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The religious conservatism that is taking control of the United States is actually
Aug 14, 2011 . Those of us who wrote about the Christian fundamentalist influence on the Bush
In the U.S., the Christian right is an informal coalition of numerous groups, chiefly
Fundamentalist Christians are currently working overtime to convince the
Louis Theroux: Fundamentalist Christianity . edbeliefs. but this is just ones idea
Sep 22, 2009 . We're told, over and over, that Christian Fundamentalism is the single greatest
Jun 1, 2010 . In 1980 George Marsden published Fundamentalism and American .
[The authors] have made their case with welcome reability and an impressive . . .
I've heard many fundamentalists spout the KJV-only line of nonsense. That's the doctrine that that particular version is the only true version and any .
Feb 28, 2008 . Christian Fundamentalism as a Instrument of US Military Doctrine. Snake Oil
Christian fundamentalism (American Protestant movement), movement in
Apr 30, 2005 . Evangelical Christians among the officers and cadets at the US Air Force
Jul 23, 2011 . Wayne Grudem, a professor at Phoenix Seminary, drew up a table detailing the
May 30, 2002 . Adherents to America's Christian fundamentalism are concentrated in the .
the U.S. a Christian nation, a staggering 68 percent say . Titled “The End of
Feb 16, 2009 . You Might Be an Evangelical American Christian Fundamentalist If . . . This list
Apr 20, 2004 . US Christian fundamentalists are driving Bush's Middle East policy . The
Oct 31, 2011 . We now conclude, from part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4, considering American
Nov 17, 2005 . American Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls For Global War . If Christian
Not all Americans benefited from the "politics of prosperity" in the 1920s. . More
Feb 7, 2005 . Fundamentalist Christianity Instills in Millions of American Followers a
An example is the attempt, by some Christian fundamentalist groups to shut down
Main article: Christian Fundamentalism . The first formulation of American
Jul 26, 2011 . Where were the 9/11-type massacres carried out by American, fundamentalist
The Unannounced Reason Behind American Fundamentalism's Support for the
Sep 5, 2008 . He added, 'There are a lot of us floating around in Christian leadership . . time, a
Sep 15, 2011 . American Atheists, a non-profit that claims to protect the rights of atheists and to
Christian Fundamentalism is an extremely different concept from the Islamic .
Nov 14, 2006 . My Half-Year of Hell With Christian Fundamentalists. When Polish student
Feb 16, 2011 . Christian fundamentalism. Words sure to elicit debate, and at times bitter
Oct 5, 2009 . Yet, is the loud, Fundamentalist Christian sector really becoming the majority, or
On America, Science and Fundamentalist Christianity. Posted April 10, 2003 11:
"The Fundamentals" outlined the bedrock truths that all Christians should believe.
Oct 27, 2004 . U.S. legislators backed by the Christian right vote against these issues . Many
Sep 6, 2011 . Exposing religious fundamentalism in the US. The US media has been
The first pillar of American fundamentalism is Jesus Christ; the second is history;
Pointing out that the supposedly "traditional" beliefs of American fundamentalism-
Learn more about U.S. religions affiliations and church statistics based on .
May 17, 2008 . But these radical Christian groups are not in America – they are here and .
Christian fundamentalism, also known as Fundamentalist Christianity, or
Oct 29, 2006 . A diverse and inter-denominational (see Wikipedia "List of Christian
Jan 14, 2010 . The world is filled with religious nut-jobs. This is not a criticism of religion itself,
Many fundamentalist and evangelical leaders routinely promote this notion, and
Jul 25, 2011 . Where were the 9/11-type massacres carried out by American, fundamentalist
American fundamentalism drives Bush's Middle East policy. American Christian
Jun 27, 2003 . So, do US Christian fundamentalists bear any striking resemblance to Islamic
Fundamentalist Christianity in America: Misuse of Christian Doctrine. I. The
Jul 6, 2011 . CUF is well-known in America for its views that homosexuality and . One of the
Are Christian fundamentalists just raving, Bible-thumping fanatics? . (Modernism