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PLINQO for NHibernate, Beta 1 Released! It makes NHibernate "so easy, even a caveman can do it." http://ht.ly/4NfZW #nhibernate #codesmith .
Feb 5, 2010 . CodeSmith Generator is a template-based code generating tool. It features a syntax nearly identical to ASP.NET and can generate code for any .
Jun 3, 2009 . The CodeSmith – Nhibernate generator would map these as Company1 and Company2, not very useful. Get around this by adding an extended .
Mar 25, 2009 . The question is can NHibernate read into tables and automatically retrieve relationships and needed config file as well as database mapper .
The contents of this readme (and QuickStart section) are covered in our NHibernate Video Tutorial, located on the CodeSmith Community website. .
Apr 9, 2009 . Currently I am using CodeSmith to help me in my NHibernate DAL generation. NHibernate is a popular ORM for .Net, and it's open source. .
2 answers - Apr 9, 2009Is there any codesmith template for NHibernate that handles multiple .
8 items . Welcome to the CodeSmith Community! . Does anybody have a template for nhibernate similar to the one Paul (pwelter34) created for Wilson's ORMapper .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 4, 2010Forums for CSLA .NET framework by Rockford Lhotka.
Mar 25, 2009 . Using NHibernate with Codesmith to generate ORM. Just started learning NHiberate . It seems rather tedious to write proper hbm.xml config .
Discussed byserial number for download Luxury , diving luxury , torrent Professional, codesmith is added nhibernate mapping tocode smith software download .
nhibernate's GetAll() fucntion not displaying all the records.
How to use external Dialec of NHibernate with gernated code. by alphatran . How to make CodeSmith working with NHibernate + PostGIS. by alphatran .
Aug 9, 2006 . It supports generation of data access layers that use NHibernate as their persistence framework. CodeSmith Template for NH .
codesmith - Revision 2183: /trunk/Templates/Frameworks/NHibernate/Source .
Feb 2, 2011 . CodeSmith Generator 5.3.4 includes performance fixes that significantly increase performance levels when generating against stored .
Apr 5, 2011 . CodeSmith NHibernate to use templates to generate the code analysis. CodeSmith is our common code generation tool, according to different .
1 answer - Dec 21, 2010Im developing a multithreading application using code smith .
7 posts - 5 authorsnunit, nhibernate, castle project, and CodeSmith. I'm starting a couple projects that I'd be interested in using Mono/mysql/linux on. I'm a .
LINQ to SQL; Entity Framework; NHibernate; CSLA .netTiers; Kinetic . those cool tips and tricks including new features into a set of CodeSmith templates. .
Aug 7, 2009 . CodeSmith Generator is a template-based code generating tool. It features a syntax nearly identical to ASP.NET and can generate code for any .
PLINQO for NHibernate, Beta 1 Released! - It's been a long time coming: Updated NHibernate templates are finally. http://ow.ly/1cuFCP.
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Jun 6, 2011 . Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "CodeSmith.SchemaHelper. NHibernate", "CodeSmith.SchemaHelper.NHibernate\CodeSmith. .
Jan 27, 2011 . codesmith · CodeSmith Generator Samples · Project Home Downloads Issues Source. Search . NHibernate-v1.2.0.2116.zip 3.9 MB. Description: .
Feb 2, 2011 . CodeSmith Generator is a template-based code generating tool. It features a syntax nearly identical to ASP.NET and can generate code for any .
Mar 11, 2006 . NET data-access layer using a tool such as CodeSmith or LLBLGen Pro, NHibernate provides the flexibility in decoupling your domain model .
3 answers - Nov 17, 2008Recently I tried CodeSmith templates for NHibernate. . I would say that a .
Chapter 11. It's a Generation Thing - CodeSmith - Chapter 11 All of the examples shown were generated from the Ordering database model (either imported, .
Jan 13, 2010 . NHib also has designers, Visual NHibernate (http://www.slyce.com) for instance. Or CodeSmith or Genwise. Or just use Fluent NHibernate and .
Dec 24, 2007 . A template for NHibernate is shipped with codesmith but unfortunetly it has some bugs and really not reliable. .
CodeSmith Generator is a tool to help you get your job done faster. . PLINQO can generated your HBM files, entity classes, and all NHibernate .
YouTube - CodeSmith Generator - NHibernate Overview 10 min - Sep 29, 2010 - Uploaded by codesmithtools
Feb 3, 2011 . CodeSmith Generator 5.3.4 includes performance fixes that significantly increase performance levels when generating against stored .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 15, 2010How to add generated files to multiple projects using CodeSmith tools · NHibernate, Codesmith and project physical architecture .
Using CodeSmith NHibernate Templates. shannon. Tue, Nov 4 2008 11:57 AM. Comments 8. We have updated our NHibernate templates and have packaged together C# .
Jan 8, 2005 . The others may have more features, and NHibernate is open source . . I've written my own data access generation templates with CodeSmith. .
. data codesmith nhibernate num_queries int completesuggestion completesuggestion suggestion data codesmith nhibernate template among other terms.
Jul 18, 2008 . NHibernate 2.0 Rhino.Commons - NHRepository NHibernate Query Generator Castle Windsor. -- Codesmith Nhibernate Templates for entities and .
Jun 6, 2011 . NHibernate", "CodeSmith.SchemaHelper.NHibernate\CodeSmith. . NHibernate.Tests" , "CodeSmith.Data.NHibernate.Tests\CodeSmith.Data. .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Dec 4, 2005Scott Beeler of AMD kindly sent some updates that he made to my original NHibernate/Codesmith templates which include the following changes: .
NET, ASPX, CodeSmith, NHibernate. My book is finally out! After over a year of more work than I ever thought it would take, I was finally able to hold a .
PLINQO for NHibernate, Beta 1 Released! It makes NHibernate "so easy, even a .
Automatic Code Generation. Example – Code Generator . CodeSmith. nHibernate Mapping Files Generation . [7] http://www.codegeneration.net/tiki-index.php .
Nov 4, 2008 . CodeSmith Generator is a template-based code generating tool. It features a syntax nearly identical to ASP.NET and can generate code for any .
Aug 29, 2010 . This is how to use Codesmith professional version 5.1 without visual studio with Postgresql to generate nhibernate templates. .
codesmith tutorial video, 2 best. codesmith tutorial pdf, 3 best. codesmith tutorial template, (alt.) codesmith tutorial csla, (alt.) nhibernate codesmith .
May 3, 2011 . <RootNamespace>CodeSmith.SchemaHelper.NHibernate</RootNamespace>. <AssemblyName> CodeSmith.SchemaHelper.NHibernate</AssemblyName> .
Jun 2, 2007 . But I did heard that nhibernate relied on codesmith, which you needed to purchase codesmith. Well, obviously I prefer NHibernate, .
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