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Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile . . Sat Aug 21 18:36:34 -0700 2010, added support for new stylesheet framework (androi.. . [jhaynie] . . WebView handles the lack of HTML in . [Blain Hamon] .
Titanium appcelerator xml. . Also, the project requires suitable stylesheet to allow the .xml document to be viewed and another . ). .
May 12, 2011 . Also, the project requires suitable stylesheet to allow the .
Mar 4, 2011 . Agreed to use Titanium Appcelerator as the development framework. . into a custom stylesheet rather than include all of jQueryUI. . Home page list will be a combination of native apps and web view of uPortal layout. .
50 answers - Apr 29Getting an error with titanium appcelerator: . The code looks like; String .
createWebView({ url:'foo.htm', height:'auto', }); // add webview to additional window . dhtmlxLayout/codebase/dhtmlxlayout.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" .
Jul 16, 2010 . For the impatient, you can go straight to: App Inventor, DroidDraw, Rhomobile, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, WebView, AML .
Also, the project requires suitable stylesheet to allow the .xml document . . UI base classes - Web view UI framework - XML parshing or JSON App Screen . .
Appcelerator titanium xml. . Also, the project requires suitable stylesheet to allow the .xml document to be viewed and another . ). .
15 answersHi all, I am new to appcelerator titanium, i created a mobile project, . i used some style sheet and JS to do some stuffs with Android webview. .
It pulls off /> this trick by running your web code in a UIWebView , an embedded . . Appcelerator Titanium Mobile vs. Phonegap · Extract Email Address – Al .
Posted by Dan Stever on December 28, 2010 in Appcelerator, Mobile · 0 Comment . The reason for this is that the WebView object will allow us to control . . It is also a great idea to add a stylesheet so we can customize how our page .
Titanium appcelerator xml. . Someone with Appcelerator experience is preferred . . Also designing the stylesheet for the two pages following . . UI base classes - Web view UI framework - XML parshing or JSON App Screen . .
. Haynie 2329363 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:appcelerator/ titanium_mobile . /ui/src/ti/modules/titanium/ui/widget/webview/ TiWebViewBinding.java . master 1290416303 Jeff Haynie 37a2af1 turn off stylesheet printing which .
Feb 9, 2011 . Define some styles and JavaScript to inject into the web .
Local CSS not used in Local HTML Webview . The local stylesheet is not recognized. I can change it to a hosted url, e.g. http://www.fred.com/file.css and .
11 postsIf I assign an empty string once to the web view before I run my loader, . Once "switched on" it iplements the colours stipulated by the CSS style sheet. .
Jul 21, 2010 . In fact Rhodes ships with a robust set of CSS stylesheets that optimize . - appinventor-rhomobile-phonegap-appcelerator-webview-and-aml/ .
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile . < title>local webview</title>. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=". .
Jul 30, 2010 . In fact Rhodes ships with a robust set of CSS stylesheets .
File Format: Rich Text Format - View as HTML
Mar 13, 2010 . The Appcelerator Titanium team realized that won't get you an app that feels . In Rhodes 2.0 we are doing stylesheets that use best of breed . like as good as a well-styled UIWebView control focusing app anyway. .
Comparativo: Appcelerator vs. PhoneGap vs. Adobe Air . [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCallBack]; . iPad/iPhone specific css below, add after your main css > <link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and .
Freelancer Archived projects tagged "local css uiwebview" .
Local CSS not used in Local HTML Webview. Hello! I created a simple html file using the kitchen sink example. The local stylesheet is not recognized. .
Titanium appcelerator xml. . Also, the project requires suitable stylesheet to allow the .xml document to be viewed and another . ). .
The appcelerator webView control only provides you the HTML of the view if you . .. add after your main css > <link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and .
Then i create a webview that is based on a local html file. . charset="utf-8" /> <title>MyApp</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" /> </head> .
Feb 22, 2011 . It uses straightforward markup, script and stylesheets to build the application. . Appcelerator is a recent addition to the cross-platform mobile . - appinventor-rhomobile-phonegap-appcelerator-webview-and-aml/ .
[DEBUG] Processing Android resource drawables [DEBUG] app stylesheet .
Revert "Added WebFrameLoadDelegate webView:foundUnknownScriptType:forFra. . .. 151, LayoutTests/http/tests/misc/resources/location-test-xsl-style-sheet.xsl .
Nov 29, 2010 . Comparison: App Inventor, DroidDraw, Rhomobile, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, WebView, and AML. I've been researching easy ways to build mobile .
May 11, 2010 . UIWebView WebView (Custom control) Tuesday, May 11, 2010 . Some Web hybrid wrapper frameworks include: Appcelerator PhoneGap Titanium Both . Style your Web site using mobile-specific proportions and style sheets. 2. .
May 22, 2011 . Appcelerator Titanium. Titanium Desktop . First change to the Aptana Web view, then go to File -> new -> others . . <html> <head> <title>Ext-Air with Aptana< /title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" .
Hi, Is there anyway to override a stylesheet of an external site in a .
Hi, Is there anyway to override a stylesheet of an external site in a .
Jan 12, 2011. app stylesheet => /Users/brandon/Projects/Appcelerator/SL/SL/build/ . .. ti /modules/titanium/ui/widget/webview/binding.js [DEBUG] from .
Dec 28, 2010 . The reason for this is that the WebView object will allow us to control . . It is also a great idea to add a stylesheet so we can customize how our . . is there any sort of event that we can hook into in Appcelerator .
blog.clearlyinnovative.com/. /titanium-appcelerator-quickie-webview-html- evaljsup to second crash - Appcelerator JIRAFile Format: Unrecognized - View as HTML
WebView Override Stylesheet. Hi, Is there anyway to override a stylesheet of an external site in a . . 2008-2011 Appcelerator Inc. All rights reserved. .
15 answers - 5 days agowebview appcelerator-mobile. asked 17 hours ago . i used some style sheet and JS to do some stuffs with Android webview. .
I have HTML content with images that I want to display in a WebView, . charset =utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /><link rel="stylesheet" .
Android webview title bar. . port an existing iOS app to Android 2.1 - to use appcelerator - urgently within 10days. 1, $676, Android, Mobile Phone .
May 20, 2011 . <link href="phone.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only . AKA. creating an "app" by "wrapping" a local/remote website with a native webview. . Titanium Appcelerator - http://www.appcelerator.com/ (most .
30 answers - May 3Getting an error with titanium appcelerator: 'CALayerInvalidGeometry'. I'm .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Oct 11, 2009<link href="css/tweets.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" . Appcelerator Inc. Twitter: @kevinwhinnery http://appcelerator.com .
titanium_mobile - Appcelerator Titanium Mobile. . cf43d9dd · jhaynie · added support for new stylesheet framework (android and iphone) . 98c8bbd1 · jhaynie · [#701 state:resolved] added ability to set basic auth for webview .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 23Titanium is Native - appcelerator . . home' isn't sufficient for them) even when the app spec is just a glorified web view. . mobiReady apparently does not pick up on the mobile style sheet, and then complains about .
Is there anyway to override a stylesheet of an external site in a webview .