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The alligator gar, an ancient fish, stands accused of vicious human attacks. Are the . But tightening into a confident run will just bring your bait back. The front .
View the search results for your WebAnswers.com search on What bait is good for alligator gar fishing?.
How to Catch an Alligator Gar! The best time of the year in . We hook the cut bait on a 6/0 treble hook and cast to the deeper part of the channel. The bait is free .
Along comes a gar, grabs the bait, and the angler sets the snare with a strong jerk. Result: . The alligator gar is one of the largest and fiercest fish found in North .
5 posts - 1 author - Last post: Apr 18I'm on a mission this year to catch some alligator gar out of Lake Texoma. . Given the time I'm not sure I'll be able to have proper live or cut bait .
The bait can be fished either just under the surface with a large float, or .
Alligator Gar Fishing - YouTube 3 min - Jul 8, 2009 - Uploaded by HighCaliberFishing
Answer: " Gar feed primarily on fish but will also occasionally take waterfowl. Angling for alligator gar requires skill and specialized equipment. Cut bait .
After to boys learned the routine they started getting a few bites but they were a little over anxious at first, pulling the bait too fast when the Gar hit. Not only that .
7 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 8, 2009These Rope lures are made to catch Longnose Gar. The sizes they . Be sure to dip the rope lure in the water before each cast. Doing so adds .
Alligator gar are native to the backwaters and slow pools in lakes and streams of the southern United States. Throw your bait setup in the deep area of a pool or .
Gar Fishing using a rope lure! - YouTube 31 sec - Feb 18, 2008 - Uploaded by LadyValea
Alligator Gar Fishing - Alligator Gar Facts - Alligator Gar Info - Best Alligator Gar Baits and lures - And other info to catch more Alligator Gar.
What bait was the largest alligator gar ever caught on? . What is good bait for fishing alligator gar fish and crappie fish? The alligator Gar likes live .
Spotted Gar caught on shoe lace lure!! - YouTube 4 min - Aug 26, 2010 - Uploaded by EastTennesseeFishing
Information about how to keep and care for alligator gars in aquariums. . The typical characteristic feature of the alligator gar is the long cylindrical body that . Preferred bait would include whole mullet, and some people scale the fish before it .
. Fork Tailed Cat, Gar, Alligator, Gar, Florida, Gar, longnose, Gar, shortnose . Using fish cut into pieces attracts fish in a different way than whole, live bait or .
Top questions and answers about Alligator Gar Bait. Find 7 questions and .
Answer: " Gar feed primarily on fish but will also occasionally take waterfowl. Angling for alligator gar requires skill and specialized equipment. Cut bait .
Dec 30, 2008 – Experienced anglers know to be patient when the alligator gar chews on their bait and then grabs it, stripping off as much as 50 yards of line. .
Top questions and answers about Best Alligator Gar Bait. Find 3 questions and answers about Best Alligator Gar Bait at Ask.com Read more.
Whole mullet is preferred bait, and many believe in scaling the bait before using it . Because of its huge size and great strength, the alligator gar is popular with .
33 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 31, 2005ive nevewr thought about using gar for bait,hmmm,have to try that . the new Alabama record alligator gar,said to be the second largest ever .
Jul 30, 2009 – Gar feed primarily on fish but will also occasionally take waterfowl. Angling for alligator gar requires skill and specialized equipment. Cut bait .
Mar 27, 2011 – Veteran anglers know for being individual when the alligator gar chews on their bait then grabs it, stripping off up to fifty yards of line. .
Gar will normally grab the bait with the end of thier beak and run with it for some time before attempting to munch it down. I've never caught an Alligator Gar .
Meet the "Gar-Mop" the "Gar Fetchinist" Gar Lure on the Market Today . species of gar, including Alligator Gar, Spotted Gar, Shortnose Gar, and Longnose Gar. .
15 hours ago – If you are one of those people who say gar are trash fish, or if you have no . Either hook works, but when using bait it is best to let the gar swallow it first . If you fish for alligator gar (which I have not), use larger hooks because .
A large alligator gar in the water appears threatening, like a bulldog on the steps of a home. Fresh-water fishermen often catch these gars on bait, and many do .
Jul 4, 2011 – . of the lower Mississippi River drainage area, the Alligator Gar may. . Plastic or cork bobber (float), capable of keeping your bait and rig .
An Alligator Gar Permit (crosslink to .pdf of permit), is required to take alligator gar . . Wild-caught baitfish may not be used on Norfork Lake unless it was caught .
What type of rigs would a fisherman use to catch a gar? I have heard . Tie a rubber-band or bobber-stop on your line at the depth you want you bait to be at. 6 . this also . . Here are some pics of a baby alligator gar weighing 38 lbs. I've caugh .
Texas is your passport to the elusive Alligator Gar, with the Longnose and . Fishing strategy consists of fishing large ½ pound pieces of cut-bait taken from local .
For years, I have wanted to fish for the giant alligator gar in Texas; ever since I saw a . We lob the baits out as far as can be expected with baits of that size, and .
" HOW TO CATCH BIG ALLIGATOR GAR? AND CAT FISH?" TIPS . 9 min - Jul 20, 2010 - Uploaded by Lawsonsvideos702
Mar 22, 2011 – They can swim around with it for a while before they actually eat the bait. And, keep in mind, Alligator Gar are protected in Florida. It is not illegal .
The Alligator gar is by far the largest of the Gar, growing up to over 300 . It is important to let the big fish take your bait and swallow it before setting the hook. .
After arriving in bowhunting for alligator gar Zapata we met up with Robert Amaya , the owner of Robert's Bait and Tackle. Robert let us camp behind his store .
Jul 6, 2004 – alligator gar, good bait, bill meyer: Cody, The best bait to catch gar on is whatever they are eating. Match the hatch . Use a throw net or a .
4 answers - Apr 4, 2006What do I use to catch an alligator gar? Bait? Lure? Fishing Line? Float or .
16 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 20, 2010im planning of devoting some time to alligator gar this spring do any of you guys who fish for them try to chum them in i was thinking bloody .
This 'smallish' alligator gar provided some line sizzling action on rod and reel. . " For these fish, you will want to use live bait, minnows or small bream on .
Alligator Gar Bait Rigging. Since it is hard to hook gars, most gar fishermen use large circle hooks attached to a steel leader as a rig. The leader is connected to .
Concerning the best bait for these fish, I would use shad for longnose and spotted gar, and a big chunk of carp for the alligator gar. Fishing for gar is not very .
If using live bait, small fish are best for alligator gar. Longnose gar can be caught with nylon rope as described at the following link. http://hubpages.com/hub/Gar- .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 12, 2009giant alligator gar has been on my mind for some time now. . you can watch an episode of the next bite which shows in detail the bait, leaders, .
Mar 23, 2010 – Ask Your Question Here: what is a good bait for long nose gar.Categorize It: Rough Fish.
5 answers - Oct 7, 2006Top answer: " Gar feed primarily on fish but will also occasionally take waterfowl. Angling for alligator gar requires skill and specialized equipment. Cut bait such as carp, buffalo .
To fish for our Alligator gar, the best methods are float fished deadbait, . The alligator gar is an out-and-out fish feeder, and they prefer dead sea fish baits fished .
We were also seeing a lot of alligator gar rolling on the surface of the bay (in addition to . Something definitely had a hold of the bait and was moving away. .