Sep 4, 11
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  • Sep 22, 2010 – I have attached a table of ALT codes. It says that 167 is a "cardinal" and it shows 248 as the degree symbol but the table doesn't mention .
  • ¯ or &hibar;, ¯, ¯, Alt+0175, macron accent. °, °, °, shift+ option+8, Alt+0176, degree sign. ±, ±, ±, shift+option+= Alt+0177 .
  • 15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Oct 4, 2007Anyway, what I by chance found out, is that pressing left alt+0 produces the degree symbol. Unfortunately this only works in xterm and in no .
  • The first recorded modern use of the degree symbol in mathematics is from 1569 where . In Microsoft Windows, one can type Alt + 0 1 7 6 , or one can use the .
  • I needed a degree sign when typing recipes. Found something like it in the weird "formats". I highlighted it and named it alt+z. Now when I need to use it I just .
  • Jan 29, 2011 – degrees symbol alt key number keys type degree symbol typing num-lock key computer keyboard. Statistics. Time interval : Last Hour, Last Day .
  • A degree sign is alt+0176: °. For a list of ascii characters click here. To use this page, press the alt key and type the four numerals without the &#. For example to .
  • I was just wondering if you performed an Alt + 167 using the numeric pad keys for the numbers if your final result would be a "degree" symbol. .
  • 15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 1, 2009Hello, I'm new to this forum, trying to get the hang. How can I insert a degree symbol, (Alt+U0157)? Thanks for your attention to this question. B..
  • 11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: May 21, 2007well, the proper degree symbol is alt+0176 in most cases. The others are theta symbols, ordinal indicators, small 0's with lines through them, etc .
  • 18 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 20, 2010How do I go about increasing the diameter to a degree symbol? Am using . For romans i get a larger symbol with Alt+167, but it's underlined. .
  • Dec 24, 2008 – (degree symbol) = Alt + 0176 ² (squared symbol) = Alt + 0178 ³ (cubed symbol) = Alt + 0179. Thanks Shane for reminding me of this. I did to use .
  • Jun 18, 2010 – (e.g.cents sign, degree symbol) . For example, to get the cent sign, I would press my Alt key and type 155 using the number pad keys. For the .
  • You can also use the character code of the symbol as a keyboard shortcut. For example, to insert the degree symbol, press and hold ALT while typing 0176 on .
  • It is not until you let go of the "Alt" key that your symbol will appear. . Degree sign - ° - Alt+0176; Multiplication sign - × - Alt+0215; Middle dot sign or alternate .
  • Feb 21, 2011 – When you release the ALT key, a degree symbol will be entered as the Suffix. Press Enter and it will appear on all your axis labels (°). Adding a .
  • 9 answers - Sep 19, 2006How do you make a degree symbol on a computer? . Hold down the Alt key and type 248 on the numeric pad °. Report Abuse · strikerx58 .
  • 11 posts - 7 authors - Last post: May 27, 2008In Windows, a degree symbol is ALT 0186 (from the numeric keypad). After you look it up (in Windows Character Map) three or four times, you'll .
  • Alt Code, Symbol, Description. Alt 0193 . Euro Currency Symbol Alt Code. Alt Code . It does not work in all fonts and falls back to the degree symbol (º). reply .
  • Dec 27, 2009 – I can type a degree symbol in notepad, using Alt - 0176. When I do that in WP on my Windows XP machine, it works fine as well. But using .
  • Alt 248, °, Degree sign, Alt 0237. Alt 161, í, i acute. Alt 0177. Alt 241, ±, Plus or minus, Alt 0238. Alt 140, î, i circumflex. Alt 0178. Alt 253, ², Superscript 2, Alt 0239 .
  • 4 posts - 2 authorsUsing Illustrator 11.0.0 on Windows 2000, how do I print the "degree" symbol, . ALT 0176 will give you ° the degree symbol which is an extended character in .
  • The ASCII code 248 : Degree symbol, ascii, 248, ascii, characters, codes, tables, symbols, list, alt, keys, keyboard, ascii, asci, asccii, asqui, askii, aski, aschi, .
