May 25, 11
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  • Feb 5, 2008 . Hello, I searched the groups and found a posting way back in 2003 which said it couldn't be done, but I'm hoping more recent versions of ant .
  • Nov 19, 2007 . ant, war, task, exclude. Below is the war Task; i want to exclude classes12.jar . . The exclude/include need to be inside a <fileset> .
  • </fileset> </classpath> </jwsc>. Option-3). with Java Compiler Same thing we can do while compiling our classes using ANT task: .
  • Jump to Can you give me a simple ant xslt task example?‎: . <fileset dir="${xml.home}/bin" includes="*.jar" . A: Override ant Input task. .
  • AntTask for creating debian archives. Even supports signed changes files. . addFileSet. public void addFileSet( fileset) .
  • [next in thread] List: ant-user Subject: Re: Execute task for each file in a fileset? From: Gilbert Rebhan <ant () schillbaer ! de> Date: 2006-09-22 .
  • ant tasks
  • Feb 4, 2007 . The purge tasks works with Ant to remove all but the most recent few files from a fileset. For example: let's say you're using an automated .
  • 11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 1, 2006The javac task *by default* has the 'includeantruntime' flag set to 'true' ! . Here is one that works off of filesets .
  • 3 answers - Jul 22, 2009Declare an id attribute on the fileset and then reference it in each copy task. . How to split an fileset in Ant into multiple sets .
  • precision file set.
  • The example also shows how to use the standard Ant <FileSet> task to copy additional files to the generated WAR file; if any of the copied files are Java .
  • The fileset will be ignored unless the property is defined. The value of the property is insignificant, but values that would imply misinterpretation .
  • Maven 2.x Ant Tasks
  • PMDTask"/> <pmd rulesetfiles="rulesets/imports.xml"> <formatter type="html" toFile="pmd_report.html"/> <fileset dir="C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\src\java\lang\"> .
  • Aug 2, 2006 . Note that the additional mkdir task is necessary because Ant's fileset requires the directory specified by the dir attribute to exist. .
  • Unlike other task managers
  • Figure 1: Task Kanban Board
  • To accomplish what we would like in ANT we need to write our own custom task to process filesets. The ant code to call the task to process the res files .
  • Castor source generator Ant task. Specifying the source for generation. Parameters Examples Using a file. Using an URL Using a nested <fileset> .
  • Re: Problem with FileSets in XML Beans Ant Task? Jacob Danner Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:30:51 -0800. I think it might be an issue with your fileset definition . .
  • Ant task: jar : Jar « Ant « Java. . Jar with includes and excludes using filesets . Ant jar file setting the Main-Class .
  • <taskdef name="crap4j" classname="org.crap4j.anttask.Crap4jAntTask" >. < classpath>. <fileset dir="${CRAP4J_HOME}/lib">. <include name="**/*.jar" /> .
  • com.gorillalogic.flexmonkey.anttask.MonkeyTestRunnerAntTask . . addFileSet. public void addFileSet( fileset) .
  • Task. This class provides an ant task to import CSV files into a database. . public void addFileset( fileSet) .
  • Jun 4, 2004 . JingTask extends Ant's Task class, and declares a set of private variables, mostly for the management of files or filesets: .
  • Prior to Ant 1.7 only <fileset> has been supported as a nested element. . If < filterset> and <filterchain> elements are used inside the same <copy> task, .
  • Instinct Report Ant task.
  • keep on top of tasks,
  • Here's an example call to the JUnit ant task that has been modified to work . . which coverage data files to merge by passing in standard ant filesets. .
  • Mylot Task
  • 4 posts - 3 authorsFileset-based tasks written to take advantage of ResourceCollection instead of FileSet will not run in Ant prior to 1.7 2. Fileset-based tasks written prior .
  • ant datatypes like fileset
  • 3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Sep 4, 200219.5 OPERATING ON A FILESET Ant's datatypes make writing tasks that deal with many of the typical Java build domain objects such as paths .
  • <for> makes use of ant's macrodef task, so the @{} notation is used for parameter substition. . FileSets are used to select sets of files to iterate over. .
  • Odorous house ants are most
  • A container task that can contain other Ant tasks. The nested tasks are .
  • 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 13, 2009Hello, I'm trying to get ant to (at first) list the directory contents using the ant <fileset> task. Here's what I have so far. [code] <
  • Apache FOP provides an Ant task for automating the document build process. .
  • Ant tasks for cobertura code
  • Wsconsume Ant Task Path
  • BuildException; 023 import; 024 import org; 025 import .
  • extended by . addFileset. public void addFileset( set) .
  • Methods inherited from class . addFileset. public void addFileset( fileSet) .
  • extended by org.hibernate.tool.instrument. . addFileset. public void addFileset( set) .
  • def ant = new AntBuilder() // lets create a scanner of filesets scanner = ant. . def ant = new AntBuilder() SpoofTaskContainer.spoof.length = 0 def PATH .
  • Sep 9, 2008 . Examples showing how to use the Ant copy task, including copying and overwriting simple files, as well as using the Ant fileset task to copy .
  • Ant Exec Task
  • of the jwsc Ant task.
  • 8)How to loop on a list or fileset? Use ant-contrib <for> <foreach> tasks. General to say, use <for> is better than use <foreach> since for each is actually .
  • Oct 26, 2010 . Initially it seems to be an easier task that could be achieved through Ant's Fileset, modified selector with something as follows: .
  • etc to the task right from
  • Dedicated file set editor
  • <path> s combines these datatypes in that way that a path contains other .
  • workingDir, The directory where the ant task should change to before running TestNG. xmlfilesetref, A reference to a FileSet structure for the suite .
  • <project xmlns:jsl="antlib:com.googlecode.jslint4java"> <path id="ant.tasks. classpath"> <fileset dir="lib-build" include="*.jar" /> </path> <taskdef .
  • Photograph Fire ant sting
  • Methods inherited from class . addFileset. public void addFileset( fileSet) .
  • <p2.mirror source="" . . />. A < source> element nested in the ant task. This element is an ant fileset, .
  • Some Flex Ant tasks allow nested attributes that are implicit FileSets. These nested attributes support all the attributes and nested elements of an Ant .
  • This behaviour is present in certain other Ant tasks, where it is not present, . . A FileSet must specify a base directory from which all other path .
  • Method from org.hibernate.tool.ant.ConfigurationTask Detail: public void addConfiguredFileSet(FileSet fileSet) { fileSets.add(fileSet); } .
  • Feb 25, 2011 . Issue 53: Running jslint ant task on emty fileset throws exception. 1 person starred this issue and may be notified of changes. Back to list .
  • 3 Pcs File Set
  • Many of the standard tasks in ant take one or more filesets which follow the rules given here. This list, a subset of those, is a list of standard ant tasks .
  • 4 answers - Mar 16, 2009I have a fileset (which is returned from the maven ant task), and it contains all jars I need to repack. This fileset is referenced by a .
  • configuration file set
  • public class TestNGAntTask; extends TestNG settings: classfileset (inner); classfilesetref (attribute); xmlfileset (inner) .
  • Fire Ants
  • Task 1: Introduction to
  • This ANT task allows you to use a <fileset> to specify the JAR files which needs to be (re)packed. That means it can process all JAR files of your project .

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