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4 days ago – Unlike other Gars,the mature Alligator Gar possesses a dual row of large teeth in the upper jaw. Its name derives from the alligator-like .
The Alligator Gar ("Gator Gar"), Atractosteus spatula, is a primitive ray-finned fish. Unlike other Gars, the mature Alligator Gar possesses a dual row of large teeth .
Jul 4, 2011 – The Alligator Gar has been known to bite aggressively in self defense. For very large gar, it may be best to gill gaff them, so that the head (and .
Big Fish Bow Fishing Texas - Alligator Gar Fishing Trip - YouTube 3 min - Sep 6, 2007 - Uploaded by jackson4tube
The alligator gar, largest of all gar species and one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, can reach an astonishing weight of nearly four hundred pounds. .
What is believed to be the world's largest alligator gar ever caught received its final coat of paint Monday and is ready to be shipped to its captor, Mississippi .
Awesome Alligator Gar. YouTube's Biggest 203lb,. - YouTube 6 min - Feb 14, 2009 - Uploaded by CatBusster
Feb 19, 2011 – A Mississippi man boated what may be the largest alligator gar ever caught. Kenny Williams netted the 327-pound beast from Chotard Lake in .
Feb 21, 2011 – Looking for all the world like the cross between an alligator, a fish and dinosaur, the alligator gar is the largest freshwater fish in America. .
8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 26http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/02/21/327-pound-dinosaur-fish-caught- swimming-mississippi/
9 answers - Nov 2, 2008Top answer: 10 feet long, 302 lb. caught on a trotline in 1910.
Williams was fishing in Chotard Lake in Issaquena County on Valentine's Day when he landed the largest Alligator Gar ever caught on rod and reel. But he did .
Feb 16, 2011 – MDWFP officials said it could be the largest alligator gar caught. In scientific literature, there was a report from 1963 of a 302-pound alligator gar .
The world record alligator gar that was caught in Rio Grande is actually not the largest Alligator gar ever caught; it is just the largest Alligator gar that has been .
Feb 21, 2011 – Alligator gars are the biggest species of gar. It is not uncommon for an average alligator gar to reach a length off 7-8ft and a weight around .
Feb 27, 2011 – The ancient stories about huge Mississippi River alligator gar . when a Mississippi commercial fisherman brought in the largest gator gar ever .
May 7, 2011 – Due to a dual row of large teeth and a snout like an alligator, these carnivorous fish might be the scariest thing lurking in the rivers of North .
Learn about the Alligator Gar fish and find out if it is North America's largest freshwater fish. Learn the Alligator Gar habitat, details about where the Garfish lives, .
Apr 15, 2011 – One of the largest Alligator Gar ever caught in Texas was landed on the Trinity River south of Dallas by Joseph Williams on April 14th. .
Apr 28, 2011 – It's believed to be the world's largest alligator gar. Caught in Mississippi, it's been delivered to New Wave Taxidermy in Stuart. .
The Alligator gar is by far the largest of the Gar, growing up to over 300 pounds. Interestingly,a joint behind the head allows these fish to make nodding head .
Feb 23, 2011 – . his weekly quota of buffalo. But what he brought up in his net that day ended up being the largest alligator gar ever caught. Here's his story.
Jun 11, 2007 – The Alligator gar is one of the largest North American freshwater fishes and is extremely rare in Tennessee. There are very few recent records .
Kenny Williams, from Vicksburg, Mississippi, has broken the record for largest Alligator Gar ever caught using a net. He caught the fish on February 14, 2011; .
LARGEST ALLIGATOR GAR « Thread Started on Jun 14, 2011, 7:31pm » . Re: LARGEST ALLIGATOR GAR « Reply #1 on Jun 15, 2011, 2:18pm » .
Feb 16, 2011 – Seems no sooner did Outposts mention the International Game Fish Assn. all- tackle world record for alligator gar in a Wednesday post than .
Of the seven known gar species, the alligator is the largest, reaching up to ten feet (three meters) long and tipping the scales at up to 300 pounds (140 .
Aug 28, 2007 – Giant Alligator Gar Photographs. Summary: Email forward with attached photographs of a very large alligator gar claims that the fish was caught .
The alligator gar inhabits large, slow moving rivers, reservoirs, oxbow lakes, bayous and bays, in fresh and brackish water. The alligator gar is the most tolerant .
The Alligator gar (Lepisosteus spatula) is the largest member of the gar family, Lepisosteidae, and one of North America's largest inland fish. It is a primitive .
May 26, 2011 – Kenny Williams, from Vicksburg, Mississippi, owns the record for largest Alligator Gar caught (327lbs, 8 ft 5 in) using a net when he landed that .
Jan 11, 2008 – Photographs show an 8'10'', 327-lb. alligator gar caught at Broken Bow Lake . and these pictures of a large alligator gar are more of the same. .
World Record HUGE Alligator Gar!!! - YouTube 5 sec - Jan 4, 2008 - Uploaded by FishingMaster20
Alligator Gar (USFWS Photo The alligator gar is the largest of four species of gar found in Arkansas. The largest one on record from Arkansas was taken from the .
Jul 11, 2011 – The alligator gar is the largest of seven species of gar .
The alligator gar is the largest freshwater fish species in both length and weight found in Alabama. Their native range in Alabama is primarily throughout the .
May 16, 2011 – As big as it was, Williams' alligator gar was not the biggest ever taken from the Trinity or from other Texas rivers and lakes. The state record for .
Jun 30, 2009 – The mere notion that alligator gar would need protecting strikes even some of the fish's biggest fans as ridiculous. "Even if we wanted to kill 'em .
The alligator gar is a much misunderstood sport-fish in America, it being the second largest freshwater fish here. There are very little true things that are in print .
goal is to put you on the biggest Alligator Gar the Trinity River has to offer , So come fish the Public and private body of water that produces more world record .
Alligator gar are a very large fish with a very short and broad snout compared to other gars. The mouth is filled with sharp needle like teeth and they have very .
Feb 28, 2011 – The ancient stories about huge Mississippi River alligator gar . when a Mississippi commercial fisherman brought in the largest gator gar ever .
Jul 11, 2011 – There is a record for the largest alligator gar ever caught on rod & reel, . The biggest alligator gar caught on rod & reel was caught in 1951, the .
About 1983 there was a really large spawn of the alligator gar on Lake .
The alligator gar is the second largest freshwater fish in the United States and a misunderstood one at that due to its ferocious appearance and appetite. .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 18#20072 - 04/15/11 07:51 PM Largest Alligator Gar--. topper Offline . #20073 - 04/16/11 05:45 AM Re: Largest Alligator Gar-- [Re: topper] .
Apr 29, 2011 – Fishing Video by GoFISHn Team - How to move the World's Largest Alligator Gar. How do you get your world-record alligator gar to the .
Feb 17, 2011 – It was a Valentine's Day catch of the day as a Mississippi man hauled in what may turn out to be the largest-ever alligator gar, .
AMSBowfishing.com. Texas currently holds the WORLD RECORDS for the largest Alligator gar caught on a rod and reel as well as a bow and arrow. Texas also .
The alligator gar derives it name from a large "gator-like" snout that has two rows of large teeth in the upper jaw. The double row of teeth is an easy way to .