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I think I like Mirena for the lessened cycles, but Paragard for longer protection(as I
Feb 3, 2012 . Go Back · BabyandBump > Baby Forums > Postnatal Support · Reload this Page
Most women can use either the ParaGard or the Mirena IUD safely. But all
I have a Paragard (non-homonal IUD), which I used to be quite happy with.
May 23, 2011 . I'm considering an IUD and was wondering if anyone here has any experience
Feb 8, 2012 . I've been having issues with my IUD and came across your "two is enough" post
[Archive] Mirena or ParaGard Parents' Forum General Board. . But I'm
Have any of you ladies had any experiences with either of these? I'm looking for
I have read the mirena iud uses hormones but you have less bleeding and
New Posts All Forums:Forum Nav: . . My doctor also said that she removes
Jul 12, 2011 . I have been constantly trolling online boards regarding Mirena IUD, and it is very
Mirena Side effects blogs; Contraception; Mirena IUD sites; Contraception . .. is a
Last Reply: Mirena vs. Paragard. avatar. ospreygirl posted: Hi. I am new to this
I have ParaGard, and you should really consider posting this question here: http://
I had the Paraguard IUD inserted about 3 months ago. All of my girlfriends had
Jan 20, 2012 . Discuss in my forum. How To Prevent IUD Failure By Checking Your IUD Strings.
So, I am leaning towards the Paraguard copper IUD. I realize there is a risk of
Jan 14, 2012 . So the pill isn t the best method for me. I ve tried two different types, both worked
Jul 23, 2010 . I have bad reactions to the hormones (or lack of) so I'm looking seriously at the
May 26, 2011 . Mirena vs. Paragard IUD??? lavender234 · Pass a Note! Posted 05/24/2011. So I
Thread: Mirena vs. Paragard IUD. Started 3 years, 6 months ago by LilMommy.
I currently have Mirena, but I'm not so sure about it next time. . with regards to
I used the Mirena IUD after my first child. I had it in a year before having it
Thread: Mirena VS Paragard IUD??? Started 7 months ago by jkids4710. I pump
Aug 13, 2011 . Mirena vs paraguard-- June 2011 Playroom. . I need to get an IUD, I was going
Jun 6, 2011 . so i had the mirena between pregnancies and now that i dont plan on any more
I use the mirena IUD (the plastic one with . I highly recommend the non-
kezoki, Forum, Health, Birth control, Switching from Paragard IUD to Mirena .
Jul 18, 2011 . New State Law Expands Women's Access to Mirena IUS . Tags: hormonal iud,
Apr 23, 2010 . User profiles and some forums can only be seen by registered members. . im
Oct 4, 2011 . Mirena vs. ParaGard. I thought it seemed obvious that ParaGard was a better
Jul 23, 2010 . I have bad reactions to the hormones (or lack of) so I'm looking seriously at the
IUD is easy and effective birth control! Mirena vs Paragard, efficacy, side effects
iud safety. iud procedure. iud and cost. iud infection. picture of a copper iud. iud
Re:IUD Mirena vs. Paragard - Baby Names - Get Answers on baby names and
New Posts All Forums:Forum Nav: . . I am happy wth my Paragard & am ecstatic
There are two IUD types: the Mirena IUD and the ParaGard IUD. Learn about IUD
Jul 14, 2010 . Mirena and Paragard IUD Side Effects, Removal and Experiences . Paragard vs
Mar 31, 2011 . The Mirena and copper ParaGard intrauterine devices, or IUDs, are the only
Birth Control Forum - Iuds: Mirena Vs Paraguard. I have read the mirena iud uses
My OB recommended paragard - citing its benefits of no hormones, but then my
more in Boards . My doctor suggested I look into Mirena or ParaGard. Because
I loved my paraguard I had it for 8 years. My husband never bothered him.my
Sep 28, 2011 . I have a consult with my OBGYN on Tuesday to discuss IUD's. Apparently there is
anyone switch from the mirena to the copper iud and had similar side effects or
In the United States, there are two types of IUDs available: the Mirena which . to
Dec 21, 2011 . BUY MIRENA WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION - SAVE UP TO 85%! Related . mirena
Aug 12, 2010 . Justmommies is the friendliest message board for moms and moms-to-be!
Mirena IUD vs. ParaGard Health, Beauty and Fitness.
I just had the Paragard inserted yesterday afternoon. . . other discussion boards