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Sep 28, 2010. iPad SplitView example var sv = Ti.UI.iPad. . Jeff Haynie's Appcelerator presentation at the iPhone/iPad Dev Con held in San Diego, .
I needed a way to display charts and graphs in a recent Appcelerator application . . the requested size - not great for zooming in when viewed on a phone or iPad. . For this example I am just implementing the PieChart, which is here: .
Feb 8, 2011 . Appcelerator for iPhone/iPad by caryotype Development of an application with . titanium developer samples · appcelerator ipad examples .
May 24, 2010 . Another app to keep an eye out for is Sugar CRM's new iPad .
Phonegap. Since I've also seen the Appcelerator. . Open Source: Fruit Ninja Type Example Game With The Corona SDK · TMX Tiled Map Editor Released For iPad .
Jan 27, 2010 . This is the upcoming 0.9 release running in the Apple iPad simulator. . Report concern about 'Appcelerator Titanium 0.9 in the iPad Simulator' . Some examples of inappropriate content are pornographic or explicit .
Freelancer Archived projects tagged "appcelerator ipad" . .. examples of previous work and should be very proficient with iPad/iPhone SDK development. .
Apr 5, 2010 . Appcelerator has updated its "Kitchen Sink" reference application for the iPad, which showcases the code and live examples of over 200 APIs .
Appcelerator titanium ipad. . Reply with examples of previous work for .
Apr 5, 2010 . Today Appcelerator launches Titanium Tablet, a platform designed to help developers create apps for the iPad. Titanium is a free, .
. an option to make notes from the lessons i have with my ipad, for example i have . newest appcelerator+ipad+iphone questions feed. 3. questions tagged .
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Feb 18, 2011 . (Budget: $250-$750 USD, Jobs: C Programming, iPad, iPhone .
blog.clearlyinnovative.com/. /titanium-appcelerator-quickie-minimal-ipad- splitviewUseful Design Tips For Your iPad App - Smashing MagazineApr 16, 2010 . With tools like Appcelerator's Titanium and some JavaScript . For example, “ photos” on the iPad could operate similar to iPhoto on the .
Apr 5, 2010 . Besides Phonegap, you've got Appcelerator Titanium, . For example, you can write a Titanium Mobile app using . Titanium supports iPhone and Android today , but, we'll be rolling out iPad support this week, .
Apr 5, 2010 . Appcelerator has updated its “Kitchen Sink” reference .
May 3, 2011 . Appcelerator has updated its “Kitchen Sink” reference application for the iPad, which showcases the code and live examples of over 200 APIs .
Apr 13, 2010 . Appcelerator and the Awesome Titanium Platform The Latest Titanium News Titanium 1.2: Build Native Mobile, Desktop—and now—Tablet Apps!
Please send examples of work with your bid. Thanks! . Tags: iphone ,javascript ,json ,appcelerator ,titanium ,iphone app ,ipad .
Dear All, Is there any good example source code for iPad development with iPad native UI. Actually I know about KitchenSink example but when I check it, .
I am finding it a bit hard to locate a good example for the popover. The Kitchen Sink version is openPhotoGallery specific - so it's not useful for the the .
Apr 23, 2011 . In demonstrating its support for the new iPad, Appcelerator said that it had successfully tested . For example this would include: .
Apr 21, 2011 . Appcelerator ipad. . Mobile Application using Appcelerator . . Freelancer.com - Give examples of similar or other IPAD projects that you .
In this example you'll be creating a basic sprite (in the form of a gift box .
Apr 21, 2011 . Hi I would like to have a mobile app developed with Appcelerator, . . A. Give examples of similar or other iPad/iPhone projects that you .
Dec 6, 2010. we choose not to port to iPhone yet), is an example of application we've built. . If you need Appcelerator Titanium-built iPhone and Android apps, . Tags: android, appcelerator, iOS, ipad, iphone, titanium .
2 answers - Mar 28And i want to add an option to make notes from the lessons i have with my ipad, for example . iphone/ipad dev - how to launch the system settings app . How to compile Appcelerator Titanium's iPhone project in Xcode? .
Mar 8, 2010 . Streaming an audio clip, for example, can take between 50-500 lines . future releases such as iPad and Blackberry. Appcelerator Analytics .
Please send examples of work with your bid. Thanks! Desired Skills: iPhone . Tags: iphone ,javascript ,json ,appcelerator ,titanium ,iphone app ,ipad .
Jun 12, 2010 . In this tutorial, we should how you can create a animatable menu bar for an iPad application using Appcelerator Titanium. The example .
Jan 18, 2011 . iPhone/iPad, Adobe Air creates iOS apps with the Packager for iPhone. Blackberry Phone, Appcelerator support is currently beta. .
Freelancer Archived projects tagged "appcelerator ipad" . .. examples of previous work and should be very proficient with iPad/iPhone SDK development. .
Apr 5, 2010 . Appcelerator has updated its "Kitchen Sink" reference application for the iPad, which showcases the code and live examples of over 200 APIs .
Apr 6, 2011 . need a simple iPad application to be coded using APPCELERATOR TITANIUM. . . Reply with examples of previous work for iphone/ipad apps that .
I can't seem to find any working examples of a splitWindow. The example .
Jan 17, 2011. iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian and Blackberry SDKs.”. . Appcelerator provides a plethora of examples, all bundled up in their Kitchen Sink . Both Phone Gap and Appcelerator Titanium give web developers the .
May 29, 2010 . A true iPhone or Ipad combobox that allows you to use the same textfield . first you would create the “data” for the picker, for example .
Sep 8, 2010 . Appcelerator®, the leading platform for rapidly developing native mobile, desktop, and iPad applications using web technologies, .
. an option to make notes from the lessons i have with my ipad, for example i have . I'm building an iPad app using Appcelerator and I need to securely .
See HelpDesk ticket : http://developer.appcelerator.com/helpdesk/view/76164 . This example simulates the scenario one of our quickstart customer's are .
I'm trying to use the iPad kitchen sink example. The example uses the same rss feed for each master link. If I change the links to test it out, .
Why use Appcelerator Titanium to create mobile apps? . The ELITE iPad . Other examples of hybrid platforms include Titanium from Appcelerator and the .
Feb 25, 2011 . what is appcelerator (desktop, mobile, iPad/tablets) . KitchenSink examples are a huge help (you need this if you learn by example) .
Apr 7, 2010 . Appcelerator said today it has launched support for iPad with a new Titanium Tablet SDK. Titanium Tablet will allow developers to build .
Mar 8, 2010 . With the launch of the iPad only weeks away, Appcelerator is promising . like access the phone's camera or stream video, for example. .
Sep 22, 2010 . Adaptive Blue's GetGlue is an example of a Titanium-based social mobile . New Appcelerator Developer Survey Shows Apple iPad and Android .
Is there any good example source code for iPad development with iPad native UI. Actually I know about KitchenSink example but when I check it, .
adding back in xml dom examples - WTF did these get removed? Kevin Whinnery ( author) . For more, head out to the Appcelerator Developer Center. .
One example is “rock and learn” with the appropriate Title of “The iPad and . Create iPhone and iPad Apps with Appcelerator via iPhone Tutorial Videos .