Aug 4, 11
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  • Apr 8, 2011 – I think you are merging fluent NHibernate's capabilities (or something too close ) and that's so good. It can eliminate that external .
  • Jun 23, 2011 – "Merge" cascades are in NHibernate if using xml configuration, so I downloaded the latest Fluent source and added the following to .
  • Fix: IntelliMerge doesn't work for Fluent NHibernate projects - custom edits are lost in existing files. Fix: Files not written to disk when the 'Merge into .
  • To resolve this issue you can use the NHibernate Merge() method. This method merges a persisted entity with a detached or transient entity. .
  • 2 answers - Feb 17Top answer: NHibernate's "Merge" method does something a little different than what you think, I think. It basically attaches the object and its children to the .
  • NHibernate Configuration. Perhaps not so many people know in how many ways NH . The code to merge/override the configuration inside app.config with the .
  • 4 answers - Jun 20, 2010Top answer: Your mapping (and class model) is not correct. Child should have a reference to Parent, not an Id. And the mapping should be a <key-many-to-one/>
  • I use NHibernate's Merge capabilities to take all the persistent values in the user's version and copy them to the entity instance inside the current .
  • 2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Aug 26, 2009I've now used ILMerge to merge NHibernate 2.1's Antlr3.Runtime assembly into the NHibernate assembly (with Antlr3.Rutnime's types .
  • NHibernate JIRA. NHibernate. NHibernate.Burrow · NHibernate. .
  • Jul 27, 2011 – NHibernate.Profiler-Build-895 7fe4242 Fix ProfilerBootstrapper.vb 98cdddb Merge branch 'master' of github.com:hibernating-rhinos/NHProf .
  • ILMerge is a tool for merging assemblies together, which is very useful for easy . I'm trying to put all together with ILMerge and Fluent NHibernate. .
  • 2 answers - Jul 15If i create a new Parent object and then add new child object to it . You may use cascade or merge the child separately: .
  • 1 answer - Jul 1Top answer: NHibernate 3 has out of the box types for both XDocument and XmlDocument . You shouldn't need to roll your own.
  • Jan 7, 2011 – The plans to overhaul that and merge that into NHibernate's proper for the next release are still active, but the project team feels most .
  • Create your own Parts to merge Stored Procedure into Fluent NHibernate .
  • Nov 13, 2008 – The solution was to use the merge() method (new in .
  • Search and NHibernate.Shards uses events and NHibernate AddIns provide examples on how to use events to merge NHibernate with the EnterpriseLibrary .
  • Jul 20, 2011 – ngbrown wants someone to merge 2 commits into jagregory:master from . branch ' master' of git://github.com/jagregory/fluent-nhibernate .
  • I encountered an issue with an NHibernate mapping today that took me a short . a kalman filter to merge the odometry data from the wheel encoders with the .
  • Nov 2, 2009 – NHibernate feature: SaveOrUpdateCopy & Merge. One of NHiberantes features that I haven't seen mentioned in the documentation or in blogs .
  • NHibernate/Linq/Functions/DefaultLinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry.cs .
  • 11 posts - 3 authorsMerge(String entityName, Object obj, IDictionary copiedAlready) in d:\CSharp\NH\ NH\nhibernate\src\NHibernate\Impl\SessionImpl.cs:line 928 at NHibernate. .
  • Collections; using NHibernate.Classic; using NHibernate. . Merge; } } protected override bool? AssumedUnsaved { get { return false; } } protected override .
  • Dec 2, 2010 – Turns out that we were able to alter the query that NHibernate normally generated, and change it into a MERGE INTO type statement, .
  • 1 post - Last post: Jan 17There is a cascade="merge" option in NHibernate (thought I found no reference to it in documentation) for cascading ISession.Merge() .
  • Nov 8, 2009 – The issue is that NHibernate has been asked to perform something that violate one of its . will merge the detached entity into the session .
  • 2 days ago – I use NHibernate's Merge capabilities to take all the persistent values in the user's version and copy them to the entity instance inside .
  • 8 posts - 2 authorsNHibernate.dll You can use a tool called ILMerge to merge the assemblies .
  • Merge - Sessions and Transactions Author = "Jason Dentler", }; using (var session = sessionFactory. . Using NHibernate with TransactionScope .
  • Dec 1, 2010 – On our project we were noticing a massive performance penalty when sending a number of records to the database to either be inserted or .
  • 8Lokad.Cqrs.NHibernate.dll 58<!--Merge Lokad.Cqrs.NHibernate 59. e="Library\ NHibernate.Core\*.dll;Library\NHibernate.Linq\*.dll;$(RawPath)\Lokad. .
  • Merge - Chapter 3 Using session.Merge session.Merge is perhaps one of the most misunderstood features in NHibernate. In this recipe, I'll show you how to .
  • Apr 3, 2008 – Search and NHibernate.Shards uses events and NHibernate AddIns provide examples on how to use events to merge NHibernate with the .
  • Assembly: NHibernate (in NHibernate.dll) Assembly Versions: . During merge, replace the existing (target) value in the entity we are merging to .
  • 3 answers - Oct 4, 2008I noticed sometimes with my parent/child objects, or many-to-many . This is from section 10.7. Automatic state detection of the Hibernate .
  • 5 posts - Last post: Jan 4, 2010Re: [nhibernate-development] Fix for merge and null components (related to patch for NH 2011) Please don't use the dev-list for these things .
  • Nov 2, 2009 – NHibernate feature: SaveOrUpdateCopy & Merge. One of NHiberantes features that I haven't seen mentioned in the documentation or in blogs .
  • Posts Tagged 'nhibernate'. Cascade Merge Entity in NHibernate · leave a comment ». Thou shall not forget to change thy configuration from .
  • May 31, 2011 – nhibernate-3 has 24 questions, nhibernate3 has 8. [nhibernate-3] follows the typical SO versioned tag conventions. .
  • May 6, 2011 – One thing surprised us is that NHibernate treats the . we had to use hybrid mode to merge hbm mapping files for legacy database. .
  • Try project for NHibernate + ConfORM. Clone this repository (size: 15.1 KB): HTTPS / . . Merge(new SafePoidPack()) .Merge(new OneToOneRelationPack(orm)) . .
  • Oct 18, 2009 – What is really interesting is that NHibernate will take all .
  • When I merge an object that has two circularly cascaded child collections, and I 've deleted a single item from both collections, all items are deleted from .
  • 3 days ago – Merge method in NHibernate?When can we use of this method? Try look here: NHibernate - Difference between session.Me.
  • NHibernate JIRA. NHibernate. NHibernate.Burrow · NHibernate. . it would be nice if there was a generic version of Merge, even if all it did was .
  • Mar 3, 2011 – Fabio Maulo's put up the NHibernate 3.1GA release on www.nhforge.org. . Merge methods instead ##### Run time ##### * [NH-2481] - An .
  • 3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 10, 2010Hi, I am having a lot of difficulty with the merge method of NHibernate in .Net 4. Let's say i have 4 tables, all with the same fields (ID .
  • May 18, 2010 – The NHibernate ISession, the core of NHibernate usage, has some methods which are quite misunderstood and underused, to name a few, Merge, .
  • . JavaScript and CSS Minify, and JavaScript and Imaging merging. . NHibernate is a leading open source Object Relational Mapping (ORM) solution and .

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