Jan 1, 12
Other articles:
  • The nucleus ambiguus gives rise to motor . swallowing and provides the motor
  • (1997) Zoungrana et al. Journal of Neurophysiology. Read by researchers in:
  • Brief and Straightforward Guide: What Is the Nucleus Ambiguus? . Dysphagia is
  • Soft palate - Pharynx - Mylohyoid - Geniohyoid - Nucleus ambiguus -.
  • 1982). During a SLN-evoked reflex swallow, sheep hypoglossal motoneurons .
  • May 2, 2011 . Difficulty swallowing i. Nucleus ambiguus damaged, which is the motor nucleus
  • motor nuclei involved in swallowing are the XII motor nucleus and the nucleus
  • neurons that project to the nucleus ambiguus and to spinal cord neurons that .
  • Because the pharyngeal muscles are innervated by the vagus nerve, a lesion of
  • The nucleus ambiguus (literally "ambiguous nucleus") is a region of . are also
  • In the brainstem, pharyngeal swallowing is triggered sequential .
  • Jun 30, 2011 . Branchial motor (efferent special visceral), Swallowing, phonation, Nucleus
  • The origin of the inputs from the medullary swallowing centre (dorsal region . the
  • The nucleus ambiguus may be considered to be the main motor nucleus for
  • Those that are clearly involved in swallowing include the dorsal motor nucleus of
  • Whether they represent "sub-threshold" or "incomplete" swallows [9] or TLESRs
  • Aug 22, 2011 . The ambiguous nucleus ambiguus. Stephan W. Schwarzacher . complex, that
  • Jan 19, 2009 . Cranial Nerve Nuclei. The muscles of swallowing are controlled by several
  • Many of the motoneurons innervating muscles involved in swallowing are located
  • Nucleus and Nuclei-IS. Tractus (XI) \. Superior Laryngeal (X) 5°|'la"U$ vagus (X) \\
  • Damage usually manifests as problems with speech and swallowing. . stem
  • In WS patients, the swallowing reflex was extremely slow in spite of the unilateral
  • pharynx for speech & swallowing. This component originates in the lateral
  • -peripheral afferent input to cortex and brainstem swallowing centers (nucleus
  • Apr 2, 2011 . Inferior salivatory nuclei (PSNS of IX) Nucleus Ambiguus (motor of IX & X) . (
  • . the tongue against the hard palate; nucleus ambiguus, swallowing; nucleus
  • Aug 22, 2011 . The nucleus ambiguus and the surrounding ventrolateral medulla . In addition,
  • Swallowing disturbances are a frequent symptom of brainstem lesions,
  • Nucleus ambiguus innervates muscles of the soft palate, larynx and pharynx (
  • Motoneurons of the compact division of the nucleus ambiguus (cNA) are the final
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  • the temporal relationship between swallowing and thy- roarytenoid EMG activity.
  • Affected persons have difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) resulting from
  • The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) contracts tonically between swallows to .
  • The Cranial Nerves (including lower motor neurons involved in swallowing and
  • Two groups of swallowing-related neurons which have been identified in the
  • Intracellular activity of motoneurons of the man 1970a; Doty 1968; Dubner et al.
  • Corticobulbar fibers (you can voluntarily swallow!) to nucleus ambiguus are
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  • Oct 29, 1996 . We investigated, by intracellular recordings, the behavior of 96 Mns in the rostral
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  • or Both, Origin, Nuclei, Function . Cranial and Spinal Roots, Nucleus ambiguus,
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  • May 16, 2006 . In the ventrolateral medulla above the nucleus ambiguus, there is also a large
  • Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of swallowing in
  • Therefore, damage to the nucleus ambiguus affects speech and swallowing.
  • May 16, 2006 . Brainstem structures forming the swallowing pattern generator (SPG) are . .. AMB
  • during fictive breathing, coughing, sneezing, and swallowing in decerebrate
  • Globus pallidus (output from basal ganglia). • Nucleus ambiguus (swallowing). •

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