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Apr 3, 2004 – Splenda is not healthy and it can cause many problems in the body. Over three years ago I posted an article describing the dangers of Splenda, .
Powerlifting and strongman article by author Eric Talmant about the dangers of splenda and its side effects.
The real health concerns and dangers of Splenda; Splenda side effects.
The Potential Dangers of Sucralose (Splenda) 2005 04 02. By Dr. Joseph Mercola | mercola.com. There's a new artificial sweetener on the block and it is already .
Aug 25, 2008 – The dangers of Splenda and Aspartame and artificial sweeteners are discussed along with Stevia and healthy alternatives.
It's important to note that no long term, conclusive studies have been done to- date on the side effects or dangers of Splenda. Though its routine use has been .
Jul 9, 2009 – Splenda is being hailed as the newest and best answer for sugar replacement. but do we really know what effects it might have in the long .
Sucralose Side Effects and Dangers . I get uncomfortable watching people adding Splenda to drinks and eating things that already have Splenda in them. .
May 7, 2010 – May 11, 2010 Splenda is hot stuff in the world of sugar substitutes and for good reason: zero calories, made from sugar, no side effects, .
14 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Nov 29, 2008If I consumed a tablespoon of sugar, it would definitely show its dangers long before Splenda could. Yet, I consumed sugar for 46 years. When I .
articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/. /sucralose-dangers.aspx - SimilarThe Dangers of Splenda | Food RenegadeYou +1'd this publicly. Undo19 Responses to The Dangers of Splenda. Local Nourishment. March 19, 2009 | 10:43 pm. I'm starting to hear about a little packeted manufactured sweetener .
Jun 8, 2005 – Here is another reference worth taking a look at: http://www.mercola.com/2000/ dec/3/sucralose_dangers.htm - "Secret Dangers of Splenda". .
Chiropractor located in north Georgia, specifically serving Dalton .
Just How Dangerous Are Splenda and Artificial Sweeteners - Which Side is Spinning? There seems to be fairly poor tracking by any formal standards once a .
Nov 8, 2003 – Splenda is promoted as a healthy sweetener but it can devastate your health, both physically and emotionally. Read one man's revealing, .
The dangers of Sucralose/Splenda Dear Manufacturer You just told Idona ( idona @pghmail.com ) that you saw no problem with the issue of chlorine in .
Jun 29, 2011 – Splenda is not very well researched on how toxic it is to the human body.
Articles tagged with 'Dangers of Splenda' at 9 WEIGHT LOSS | quick weight loss | truth + weight loss.
. Joseph Mercola exposes the FDA's hidden truths about dangers, risks, side effects of aspartame and artificial sweeteners such as Splenda and Nutrasweet.
17 posts - 11 authors - Last post: May 27, 2005Splenda is a very popular sugar substitute, used in "diet" sodas, low calorie foods and also Atkins diet. So many people use it, so WHAT CAN .
. For Everyone (Long-Term Use) · Sucralose / Splenda Toxicity Information Center . Aspartame Dangers in Pregnancy · Short Adverse Reaction Questionnarie .
Nothing Splendid about It: Beware of Splenda in Your Food 8/07. It's no news aspartame is bad stuff, but unfortunately, it's not the only artificial sweetener .
The Secret Dangers of Splenda (Sucralose), an Artificial Sweetener.
2 answers - Apr 19, 2008Top answer: Artificial Sweeteners: Sugar free but not risk free. Well most commonly used Artificial Sweeteners are Aspartame, Saccharin, Neotame and Sucralose. People take .
Aspartame Dangers, Side Effects, disease poisoning. . Some info. on the new sweetener Splenda (sucralose) found in Diet Rite soda is also provided. .
The artificial sweetener sucralose, which is sold under the name Splenda, is one of the up-and-coming "next generation" of high-intensity sugar substitutes. .
May 25, 2011 – Learn about the dangers of Splenda and other artificial sweeteners, and about safer, natural sugar substitutes.
The Dangers of Splenda in Drinking Water. A fairly recent research study has found that Splenda can accumulate in drinking water after it is excreted from .
Jul 29, 2006 – This artificial sweetener is very popular, but is it safe?
May 9, 2011 – The makers of Splenda tell us that it is derived from sugar, so we think it must be safe, right? Wrong. The second part of the equation that was .
Splenda is not Splendid. Compiled by Ingri Cassel. Since we have been sharing about the dangers of diet products containing aspartame and encouraging .
May 21, 2011 – What Are The Dangers Of Splenda, Sucralose And Aspartame?. Splenda is a sucralose product and a popular sugar substitute. Aspartame or .
There have only been six human trials to date. The longest trial lasted three months. At LEAST 15% of Splenda is not excreted from your body in a timely manner .
Top questions and answers about Danger of Splenda. Find 12 questions and answers about Danger of Splenda at Ask.com Read more.
Feb 7, 2011 – The Side Effects And Dangers Of Splenda. Splenda primarily contains sucralose, a crystalline, non-calorie containing, water-soluble artificial .
The dangers of aspartame are now widely known, but the risks of using Splenda are not documented – until now. Splenda may not penetrate the blood brain .
Do Artificial Sweeteners (splenda, aspartame, etc) Make You Fat? . people poisoning their family with dangerous artificial sweeteners like splenda, while falsely .
Splenda is a very popular artificial sweetener. What are the dangers of Splenda? It is wise to ask, Is Splenda bad for you? Find out about any danger of Splenda.
Aug 23, 2011 – The Dangers of Splenda. Splen.da has NO warnings on their label, so I wanted to warn you to be aware of how it may affect your health and the .
If you would like to know more about why Splenda is essentially chlorinated table sugar, you should read The Potential Dangers of Sucralose. Some chlorinated .
Buy the book by Dr. Mercola on the dangers of sucralose on Amazon. Best Resources: The truth about splenda · "The lethal science of Splenda" by James .
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Find out if Splenda, an artificial sweetener, is safe to our body. Learn the negative effects of Splenda in our body.
Today let's take a quick look at Splenda, the newest and trendiest of the artificial sweetener posse. Splenda, the trade name for Sucralose, was actually .
Sep 24, 2010 – Welcome to the Urban Legends Forum , a place to discuss contemporary folklore: urban legends, rumors, Net hoaxes, chain letters and the .
Learn about the dangers of Splenda, plus: can Splenda kill?
Dec 29, 2010 – Here іѕ video ѕhοwіng thе dangers οf being ѕο heavily dependent οn a . Thе invisible dangers οf EMF radiation — frοm cell phones, .
However, with all the dangers in aspartame and the unknown long term side effects of sucralose and splenda, we really should look to more natural sugar .
Feb 10, 2009 – The dangers of Splenda and artificial sweeteners. February 10, 2009. Hello Friends,. Some of you have heard me preach about the bad effects .