Other articles:
Sep 9, 2008 . A theocrat is a theocrat, whether Muslim or Christian.
May 9, 2010 . Turkey: Between Atatürk's Secularism and Fundamentalist Islam. Harold Rhode.
ISLAM: "Religion of Peace?" Islam on the Move Other examples: Algeria is
In early February 1995, newspapers around the world featured a photograph
May 11, 2010 . It seems to me that there's a dangerous sleight of hand going on here, a pretense
October 20, 2008. Today we have a guest columnist-Dr. Babu Suseelan. It is
Spreading fundamentalist Islam - but does the Muslim Brotherhood also support
The philosophical roots of Islamic fundamentalism are largely the result of a
The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran is seen by Western scholars as a success of
Moaddel, Mansoor, and Kamran Talattof. Contemporary Debates in Islam: An
Oct 4, 2001 . Can you give us an explanation of the differences between the tenets of "
The Free Muslims believes that fundamentalist Islamic terror represents one of
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Global Fundamentalist. Islamic Terror. Presented By. OFFER BARUCH. CT CI
While Islamic fundamentalists reject most of Western culture, they are
Jul 15, 2011 . Abu Bara, explains his Islamic absorption, subjectively and objectively. While this
March 24, 2006: Iraq is not the only nation where Bush's policies have produced
Apr 2, 2011 . A extreme fundamentalist Christian preacher in Florida who caused an
Islamic fundamentalist link to British Fascists. Special Report: By Wayne Madsen
A brief essay explaining why I do not regard the Koran as a miraculous document
Sep 20, 2011 . Gangs of Islamic fundamentalist protesters in Purwakarta destroy three statues
Sep 19, 2001 . Fundamentalist Islam is simply the conservative wing of Islam, just as
Sep 13, 2011 . (1) US Loss of Iraqis Northern and Southern Oil Field Contracts (the Oil to pay for
The media is so full of reports on the "Islamic threat" from "radical Muslim
Feb 2, 2003 . Arabs call the Crusades al-Salibiyyah. The term is highly emotional to them,
Sep 18, 2010 . Even so Christian, Jewish and Muslim fundamentalists are literally at war with
Feb 25, 2011 . Fundamentalist Islam Next for Libya? Free-Market Thinking. Dominant Social
The nature of fundamentalist Islam, and even the use of the term, is hotly debated
While fundamentalists are a minority in most Muslim societies and states, their
Gainsville: University Press of Florida, 2004. 321 pages. Lamia Rustum
Fundamentalist Islam presents itself, on the one hand, as an intensified
Review. " This captivating and terrifyingly honest book is . . . a wake- up .
Tolerating Intolerance: The Challenge of Fundamentalist Islam in Western
Jun 11, 2011 . The roots of that unrest are not different from the rest of the region-
Fundamentalists & Islam. In many places of the world today we find an increase
Nov 9, 2007 . The Dayton Peace Accords called for the removal of foreign combatants from
Sep 1, 2010 . One of the main conclusions I drew from my Telegraph/Channel 4 Dispatches
The Awesome Library organizes 33000 carefully reviewed K-12 education
As the only study that compiles and critiques the gender theory of the major
Yet, The Timeshe worked for, and The Independant he now writes for still happily
Nov 4, 2011 . As Syrian dictator Bashar Assad continues to slaughter his people, there are
Islamic Fundamentalists are Muslims who believe that The Qur'an should be
Muslim fundamentalists are a growing threat to gay human rights in Britain. For
Fundamentalist Islam has attracted substantial outside interes: in recent years in
Apr 7, 2011 . The village is home to Abdurakhim Magomedov, a charismatic spiritual leader of
Amazon.com: Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash
Feb 23, 2011 . The British government is employing a promising — and controversial — new
The history of fundamentalist Islam in Iran (or History of Principle-ism .
Aug 27, 1992 . "That specter is Islam."(3) The rise of political Islam in North Africa, especially the