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Apr 5, 2010 . Today Appcelerator launches Titanium Tablet, a platform designed to help . you can open up our “Kitchen Sink” application, which contains .
Jan 26, 2010 . After you've installed Appcelerator Titanium Developer on your computer, it's a good idea to get started with the "Kitchen Sink" App from .
Sep 24, 2010 . I was able to build and run the Kitchen Sink example successfully through Appcelerator after completing the tutorial above. .
This code found in KitchenSink web_views.js (pasted below) seems to .
Apr 3, 2011 . This is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium Mobile. It is used for testing out the functionality of Titanium on the .
Dec 5, 2010 . Getting started with the Kitchen Sink über demo application.
Jump to Here's how I solved the KitchenSink problem: Don't drop KitchenSink just anywhere. Shorten the path. I created a link in my appcelerator .
KitchenSinkDesktop - KitchenSink application for Titanium Desktop. . For API docs and tutorials, head over to http://developer.appcelerator.com, .
I found the following error on loading the kitchen sink,. [ERROR] While executing Timer, received script error. 'Result of expression 'e.tab' [undefined ] is .
Mar 10, 2011. is an unofficial API for the excellent Appcelerator Titanium framework. This API was compiled by parsing the example Kitchen Sink app. .
Mar 4, 2011 . So, I've been having a really hard time getting the Kitchen .
Mar 3, 2010 . it takes a while to load the kitchen sink to the Android emulator for the first time . 2010 @ 06:42 AM on the Appcelerator Support site. .
Mar 4, 2011 . So, I've been having a really hard time getting the Kitchen Sink app to load in an emulator using Appcelerator's Kitchen Sink, .
Feb 15, 2011 . and KitchenSink – with demos and all that: https://github.com/appcelerator/ titanium_mobile/tree/master/demos/KitchenSink .
We have been trying for hours to get kitchensink to work on the mobile andriod emulator with no success. These are the errors I am getting. .
Mar 23, 2011 . This is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium Mobile. It is used for testing out the functionality of Titanium on the .
1 post - Last post: Mar 24, 2009In the CLI days, you created an Appcelerator application with the kitchen sink included by default. With Entourage, you can still have the .
This is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium Mobile. It is used for testing out the functionality of Titani.
8 answers - Oct 2, 2010Let checkout KitchenSink from Github (http://github.com/appcelerator .
Get the Appcelerator KitchenSink Demo Android app (★★★, 50 downloads) ⇒ This is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium Mobile. .
Download Appcelerator KitchenSink Demo for Android (★★★☆☆, 50-100 downloads ) - This is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium .
Nov 9, 2010 . The answer to this again was from appcelerator's forum: https://developer. appcelerator.com/question/19071/kitchensink-on-android-mission- .
Feb 4, 2010 . Appcelerator Titanium is an open source mobile application . I have included some screenshots of the Kitchen Sink application built in .
The "Getting Started and the Development Workflow" video explains the files .
demos/KitchenSink/README. Welcome to your Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Project - --------------------------------- Stuff our legal folk make us say: .
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[ERROR] E:\AppceleratorFiles\appcelerator-KitchenSink-7b502db\KitchenSink\build\ android\gen\com\appcelerator\titanium\R.java:10: duplicate class: .
Download Appcelerator Titanium, the free and open source platform for .
Oct 28, 2010 . For those who not, be advised that Appcelerator Titanium .
2 answers - Apr 27Hi,. I've tried to run the kitchensink example for appcelerator . I had faced the same problem, my workround was to uninstall the Titanium .
Apr 26, 2011 . Instead of creating a custom player interface we can just copy and paste the one from Appcelerator's Kitchen Sink example. .
. Appcelerator, Appcelerator Kitchen Sink, Iphone App, Appcelerator Tutorial, . Kitchen Sink, Mac OS X, Appcelerator Jss, Kitchen Sink Appcelerator, .
Dec 23, 2010 . appcelerator titanium android kitchen sink demo sample app.
blog.clearlyinnovative.com/post/. /my-titanium-appcelerator-thoughtsHacker News | Appcelerator Titanium: From a developer's perspectiveCheck out all the forums posts about people struggling to get KitchenSink running: http://developer.appcelerator.com/questions/search/kitchensi. .
Mar 14, 2011 . This is another error I encountered in running Kitchen sink on my Titanium Appcelerator : [ERROR] Failed installing .
Jan 29, 2010 . Appcelerator will begin allowing developers to create iPad . running Appcelerator Titanium Kitchen Sink 0.9 http://bit.ly/9R3VaR . .
Titanium Mobile - The Kitchen Sink. This project includes a wide variety of the APIs available in Titanium Mobile. For more, head out to the Appcelerator .
Feb 25, 2011 . Helped plan this Meetup. Gypsy. Rick gave a great overview of the kitchen sink and how to use appcelerator. Robert Speer .
Apr 2, 2011 . This is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium Mobile. It is used for testing out the functionality of Titanium on the .
3 posts - 2 authorsThis is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium Mobile. It is used for testing out the functionality of Titanium on the Android platform .
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Nov 3, 2010 . This entry was posted in Titanium Appcelerator Tutorial and tagged INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY, KitchenSink Application for .
Apr 26, 2011 . If you don't already have the KitchenSink project you can get it here: https:// github.com/appcelerator/KitchenSink .
Apr 20, 2011 . This guide will help you get started with the Kitchen Sink demo application. After reading this guide, you should be able to: .
Kitchen Sink for Mobile is a developer companion application, showcasing the use of nearly every API and option available in the Titanium Mobile SDK. .
This is the Appcelerator Kitchen Sink demo application for Titanium Mobile. It is used for testing out the functionality of Titanium on the Android platform .
Mar 31, 2011 . This guide will help you get started with the Kitchen Sink .
Apr 12, 2010 . Create custom rows for your Iphone application with Appcelerator Titanium. . ( I used an alert dialog from kitchen sink and the table does .
Was kann ich alles machen? http://github.com/appcelerator/KitchenSink; Eine Beispielapp mit allen existierenden Controls und Beispielen. Titanium .