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Well documented presentation of academic and scientific data to support the dangers of chlorine containing Splenda (Sucralose).
Sucralose is a sugar derivative that is marketed as a diet alternative, but is potentially toxic and causes severe side effects.
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Jun 14, 2011 – The Dangers Of Sucralose In Diet Soft Drinks. Many people enjoy drinking soft drinks but choose calorie-free diet versions made with artificial .
Sign UpThe Potential Dangers Of Sucralose[[SPLENDA]] is on FacebookSign up .
Most people know that too much sugar is a bad thing, especially processed refined carbohydrates. We are a society of health conscious, more specifically, .
Apr 1, 2005 – The Potential Dangers Of Sucralose (Splenda) http://creativehealth.netfirms.com/ - 42k Should you wish to read more on Splenda go to .
1 day ago – The presence of chlorine is thought to be the most dangerous component of sucralose. Chlorine is considered a carcinogen and has been .
The dangers of Sucralose/Splenda Dear Manufacturer You just told Idona ( idona @pghmail.com ) that you saw no problem with the issue of chlorine in .
Dangers of Splenda | Splenda Side Effects | Is Splenda Safe? . No long-term studies of any kind have been performed on sucralose (Splenda®). As much as a .
Aug 18, 2009 – Sucralose, more popularly known under the brand name Splenda, is the most popular artificial sweetener in the U.S., beating out Equal .
2 answers - Apr 19, 2008Top answer: Artificial Sweeteners: Sugar free but not risk free. Well most commonly used Artificial Sweeteners are Aspartame, Saccharin, Neotame and Sucralose. People take .
Potential Dangers of Sucralose. Karl Loren. There's a new artificial sweetener on the block and it is already in a wide range of products, some even sold in .
The reports about artificial sweeteners find dangers in aspartame and negative side effects of sucralose. It makes you wonder how they can be called "safe" by .
Sucralose dangers are more than just the immediate short term side effects. Using Sucralose habitually can cause long term effects as well.
The Potential Dangers of Sucralose: Reader Testimonials Dr. Mercola's Comment: The following testimonials have been sent to us by people from all over the .
I recently wrote about the dangers of sucralose, and how many of the dangers .
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The Potential Dangers of Sucralose (Splenda) 2005 04 02. By Dr. Joseph Mercola | mercola.com. There's a new artificial sweetener on the block and it is already .
May 27, 2011 – Learn the dangers of sucralose to determine if you should use a sugar substitute in your diet. Like many sugar substitutes, sucralose has been .
Not So Sweet- the dangers of sucralose Would you knowingly lace your child's food with arsenic if it tasted good? Silly question, but do you really know what .
Splenda (sucralose); Aspartame; Saccharine; Acesulfame Potassium (aka . see so many people poisoning their family with dangerous artificial sweeteners like .
Jun 22, 2011 – The Potential Dangers of Sucralose (Splenda). If you are using products with Sucralose, I would STOP! by Cassie's Page: LIVE Wisely, .
Sep 17, 2011 – The Potential Dangers of Sucralose There's a new artificial sweetener on the block and it is already in a wide range of products (list appended .
The artificial sweetener sucralose, which is sold under the name Splenda, is one of the up-and-coming "next generation" of high-intensity sugar substitutes. .
articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/. /sucralose-dangers.aspx - SimilarThe Potential Dangers of Sucralose Page 2 (of 4)You +1'd this publicly. UndoDec 3, 2000 – The Potential Dangers of Sucralose Page 2 (of 4). Posted By .
Jun 20, 2011 – Since the introduction of the artificial sweetener, Sucralose (Tradename Splenda ) several years ago, I've been telling Pacific Health Center .
Buy the book by Dr. Mercola on the dangers of sucralose on Amazon. Best Resources: The truth about splenda · "The lethal science of Splenda" by James .
24 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Dec 23, 2008Discussion about Dangers of Sucralose (Splenda) & Class Action Lawsuit. Speak your mind about Government Scams and be heard here at .
Sucralose. Splenda, also known as sucralose, is an artificial sweetener, which is a chlorinated sucrose derivative. . . Aspartame Dangers Home · About Dr. .
The artificial sweetener sucralose, which is sold under the name Splenda™, is one of the up-and-coming "next generation" of high-intensity sugar substitutes.
Top questions and answers about Dangers of Sucralose. Find 2 questions and answers about Dangers of Sucralose at Ask.com Read more.
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Oct 18, 2004Mercola posted completely bogus studies with regards to sucralose. IIRC they fed rats insane amounts of sucralose (so that the food was .
Artificial sweeteners are being shown to be dangerous more and more as time goes on, and sucralose dangers might be more than you would think. For those .
(Click here for more information on the potential dangers of sucralose.) Sugar alcohols are sugar molecules that have been chemically altered to have different .
Apr 8, 2008 – http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2000/12/03/sucralose-dangers. aspxIs Splenda Really As Safe As They Claim It to Be? .
I will say that sucralose is not as dangerous as aspartame. Q: Splenda is approximately 600 times sweeter than sugar. How can that be? A: As I stated before, .
Tags: how to remove sucralose from water, pharmaceuticals in drinking water, Splenda in drinking water, sucralose in drinking water, the dangers of .
The tabletop version, Splenda contains other ingredients and bulking agents that have some side effects and carcinogenic potential and should not be confused.
I recently wrote about the dangers of sucralose, and how many of the dangers might be associated with birth defects and possible ailments to children who .
Sucralose (Splenda) Toxicity Reaction Case Reports. Splenda Toxicity Reaction Samples (Updated 02/17/2008); Sucralose Dangers: Reader Testimonials .
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Concerned About Sucralose Dangers? You Should Be! In 1998, Johnson & Johnson bought the rights to market sucralose in the United States under the .
May 1, 2011 – New Info on Dangers of Sucralose (in Xocai's X-Protein Shake). Dr. Joseph Mercola is an MD who has the largest wellness center in the world, .
May 3, 2011 – Dangers Of Sucralose. Sucralose, which is sold under the brand name Splenda, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in .
*The Dangers of Sucralose- This section was created to help make people aware of the rising number of adverse reactions to sucralose (Splenda). There is now .
Dangers of Stevia . Splenda side effects and the dangers of sucralose . The main ingredient of Splenda is sucralose, a substance that was accidentally .
What Are the Dangers of Sucralose?. Splenda--a sucralose product--claims in ads to be "made from sugar so it tastes like sugar." Splenda has been embraced .
May 25, 2011 – Learn about the dangers of Splenda and other artificial sweeteners, . even the FDA's press release about sucralose parrots the claim that “it is .