Sep 23, 14
Other articles:
  • www.today.com/. /my-6-year-old-wanted-get-his-ears-pierced-1C7399622‎CachedOct 25, 2010 . I told him that people consider it "normal" for little girls to have their ears pierced
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  • https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. ‎CachedSimilarJust a little plain gold or silver stud. I'd get just one ear and if he takes it well you
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  • babyandbump.momtastic.com/baby. /90572-little-boy-ears-pierced.html‎CachedSimilarI just had to tell someone this . . I was in an elevator today and there was a cute
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  • https://www.facebook.com/pregnantwithtwinsor/. /343627605728097‎CachedDebate topic: piercing baby boys ears For it or against it? RULES: do not bash
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  • opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/15/babys-first-bling/‎CachedSimilarMar 15, 2012 . I never pictured myself piercing my baby's ears. I grew up in Massachusetts,
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  • windsorpeak.com/. /showthread.php?471623. boy. ear(s)-pierced‎CachedSo why is it okay for me to say to my ds, society doesn't approve of pierced ears
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  • articles.latimes.com/1992-09-10/news/vl-251_1_left-ear‎CachedSimilarSep 10, 1992 . Eight-year-old Brian Lacy's favorite earring is the tiny diamond stud he wears in
  • community.babycenter.com/. /little_boys_getting_their_ears_pierced‎CachedSimilarApr 7, 2011 . The baby isnt even 2 months yet. My husbands sister also got her sons ears
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  • www.mumsnet.com/Talk/. /a1944930-Ear-piercing-for-babies‎CachedSimilarI dont see much difference in piercing baby's ears or doing a circumcision on a
  • www.netmums.com/. /776208-boy-s-ear-piercing-all.html‎CachedSimilarI don't object to boys having their ears pierced, but I do agree that he . .. My son
  • www.mothering.com/forum/35. /111156-pierced-ears-little-boys.html‎CachedJan 28, 2004 . I simply want to know how many other moms besides me have their little boys'
  • Young girls often want to have their ears pierced, and ear piercing has become
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  • www.kids-center.org/thread/Baby-Ear-Piercing.html‎CachedFor instance, parents who want to distinguish between a baby boy and a baby
  • sophistishe.com/2011/05/little-boys-and-earrings/‎CachedSimilarMay 8, 2011 . I saw a photo of a little boy no older than 5, who had his left ear pierced. It wasn't
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  • nameberry.com/nametalk/threads/95116-Piercing. babies-ears/page4‎CachedSimilarI saw a little boy at a wedding last year who had his ears pierced. Now THAT
  • forums.thebump.com/discussion/8866977/infant-boy-ear-piercing‎CachedSimilarShows how old or out of the loop I am, but it never occured to me to pierce a baby
  • www.answers.com/Q/Can_boys_get_their_ears_pierced_at_Claire's‎CachedFirst you tell the people at the front desk you want to get ur ears pierced and they
  • discussion.bethany.org/viewtopic.php?t=75335&f=30‎CachedSimilarMay 18, 2010 . Why are most caucasian girls not pierced at work but all the AA, hispanic . kids (

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