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nucleus ambiguus - Meaning and definition. . nucleus ambiguus. Type: Term Definitions: 1. a very slender, longitudinal column of motor neurons in the .
Aug 28, 2007 – Structured knowledge about Nucleus ambiguus, which is a .
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Nucleus ambiguus. Vestibular nuclei. Lateral vestibulospinal tract. Flexor. Medial vestibulospinal tr. Extensor. MLF. Mossy fibers. Ventral horn .
This nucleus lies dorsal and lateral to the inferior olive. Cells in nucleus ambiguus contain motor neurons associated with three cranial nerves (rostral .
The cell bodies for the preganglionic parasympathetic vagal neurons that innervate the heart reside in the nucleus ambiguus. .
(2004) Wang et al. Neuroscience. Read by researchers in: 100% Medicine. Both enkephalin and dynorphin containing fibers are in close proximity to neurons in .
The nucleus ambiguus (literally "ambiguous nucleus") is a region of histologically disparate cells located just dorsal (posterior) to the inferior olivary .
Axons of motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus course with three cranial .
by BH Machado - 1988 - Cited by 12 - Related articles
May 5, 2011 – Structured knowledge about Nucleus ambiguus motor neuron, which is a Neuron. Date: 5-5-2011.
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nucleus am·big·u·us definition. Pronunciation: /-am-ˈbig-yə-wəs/ Function: n : an elongated nucleus in the medulla oblongata that is a continuation of a .
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Brief and Straightforward Guide: What Is the Nucleus Ambiguus?
Definition of Nucleus ambiguus with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
Definition of nucleus ambiguus. Provided by Stedman's medical dictionary and Drugs.com. Includes medical terms and definitions.
by J Okubo - 1987 - Cited by 12 - Related articles
Don't forget that with a lesion of nucleus ambiguus the efferent or motor .
by I Sanders - 1999
Mar 30, 2006 – These SVE fibres which arise from the nucleus ambiguus, innervate the muscles of the pharynx. The glossopharyngeal nerve specifically .
X: vagus amb: nuc. ambiguus dnv: dorsal nuc. of the vagus sol: solitary nucleus. XII: hypoglossal nuc. Not shown: -cranial nerve I -cranial nerve II .
"nucleus ambiguus." Encyclopędia Britannica. . The cranial root originates from the nucleus ambiguus and exits the medulla below the vagus nerve. .
by Y Yajima - 1983 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
Nucleus ambiguus - Description: The nucleus ambiguus (literally "ambiguous nucleus") is a region of histologically disparate cells located just dorsal .
by O Dergacheva - 2005 - Cited by 11 - Related articles
Definition of NUCLEUS AMBIGUUS. : an elongated nucleus in the medulla oblongata that is a continuation of a group of cells in the ventral horn of the spinal .
Our central hypothesis is that estrogen acting on GPR30 located on neurons of the nucleus ambiguus increases vagal activity to the heart, .
by BH Machado - 1988 - Cited by 25 - Related articles
by JC Rekling - 1997 - Cited by 35 - Related articles
NUCLEUS AMBIGUUS, next generation brain maps and brain atlases.
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Nucleus Ambiguus from Dictionary of Biological Psychology. Nucleus Ambiguus summary with 1 pages of research material.
nucleus /nu·cle·us/ (noo“kle-us) pl. nu“clei [L.] 1. the central core of a body or object. 2. cell nucleus; a spheroid body within a cell, consisting of a .
by L Julang - Related articles
by Y YOSHIDA - 2000
by P Venkatesan - 2003 - Cited by 10 - Related articles
accessory, cranial root: nucleus ambiguus; spinal root: spinal nucleus of upper cervical spinal cord, cranial root joins vagus; spinal root ascends through .
n. pl. nu·cle·i (-kl - ) or nu·cle·us·es. 1. A central or essential part .
The nucleus ambiguus on each side is a motor nucleus within the medulla of the brainstem. It lies dorsomedial to the spinal lemniscus and ventral to the .
The vagus nerve arises from three nuclei located in the medulla of brain. They are: 1. Nucleus ambiguus 2. Nucleus dorsalis 3. Nucleus of tractus solitarius .
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by L JuXiong - 2000
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Venkatesan, P., Baxi, S., Evans, C., Neff, R., Wang, X., Mendelowitz, D. Glycinergic inputs to cardiac vagal neurons in the nucleus ambiguus are inhibited .
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