  • Oct 30, 2008 – I've read a few posts where people tried to recreate the degree symbol using a zero or a lower case o A slick way to produce the degree symbol .
  • <Right Alt> : Degree sign. ç Ç, <Right Alt> , <, C cedilla. ¿, <Right Alt .
  • 28 answers - May 17So I use the degree sign fairly often and on my desktop I could always just use Alt -0176. However with my laptop I don't have the numpad so .
  • Degree Sign Alt Code - Degree Sign alt code character. Alt Codes.
  • BTW to type the degree symbol in Windows hold down your Alt key and type ▐▌ █ using the number pad 0176, then let go of the Alt key. This will not work .
  • Alt Codes, list of alt key codes alt symbols and characters. Check the alt .
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  • ALT 248; ALT 0176. Both will achieve the degree symbol °. Tip: Hold the ALT key down while typing the code numbers. Then, when you release the ALT key, the .
  • To create these characters yourself, hold "alt" down and type the numbers in on the right side of . Long and Thick Minus Sign . º The degrees or degree symbol .
  • 9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Apr 3, 2008Is there a way to add the degree symbol, or diameter symbol and any . . For ALT- key combinations, just hold down the ALT key and enter the .
  • How to type a degree symbol on your computer keyboard. . Here is how it's done within Microsoft Windows: hold down the ALT key and type 248 on the .
  • Windows character map, Insert Symbol, Special Characters. . Alt + 0209 = Ñ . Using the "degrees" symbol as an example, copy and paste your previously .
  • You can find the cent sign as well as the degree sign and other useful symbols . When you release the Alt key, the symbol listed next to that number will appear. .
  • 6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Apr 10, 2004Then he tried to key in =CHAR(248), but it did not return the degree symbol. Our question is how does ALT 248 return a degree symbol? .
  • Alt Codes for Degree of Accuracy. Alt Code, Symbol, Description. Alt 241, ±, Plus or Minus. Alt Codes for Fractions. Alt Code, Symbol, Description .
  • Image. image of Unicode Character 'DEGREE SIGN' (U+00B0) . Alt 0176. Alt 248. UTF-8 (hex), 0xC2 0xB0 (c2b0). UTF-8 (binary), 11000010:10110000 .
  • Apr 16, 2005 – I hold the alt key, and type 0186. º. actually, 0186 is a superscripted letter "o". To get the degree symbol, use ALT+0176 °. Back to top of the .
  • 10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Mar 28, 2009If you want to type the degree symbol for temperature or angles, hold down the Alt key while typing 0186 º Some keyboards have this function .
  • 1 answer - Jan 12I don't know why but I'm unable to use a "degree" symbol (°) with fillText. I tried everything: ALT+248, ALT+0176, &deg;, copy/paste from web. .
  • Aug 12, 2011 – For the Template, the symbol "V" means any vowel. The format is to hold the . The degree symbol, Shift+Option+8. ¬, "not" symbol, Option+L .
  • Aug 12, 2011 – Windows Alt Codes for Accented Vowels . Example: To input the acute a á ( 0225), hold down the ALT key, type 0225 . Degree symbol, 0176 .
  • List of alt codes, alt code symbols, facebook symbols, and more! Complete Alt Code List · How to do Alt Codes. Degree Sign Alt Code. Below is the alt code for .
  • There are several ways to insert a degree symbol in Microsoft Office documents for Windows. . The character code for the degree symbol is ALT + 0176. 3 .
  • In order to use special symbols like the symbol £, you usually need to know the . number, you can enter that character any time by holding down the ALT key, .
  • 3 days ago – In another group there is an on-going discussion regard the insertion of the degree symbol - you know the little superscript "o". In M$-Office one .
  • Oct 22, 2010 – 0190, ¾, 3/4. 0177, ±, Plus - minus, plusminus alt symbol. 0179, ³, 3-d degree, third degree alt symbol. 0178, ², Second degree, 2-nd alt symbol .
  • 50+ items – The symbol appears when the ALT key is .

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