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Sep 14, 2008 . + </artifact:dependencies> + + <copy todir="admin-libs/release/modules/ext" overwrite="true"> + <fileset refid="dependency.fileset" /> .
the selector needs all of this because it actually gets the suite from AllTests and then performs the filtering based on that --> <fileset refid="fs.lib" .
<classpath refid="project.class.path"/> </javac> </target> </project>. All tasks that use nested elements for PatternSets, FileSets, ZipFileSets or .
<fileset id="commonLibs" dir="${commonLibs.dir}"> <include name="*.jar"/> </ fileset> <path id="class-path"> <fileset refid="commonLibs"></fileset> </path> .
<fileset id=”hibe.lib” dir=”${hib.dir}”> <include name=”**/*.jar” /> </fileset> <path id=”path.lib”> <fileset refid=”fs.lib” /> <fileset refid=”ora.lib” /> .
Jan 15, 2004 . myproject/" > <fileset refid="a" /> <fileset refid="b" /> </fileset> This would greatly simplify the script at the .
build filesets --> <fileset dir="${project.name}/setup/db/ee/ddl" . <fileset refid="filesets.sql.ee.ddl" /> <fileset refid="filesets.sql.ee.dml" /> </pdo> .
Dec 5, 2003 . >filesets are rooted in a common dir by (Ant 's) definition. > > > >You could simply use > > > > <jar . > > > ? <fileset refid= .
Mar 20, 2010 . </target> <taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpath="testng-5.11-jdk15.jar"> < classpath> <fileset refid="ThirdPartyLibraries"/> </classpath> .
<fileset refid="creole-classes"/> - - <option name="notes">First stable release of Creole classes . . <fileset refid="jargon-classes"/> - </pear-package> .
2 answers - Oct 7, 2010I have a set of targets that each do essentially the same thing .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 2, 2010with refid to support further narrowing. Would be possible to fileset or any resource collection, when refered through a reference,.
Jan 17, 2007 . fileset to <checksum>? <checksum algorithm="MD5" > <fileset refid="myLibs" /> </ checksum> No macros, no iteration; ant does the bulk work .
Supposing that your output path is bin/classes and the idcontainer is .
<fileset dir="${src.java.dir}"> <patternset refid="meta.files"/> </fileset> . . <fileset refid="testlibs"/> <fileset refid="jboss-bootstrap-apis"/> </path> .
Apr 26, 2010 . </fileset>. <!-- susbtitutions for app/config/database.php -->. <reflexive>. < fileset refid="subs.app.config.database.php"/>. <filterchain> .
jar"/> </fileset> </path> <path id="2009.perforce.plugin.classpath"> <path refid ="plugin.vcs.classpath"/> <fileset dir="third-party-libs"> <include .
Aug 5, 2008 . HibernateToolTask"> <classpath> <fileset refid="hibernate.libs" /> <fileset refid="hibernatetools.libs" /> <fileset refid="app.libs" .
Apr 17, 2011 . </artifact:dependencies> <copy todir="lib"> <fileset refid .
. </fileset> <path id="compile.classpath"> <fileset refid="lib.fileset"/> < fileset . <copy todir="${build}"> <fileset dir="webapp"/> </copy> </target> .
95, <fileset refid="app.libs"/>. 96, </copy>. 97, <copy todir="${app.compiled. util.dir}">. 98, <fileset refid="app.resources.util"/> .
Oct 15, 2005. + <fileset refid="compile.fileset"/> + <fileset refid="runtime.fileset"/> + <mapper type="flatten"/> + </copy> + <delete> + <fileset .
. <fileset refid="jbpm.jar" /> + <fileset refid="wicket-extensions.jar" /> + < fileset refid="wicket-datetime.jar" /> + <fileset refid="seam.wicket.jar" .
JSFアプリケーションの場合 --> <fileset refid="jsf.library"/> <fileset refid=" commons.beanutils.library"/> <fileset refid="commons.collections.library"/> .
