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Mar 7, 2011 – Mirena vs. Paragard. I'm thinking about switching to an IUD .
3 answers - Aug 13, 2007Top answer: I have been using Mirena for 2.5 years (just after I had my daughter) and it is great!! It hurts for a few days (cramping, bleeding) and you may .
Apr 28, 2011 – paragard vs mirena: Since we want to delay TTC at least 3 more years I decided to get an IUD. I have a consultation appt on Monday to learn .
11 posts - 9 authorsI'm looking at both forms of IUD for birth control, I am 6 weeks PP. Looking .
Mar 13, 2010 – Hello all. Before you judge me, I am engaged and have been in a monogamous relationship with the same man for 4 years. I was recently .
15 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Sep 17, 2010Im not sure if this is in the right section. Mods please move if it belongs somewhere else. I have my post-partum appointment tomorrow and am .
IUD is easy and effective birth control! Mirena vs Paragard, efficacy, side effects and pregnancy rate. 75. rate or flag this pageTweet .
Feb 14, 2011 – At my 6 week post partum visit, my midwife and I discussed BC options. I'm BFing, so she wants something non-hormonal or progestin only.
I have a Paragard (non-homonal IUD), which I used to be quite happy with. However, I have been bleeding off and on for going on two weeks now, no cramping.
Mirena vs. Paragard? Pandapanda · Report. 33 weeks! Yesterday at 11:02 AM. Posted by. Pandapanda. on Oct. 10, 2011 at 1:53 PM .
Sep 9, 2006 – I have a Paragard (non-homonal IUD), which I used to be quite happy with. However, I have been bleeding off and on for going on two weeks .
May 24, 2011 – When looking at the Mirena vs Paragard there is, only one difference between the two.
22 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 19, 2005Mirena vs. Paragard - which would you choose and why? The Baby Bargains LOUNGE!
When looking at the Mirena vs Paragard there is, only one difference between the two IUDs one has hormones that are slowly secreted through out the monthly .
Aug 12, 2008 – And all she said was that the Mirena releases hormones and you have lite bleeding and maybe no bleeding at all. Where as the ParaGard .
mirena vs. paragard. avatar · eliguns841984 posted: so, I intend to post this on a few different boards here because I really hope to get some feedback. I talked to .
Nov 17, 2008 – Read all 27 responses: "I can't decide on which IUD to use. I really liked the sound of paragard (copper t) because it doesn't use hormones, but .
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Sep 3, 2008We are about 99.9% certain we're done having children and since the Paragard is good for 10 years (versus the Mirena's 5 year life) we don't .
12 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Oct 4Mirena vs. ParaGard. I thought it seemed obvious that ParaGard was a better choice for an IUD because there are no hormones in it; however, .
15 posts - 11 authorsMirena Vs paragard. dirtylilhamster 1279 posts. parentankignore. posted 24th .
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15 posts - 13 authorsMirena v ParaGard. posted 8 months ago in Wellness. 1. Member Icon. 3066 .
Mirena vs. Paragard IUD??? lavender234 · Pass a Note! Posted 05/24/2011. So I have pretty much decided upon an IUD for a form of birth control, but I am .
Sep 9, 2011 – Asked: IUD Paragard vs Mirena? So…. I made an appointment about 2 weeks ago to get my Mirena inserted and they couldn't get me dilated. .
Apr 21, 2011 – I currently have Mirena, but I'm not so sure about it next .
32 posts - 23 authors - Last post: May 9[Archive] Mirena vs Paraguard vs ?? Off Topic Day!
May 9, 2010 – paragard vs mirena. i'm going to get a IUD after baby#2 comes. any experiences with either paragard or mirena? also how soon after you .
2 answers - Dec 6, 2010Top answer: 1. Six weeks after birth at the earliest. 2. Mirena. Paragard is known to make periods heavier and more painful. Mirena is known to make periods .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 26, 2007Anybody have experience with Paragard or Mirena (or both)? She is debating the merits of copper vs. hormones. Any thoughts would be .
24 posts - 17 authorsI talked to my doctor today and they have 2 options - paraguard or mirena. both sound great but i want to hear from people that actually have it. Is it good? .
Just wondering what if any experiences anyone has with either Paraguard, or Mirena. I wanted a copper IUD but my Doctor looked at me like I was crazy.
Compare Birth Control Methods: LNG-IUS (Mirena) vs Copper T (ParaGard). In this side by side comparison, find features which are most important for you to .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2010I used the Mirena IUD after my first child. I had it in a year before having it removed to concieve again. I never once .
Paraguard IUD vs. Mirena IUS. Sessoms1011 Mother of two trying to lose baby weight (DOB: 6/14/09) · sessoms1011. Aug 03 2009 00:30. Member posts .
mirena vs. paragard. Added: 678 days ago. Added by: nuggetlovin. Section: General. Status: This question is Closed. (Questions will be closed after 10 days. .
19 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Aug 13She doesn't think it's from the Mirena but. she wasn't having these problems until insertion. I myself have the Paragard as of right now. This is .
Jul 14, 2010 – In the United States there are presently two options for Intrauterine Devices – Mirena IUD and Paragard IUD. While both are T-shaped devices .
Jan 30, 2011 – Mirena vs. Paragard: I'm considering a IUD for birth control pp. But honestly, I'm not sure what to do. I have read crazy side effects about both .
The Pros and Cons of IUDs For Birth Control: Paragard vs. Mirena. DrSugar Discusses Birth Control: IUDs. Next · DrSugar / May 19, 2011 10:35 am / Read More: .
21 posts - 16 authors - Last post: Apr 12Iuds: Mirena Vs Paraguard . I was wondering what everyone's opinion on each type of iud? I have read the mirena iud uses hormones but you .
There are two brands of IUD available in the United States — ParaGard and Mirena. ParaGard IUD The ParaGard IUD contains copper. It is effective for 12 years .
Jun 11, 2007 – I can't get an IUD till at least a month from now, because that's when I'll be able to get any financial support for it for various reasons. But I was .
Feb 20, 2011 – IUD - Mirena vs. ParaGard?: Hello Ladies, I am on a quest to find a birth control method that is hormone / chemical free. (Of course I'd like to .
15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Apr 14Mirena vs. Paragard. I am going tomorrow to get my IUD but I can't decide .
Jul 18, 2011 – Have you been considering a visit to a naturopathic doctor but were unsure whether your basic women's health needs would be met? .
Mirena vs. Paragard. Posted by Jesabelle on 12/29/06 7:01:19 PM. [Read Replies] [Reply to This Post] [Return to This Forum's Main Page]. Have any women .
Sep 26, 2010 – I chose copper vs. the mirena due to being extremely sensitive to the . I've had the Paraguard IUD for about a year and a half, since 6 weeks .
Dec 27, 2010 – The intrauterine device is an effective method of birth control. It's important to decide whether the Mirena IUD or the ParaGard IUD is right for .
13 posts - 9 authorsMirena VS Paragard ?? **~ mamma to be~** 42 posts. parentankignore. posted 9th Sep '10. So it's getting close to my due date and i am looking to get one of .
I had the Mirena inserted 6 weeks pp and it seemed ok and I had no periods after 6 months BUT once I had it for almost a year I started developing .