter was born, a lot of people asked me if I was going to get her ears pierced. After all, my ears are pierced and my husband has one pierced ear.
If you want to have your baby's ears pierced, where should you go and what is the safest procedure to follow?
21 posts - 10 authorsThis is obviously JUST my opinion and we all know everyone has one, but I cannot STAND IT when I'm at Walmart and see a little 2 month old getting tortured w.
There is no evidence that pierced nipples will affect your ability to breastfeed. Your breasts will still produce adequate milk for your baby, and unless your body .
Baby piercing.com is a place where Parents can ask questions from an expert .
The issues of child eary piercing and the care involved if you do have your baby's ears pierced.
studios in the Metro Detroit area at Baby Dolls Tattoos. Check out our artists bios to see examples of our work or to get tattoo or piercing ideas. Schedule a tattoo .
The only reason babies get their ears pierced is because their mothers think it looks cute. The babies can't possibly have chosen to be pierced and so we should .
Many parents want to rush out first thing and get their newborn baby girls ears pierced. There are many questions and much controversy around this though.
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Aug 6I think it is just plain selfish to get an infant's ears pierced. That baby does not come out of the womb saying, "Mummy, I do think that a dazzling .
Oct 21, 2010 – I wouldn't have a baby's ears pierced. The risk may be small, but it seems to me that if one is going to take a needless risk for vanity's .
In a compromise, we decided to go ahead with the piercing this past November. We figured it would be safe since Danica had outgrown the stage where babies .
10 answers - Sep 3how long did you wait? . I wait till mine are old enough to ask for it and understand that it is a permanent decision. . I waited until my dd could .
Sep 10, 2007 – My daughter got her ears pierced when she was 8 months old. We had it done at Claire's. The major requirement for infants's ear piercing is .
41 posts - 33 authors - Last post: Jun 30It's a topic just as hot (and controversial!) as breastfeeding, circumcision, and co- sleeping: Is it OK to pierce an infant's ears? What about a .
See more in the 'Piercing baby's ears' article in the Baby_care section at Pregnancy & Baby!
8 answers - Dec 9, 2009Top answer: It may not, honestly. Some people can have their ears pierced for years and only have them out for a short time before the holes close up. and then .
Apr 7, 2008 – My family is from Mexico (siblings born there, and I was born in the U.S.), and is accustomed to having the baby girls ears pierced soon after .
Mar 27, 2011 – When can you get your baby's ears pierced is a common question from new parents, but instead of rushing into this cosmetic procedure, think .
A great place to learn about babypiercing and have all your questions .
Aug 15, 2011 – The person that pierced that baby's ear like that should get in trouble as well as the mother…..I know that hurt that baby!!! I wish I could report .
Reviews on Baby ear piercing in San Francisco - Babypiercing.com, Body Manipulations, Braindrops, Haight Ashbury Tattoo and Piercing, Soul Patch Tattoo, .