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CodeSmith Templates. One thing the VS.NET templates cannot do is connect to your database and generate code according to your real tables information. .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Dec 20, 2004I've created a couple of CodeSmith templates tonight, which does the following: Collection template creates a typed collection with IList, .
CodeQwik helps you speed up application development, by providing training and tools. We offer CSLA Training, CodeSmith Training, CodeSmith Templates, .
1 post - Last post: Apr 5Last week, my employer, CodeSmith Tools released Templates for Entity Framework. Please download the beta version of the templates and give .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Oct 14, 2008Do you have a plan to make a feature like importing codesmith templates ? It would be useful since the codesmith resources is very large. .
Find information about DotNetNuke in the DNN blog, an ASP.NET developer blog and resource.
This page contains C# collection templates for CodeSmith by Eric J. Smith, a commercial template expansion utility that provides generic programming for the .
This site may harm your computer.
Aug 7, 2009 . CodeSmith Generator is a template-based code generating tool .
Mar 12, 2008 . This article is an example of some useful codesmith templates that explains how they work. Brian illustrates CodeSmith at a more practical .
Jul 29, 2009 . CodeSmith CSLA Templates v1.0 released! Over a week ago we released our new CSLA Templates. I highly recommend everyone that uses CSLA to .
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 4, 2010Using the CodeSmith C# Templates on Codeplex for CSLA v. 3.8, is there a way to generate an entity from a stored procedure? .
Oct 25, 2006 . CodeSmith is a template based code generation tool. Writing and using CodeSmith Templates is easy. CodeSmith templates have many .
DotNetNuke 5.6 CodeSmith Generator Templates now available for testing! . Announcing The CodeSmith Generator 6.0 Visual Studio Template Editor .
Feb 6, 2009 . This is a simplified example of using CodeSmith templates and the System. Reflection namespace to spit out html for your page based on the .
Apr 11, 2009 . wolfyan-codesmith-templates · wolfyan-codesmith-templates . Source path: svn/ trunk/ JDF Code Templates/ jsp.cst .
This project contains all of the CodeSmith Generator sample templates and projects. We have created this project so that the CodeSmith Generator community .
This project contained all of the CodeSmith sample templates and projects. Please visit http://codesmith.googlecode.com/ for all sample templates and .
C # "CodeSmith code generation templates batch" production experience sharing. Some of the recent busy confused, the original set of plans: to write a .
Jul 3, 2009 . Where is codesmith templates? Where can I find codesmith templates for quick module development for Mojo? Thank you.. 7/3/2009 7:58:47 AM .
Jan 19, 2011 . Does anybody know if there have been any code-first templates created by the CodeSmith community? I see in their next version they are .
Oct 27, 2005 . re: CodeSmith templates for DNN module development, BLL, DAL, etc 9/2/2006 4:22 PM yemi. it makes work easy. Post A Comment .
Nov 24, 2004 . There are several CodeSmith templates to help one generate business objects from database tables. You can get real basic templates and the .
Apr 30, 2010 . matrix6.com> wrote: > Hello, > > > > Has anyone been using CodeSmith's nHibernate templates in real world > scenarios? .
1 answer - Jan 20Does anybody know if there have been any code-first templates . I'm not aware of any publicly distributed set of templates for EF4 and .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Dec 4, 2005Scott Beeler of AMD kindly sent some updates that he made to my original NHibernate/Codesmith templates which include the following changes: .
Feb 15, 2006 . CodeSmith comes with a lot of built-in templates and the next service . NET Pages are used to generate HTML, CodeSmith Templates are used .
30 items . CodeSmith Generator is a template-based code generating tool .
PLINQO, which stands for Professional LINQ to Objects, is a collection of CodeSmith templates that are meant to replace and extend the LINQ to SQL designers .
Jan 18, 2011 . extending the codesmith generator plinqo templates. . Announcing The CodeSmith Generator 6.0 Visual Studio Template Editor! http://ht.ly/ .
CODESMITH TEMPLATES. happy easter, happy days telugu movie, happy days tv show, happy days slot machine, happy days sonia, happy days movie, happy days logo .
This tutorial will show you how to create a DotNetNuke module using CodeSmith Tools. This is a tutorial covering the CodeSmith v2.6 Templates for DNN 4 (By .
Mar 24, 2011 . To execute a template from CodeSmith Explorer, double-click the template, or right-click the template and select Execute. .
Jun 22, 2007 . There's an option in CodeSmith studio to compile your template to an assembly. This has some advantages over the ”normal” way of working .
Jan 7, 2011 . netTiers is a set of open source code generation templates that . of the best code generation tool available today, CodeSmith Generator. .
Jul 12, 2005 . I decided to package a few CodeSmith Templates I've written lately to give a little something back to those in the CodeSmith Community who .
Free Microsoft AJAX Templates for CodeSmith + Overview Video. Posted on November 28, 2007 |. Posted in Development. 6 comments. Here's something I wanted to .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Nov 12, 2010Hi, I am using DNN 4.05.05 . i want to develop new module for my project ..i got DNN 3.0.1 templates from codesmith which compatible to VS.
Jun 30, 2009 . Aristeidis the guy with the beers that day share also his codesmith xaf templates with me you can download them . These templates are not .
Mar 12, 2007 . I took some time over the weekend to make big changes to my CodeSmith templates for Paul Wilson's O/R Mapper. The changes are significant, .
This article is an example of some useful codesmith templates that explains how they work Brian illustrates CodeSmith at a more practical level while .
Does anybody know if templates well as well as my codesmith templatesnov It works database help and solutions consistent with C collection templates to help .
Jun 2, 2011 . As you can see from the screenshot above, the CodeSmith Generator Template Editor is sitting inside of Visual Studio. .
guy with business objects fromthis is a syntax , changes Codesmithtemplates folder his codesmith sample templates for csla framework by providing Help and .
Mar 16, 2011 . Although CodeSmith 5.x templates are almost 100% compatible with CodeSmith 2.x templates, there are a couple breaking changes that CodeSmith .
Sep 29, 2010 . CodeSmith Generator - Master Templates, Part 2 of 2 Part 1: http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=sbob9PGfQjs.
A new set of master & subtemplates for CodeSmith v2.6 (freeware) for DotNetNuke 4.x that generate a fully-functioning module (including GridView and .
CodeSmith Generator. Your code. Your way. Faster. CodeSmith Generator is a tool to help you get your job done faster. Technically speaking it is a template .
We have compiled all of those cool tips and tricks including new features .
May 17, 2011 . For quite some time I have been busy with trying to increase my productivity while working on SharePoint solutions.