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Jun 30, 2010 . The Twitter API provides a wealth of resources to extend .
Our expert team of dedicated and proficient appcelerator titanium developer . Store, YouTube, Google App Engine, CllickaTell SMS Gateway, Facebook API, .
Sep 29, 2010 . Appcelerator secures USD 9 million round of funding . commerce, advertising, messaging, media, and analytic APIs. Facebook leads at 65 percent, with Twitter following at 60 percent and Foursquare at 22 percent. .
We provide Appcelerator Titanium development services to businesses . amazon api sign titanium appcelerator titanium developer graph -facebook code to .
1 answerI'm trying to use the new Facebook Graph API with Appcelerator Titanium .
Mar 16, 2011 . Appcelerator, a company focused on cross-platform development tools, has started extending itself into the world of APIs by offering mobile .
First test app using appcelerator titanium. - Custom grouped table views. - Dynamic table content - Youtube API - Twitter APIDuration : 0:1:24[youtube.
1 post - Last post: May 6Contract jobs available: Drupal Facebook Connect and . We also need developers with Appcelerator Titanium experience . Get Started · Documentation Home · Installation Guide · Site Building Guide · api.drupal.org .
Sign UpFacebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life. . Awaiting API docs on 1.6.0! February 10 at 12:29am · Like · Comment . Appcelerator Titanium: sviluppare app per Android e iPhone – Prima Parte | Appunti .
The top level Facebook module. The Facebook module is used for connecting your application with Facebook through the Facebook Graph API (see .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 22, 2010I recently used Appcelerator Titanium and Ext JS is developing a desktop application. ExtJS API to create apps that have seen examples in .
We also need developers with Appcelerator Titanium experience immediately. . If you are interested and have specific experience with Facebook APIs, .
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Mar 2, 2011 . Facebook.createLoginButton({ 'style': 'wide', 'sessionProxy': 'http://api. appcelerator.net/p/fbconnect/', bottom: 50, height: 30, .
These are some of the experiences and lessons learned using Appcelerator and . Connect Facebook Twitter Gmail. Go! Create Your Own Lens . . If you have more information on how to utilize this API please post in the comments. .
Feb 24, 2011 . Appcelerator has released Titanium Mobile 1.6, an update to its . The Facebook API has been completely redone, keeping up-to-date with the .
blog.clearlyinnovative.com/. /titanium-appcelerator-quickie-facebook- moduleandroid api 1.6 appcelerator titanium | Flickr - Photo Sharing!Jan 4, 2011 . appcelerator titanium android emulator. . Favorite; Actions▾; Share via email ; Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; ▾. Newer; Older .
Apr 21, 2011 . Browse other questions tagged facebook-graph-api appcelerator-mobile facebook- social-plugins or ask your own question. .
Feb 4, 2010 . Appcelerator Titanium is an open source mobile application . In your Titanium Developer profile, set the Android API location to .
titanium_mobile - Appcelerator Titanium Mobile. . Mic etc; Support for Vibration; Support for Social APIs such as Facebook Connect, Twitter, etc .
Sep 16, 2010 . Reference the latest Appcelerator Titanium Mobile API straight from your computer's dashboard.
13; Mobile Architecture and API Overview http://www.appcelerator.com | Code . 23; Facebook Connect • Facebook Connect module (currently iPhone only) .
Apr 29, 2011 . Call for Presenters – Appcelerator's CODESTRONG 2011 Developers Conference . Backend database; Social (Facebook, Twitter, etc. .
Mar 10, 2011 . About this site: This is an unofficial API for the excellent Appcelerator Titanium framework. This API was compiled by parsing the example .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Oct 12, 2009One of the big new features in Appcelerator Titanium 0.7 is the introduction of native social APIs: Yahoo YQL, Facebook Connect, and Twitter .
Jan 2, 2011 . With Appcelerator Titanium, you can quickly create true .
Apologies in advance for such a simple question, I must just be missing the .
Appcelerator JIRA. Quick Search. Log In Access more options . [TIMOB-324] - Facebook API: Allow app to pre-set the content of the user_message for setting .
Jul 27, 2010. that can be used in your iPhone applications. The Appcelerator API makes it even easier to. . Find Out More. Facebook; Twitter .
Oct 28, 2010 . PayPal isn't the only API that Appcelerator uses. The mobile purchase analytics map shown in the video is driven by the GeoIQ API, .
The top level Facebook module. The Facebook module is used for connecting .
What is the simplest way to port an Appcelerator mobile app to a regular web app , or vice-versa? Why does Facebook include so much JavaScript in the HEAD .
We give Appcelerator Titanium development services to businesses globally . titanium api send sms from application appcelerator facebook api sample call .
Jan 18, 2011 . Here's the long list of native API's Titanium supports: http://developer. appcelerator.com/apidoc/mobile/latest .
Facebook Graph API session broke my webView. . 2008-2011 Appcelerator Inc .
This is more of a facebook api question than an appcelerator question but maybe someone here encountered this before. There are certain people that I can't .
I'm trying to use the new Facebook Graph API with Appcelerator Titanium Mobile 1.6 . I found two complete examples on the net: That one from the official .
Feb 25, 2011 . Facebook.createLoginButton({ 'style': 'wide', 'sessionProxy': 'http://api. appcelerator.net/p/fbconnect/', bottom: 50, height: 30, .
Feb 18, 2011 . Over 200 iPhone and Android API's to choose from, . Appcelerator also provides support for Facebook and other 3rd party SDKs like .
Mar 24, 2010 . With Appcelerator Titanium, you can quickly create true mashup apps that leverage Cloud APIs from consumer services like Facebook and .
Facebook getting graph api access token. Hi, I'm developing an iPhone app with Appcelerator Titanium SDK 1.6.2 I am upload an photo to a users facebook .
Dec 30, 2010 . The Appcelerator API allows you to create these native functions using javaScript, it then compiles it into native format code. .
Nov 30, 2009 . Most of you already know what Appcelerator Titanium is. . Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter integration: tap into over 300 APIs enabled by .
3 answers - Jan 13I'm trying to use the new Facebook Graph API with Appcelerator Titanium Mobile 1.6 . I found two complete examples on the net: That one from .
Oct 1, 2010 . Appcelerator Titanium API 1.0.1. ORLog in with your Facebook account. You are logged in as . Please submit your review for: .
Appcelerator - Appcelerator Titanium is an open source platform for .
Jan 10, 2011. 'sessionProxy':'http://api.appcelerator.net/p/fbconnect/', . Facebook dialog to publish stream uses HttpUrlConnection and the same .
Couldn't find API reference for Titanium.Facebook-module. This could mean several things: . 2008-2011 Appcelerator Inc. All rights reserved. .
Appcelerator's direct experience shows Facebook having a key strategic . . and device APIs that developers use every day in their mobile applications. .