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ticket; aarti “webview + html +fireevent” was created by aarti. Monday May .
May 4, 2011 . Apparently plugins are not enabled for the Webview implementation on Android. More details are available on the Appcelerator's Q&A. .
Titanium.UI.WebView.fireEvent. function. fire a synthesized event to the views listener . 2008-2011 Appcelerator Inc. All rights reserved. .
3 answers - Jan 27App.fireEvent('fromwebview', {name:this.id}); return false; }; </script> </html> . Does Appcelerator Titanium Apps run independently? .
<head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function close() { Titanium.API.info('test from webview'); Ti.App.fireEvent('closeInfoWindow') .
. DroidDraw, Rhomobile, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, WebView, AML . . App. fireEvent( 'changewindow', { data :[ windowId ]} ); } // look for the right window .
Before you begin, create a new project in Titanium Appcelerator and call it whatever . App.fireEvent('openLink', {linkUrl: 'http://boydlee.com'});">Open .
fireEvent is lost after webview.reload(); is called. . Ticket Reference and testing code: http://developer.appcelerator.com/helpdesk/view/72421 .
App.fireEvent('app:rowClicked', evtData); } /** * initialize the window . .. The appcelerator webView control only provides you the HTML of the view if you .
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile .
Webview fireEvent. 0. Hi,. i'm using a webview to show a non local url and i .
Titanium.UI.WebView.fireEvent. function of Titanium.UI.WebView. 0.8. fire a synthesized event to the views listener. Arguments .
1 answer - May 6App.fireEvent, is there an equivalent? . How Titanium Appcelerator project works? Stop webview from “Bouncing” (Monotouch / C#) .
Dec 28, 2010 . The reason for this is that the WebView object will allow .
Jun 17, 2010 . App.fireEvent. But, is there any global data store that is accessible . Finally, webviews in the non-webview JS context do have a method, .
Jun 17, 2010 . App.fireEvent. The event data is copied (Or if a titanium object, . Finally, webviews in the non-webview JS context do have a method, .
Titanium.UI.WebView.fireEvent. function. fire a synthesized event to the views listener. Arguments. Name, Type, Description. name, string, name of the event .
Through experimenting, if the * webview is interested, a subview or subsubview will be . .. (void)fireEvent:(id)listener withObject:(id)obj remove:(BOOL)yn .
fireEvent > * @param {String} name name of the event > * @param {Object} event . . title:"Appcelerator Headquarters", > * subtitle:'Mountain View, CA', . . zIndex > * @type Int > * @property > */ > >/** > * The web view allows you .
Jul 16, 2010 . For the impatient, you can go straight to: App Inventor, DroidDraw, Rhomobile, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, WebView, AML .
Mar 22, 2011 . We are going to use a WebView to present our chart to the screen. . . App. fireEvent to fire the renderChart event that we created in the . along and I'd love to see what else you do with Appcelerator Titanium. .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Aug 16, 2010. I have to solve it very urgently, but nobody replies on the Appcelerator. . I'm using a webview, and I'm calling titanium events from the javascript . App.fireEvent(event); } </script>. I have TWO problems, .
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Appcelerator-Titanium-Redux - Reduces the amount of code you need to write .
App.fireEvent("app.updateNowPlaying", { "info" : infoText, "title" . How to use WebView in Titanium. • How to detect if the iOS device is online and on .
Nov 30, 2010 . App.fireEvent('show_date',{date: monthName(b)+' '+e.target. . The webview is created (and hidden with bottom the same as the negative .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 8, 2010[DIRECT-L] Appcelerator Titanium question Direct-L Mailing List. . I have tried calling both: Ti.App.fireEvent("bar"); and webview. .
Dec 3, 2010 . API, 9/17/10 Appcelerator Titanium API Reference Contents . createWebView Titanium.UI.createWindow Titanium.UI.fireEvent Titanium.UI. .
App object to the web view object, and by calling fireEvent on the web view . . the problem with broken communication between appcelerator and the html. .
Posted by Dan Stever on December 28, 2010 in Appcelerator, Mobile · 0 Comment . The reason for this is that the WebView object will allow us to control our . . passed to the WebView and named "webPageReady" by the TI.App.fireEvent. .
Appcelerator Titanium Mobile * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. . . Through experimenting, if the * webview is interested, . . (void)fireEvent:(id)listener withObject:(id)obj remove:(BOOL)yn .
ticket; aarti “webview + html +fireevent” was created by aarti. Monday May .
App.fireEvent('linkClicked', { href: 'http://example.com' }). .
Aug 9, 2009 . var webView = Titanium.UI.createWebView({url:'menu.html'}); var appWin = Titanium. . App.fireEvent('do_something_native', {foo: 'bar'}); .
App.fireEvent("SharedWebViewBeforeLoad", {url: e.url}); . . <ti:app xmlns:ti=" http://ti.appcelerator.org"> + <deployment-targets> + <target .
1 answer - Mar 22isDirectory not working properly in Appcelerator Titanium? titanium webview .
appcelerator q. should a remote webview be able to fireevent with parameters to an event listener? i can ge… (cont) http://deck.ly/~lf946.
this is a different encoding than specified, just send it to the webview to load . . (void)fireEvent:(id)listener withObject:(id)obj remove:(BOOL)yn .
Android: regression in Ti.App.fireEvent from within WebView context on 1.5 trunk . http://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/9 .
hello, i've to bring up an issue mentioned here several times, but which is not answered yet. it seems that a custom event defined in a webview fire at .
Im creating a webview from html that is generated. On each of the images i .
blog.clearlyinnovative.com/. /titanium-appcelerator-quickie-fire-events-from -webview#31 webview + html +fireevent - Entourage - appceleratorwebview + html +fireevent. Reported by aarti | May 9th, 2011 @ 03:29 AM. I want to open an url in browser when user click on the given link displayed on .
Webview + fireEvent dont work . createWebView({ bottom:0, height: config .
Fix works for me; notes on bug at: https://appcelerator.lighthouseapp.com/ projects . App.fireEvent() from a web view con. Thu Oct 21 18:37:11 -0700 2010 .
May 6, 2011 . Many native applications, though, take advantage of Web View to load . .. iPhone-Style Password Inputs with Appcelerator Titanium . . The problem that occurs is that fireEvent doesn't provide an Event object to the .
Webview fireEvent. Hi, i'm using a webview to show a non local url and i like to fire a event. . . 2008-2011 Appcelerator Inc. All rights reserved. .
2 answers - Nov 3, 2010Hi there,. I've setup some webviews & with tabs in Appcelerator Titanium .
1 answer - Nov 4, 2010App.fireEvent('closeAbout'); } </script> </head> <body> <a href="#" .
https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/commit/ . App.fireEvent(' customOpenDocument', {url:docURL}); alert('webview click received CALL ENDED'); .