48, <fileset refid="installer.zip"/>. 49, </path>. 50, </pathconvert> . 101, < fileset refid="installer.classes"/>. 102, </copy> .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 5, 2006But you can use another solution: just specify several filesets to build path. . <fileset refid="lib.fs.1" /> <fileset refid="lib.fs.2" .
<path refid="libs-build-classpath"/> <fileset dir="${lib-build-tools}"> .
<fileset refid="files.sources" />. </phplint>. <!--. Run unit tests . <fileset refid="files.tests.unit" />. </batchtest>. </phpunit>. </then> .
Include the license and the README --> <fileset dir="${docs.misc.dir}"> < patternset refid="docs.misc"/> </fileset> </zip> <antcall target="generate- hashes"> .
Mar 15, 2011 . <fileset refid="sourcecode" />. </phplint>. </target> . . <fileset refid=" licensefiles"/>. </copy>. <pharpackage .
path ( id : testJarSetPathId ) { path ( refid : compileJarSetPathId ) fileset ( dir : groovyHome + '/lib' , includes : 'junit*.jar' ) } } else .
Spring.jar"/> <path refid="library.Velocity-dep-1.5.jar"/> </path> <target name= "fixsql"> <delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true"> <fileset .
File Format: Unrecognized - View as HTML
<fileset dir="." id="defaultFiles"> <include name="**/*.java"/> </fileset> < target name="fileList"> <ls> <fileset refid="defaultFiles"/> </ls> </target> .
DirName}"> + <fileset refid="fs.jini.lib.jsk-lib"/> </copy> + <copy . . Vizant"> <classpath> <fileset refid="vizant.lib" /> This was sent by the .
11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 1, 2006Capture the path as a delimited property using the refid . . <path> <fileset refid="@{filesetref}" /> </path> </pathconvert> <echo> .
9 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Oct 18, 2010<fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.0"/> <fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.1"/> < fileset refid="xbean.src.paths.2"/> .
4 answers - Mar 16, 2009I have a fileset (which is returned from the maven ant task), . Try using a restrict resource collection, which you can use like a fileset in .
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 16, 2004<classpath refid="project.class.path"/> <src> <fileset refid="build.files"/> </ src> </javac> </target> Ant bails out with this error: .
Apr 9, 2010 . <replaceregexp match="\s+" replace=" " flags="g" byline="true"> <fileset refid=" css.fileset"/> </replaceregexp> <replaceregexp match="^\s+" .
Jan 20, 2006 . What I'd really like to do is to specify the refid for the fileset in a property . That way each of the targets can set the property and then .
Jun 1, 2010 . + <fileset refid="compile.classpath" /> </classpath> </java> </target> . < fileset refid="lib.files" /> + <path refid="test.classpath" /> .
Feb 5, 2008 . <copy todir="${build}/${appName}/WEB-INF/lib" verbose="true"> <fileset refid=" hibernate"/> </copy> .. </target> </project> .
May 5, 2008 . I tried to use the fileset inside the src dir, but got told off for not setting a srcdir attribute: <target name="javac-refid"> .
+ } + ant.path ( id : testJarSetPathId ) { + path ( refid : compileJarSetPathId ) + fileset ( dir : groovyHome + '/lib' , includes : 'junit*.jar' ) + } + .
. <fileset refid="@{service}-libs.fileset" /> </copy> <jar . .. name="*.xslt" /> </fileset> <fileset file="${wsdl.src.dir}/Fedora-API-A.wsdl" /> <fileset .
5 posts</fileset> <property name="temp.lib.dir" value="C:\Temp\Release 1.0" /> <delete failonerror="false"> <fileset refid="my.binaries" /> </delete> Why doesn't .
allow a clover-merge to take a fileset refid · Sheet card (PDF) · Single card ( PDF) . The default span will be used if a refid is passed. Display Options .
Jan 4, 2009 . <echo message="Copying fileset '${deploy.fileset.refid}' to . <property name=" deploy.fileset.refid" value="files.application" /> .
Jan 7, 2009 . Notice that the pattern set definition contains the id attribute, whereas the patternset within the fileset contains a refid attribute. .