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1 hour ago – Theory of Computing Blog Aggregator. Discrepancy, The Beck-Fiala Theorem, and the Answer to “Test Your Intuition (14)”. from Gil Kalai .
It's a powerful open-source video aggregator that opens up a large variety of video "channels". The organization behind Miro is working for a more open and .
1 day ago – List of Bloggers · List of Blog Aggregators. Please use the contact form to include your blog here, suggest a feed, or give feedback. If your blog .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jul 13The Aggregator module is a powerful feed reader that is included in Drupal core. When enabled, the Aggregator module can fetch syndicated .
There are so many Tweets and so little time. What's a Tweeple to do? Twitter aggregator and trend websites use a variety of tactics to filter out what's.
Updates and tweets and diggs and feeds--social media stuff comes at you from all directions these days. Three services--Flock, FriendFeed, and Streamy--will .
gPodder — simple, usable podcast consumption. Download free audio and video content ("podcasts") from the Internet and watch it on your computer or on the .
Server-side RSS aggregator written in php using MySQL as the back-end and uses magpierss for the RSS parser.
Use a stateful filter, an Aggregator, to collect and store individual messages until a complete set of related messages has been received. Then, the Aggregator .
Mar 26, 2010 – Alyssa kicks off her search for the perfect social network aggregator. and brings you along for the ride.
ChimpFeedr. Enter a bunch of RSS feeds into ChimpFeedr, and we'll mash 'em up into one master RSS feed. Then, maybe you can use that master feed for your .
Jun 21, 2011 – Daily deals are growing like crazy, and it's not just Groupon and LivingSocial. Daily deal aggregator Yipit just raised $6 million in a series B led .
Aug 18, 2003 – Internet news addicts are turning in droves to so-called aggregator services, which relieve information overload by condensing multiple sites .
Aggregator - Definition of Aggregator on Investopedia - A party involved within the secondary mortgage market that purchases mortgages from financial .
In computing, a feed aggregator, also known as a feed reader, news reader .
www.adobe.com/designcenter/captivate/. /Aggregator/index.html - Cached[PDF] The Aggregators' Handbook - Europeana GroupFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Apr 25, 2011 – Zite alters product it hopes will be more publisher-friendly and names a new chief executive.
Feed aggregator written in Python and Django. Supports archives, tag clouds, multiple sites and themes.
The following is a comparison of notable RSS feed aggregators. Often e-mail .
Complete Harry Potter news coverage from top fan and official sources, featuring Deathly Hallows pictures, videos, interviews and more. Endorsed by J.K. .
Feb 17, 2007 – See also: Computers: Internet: WWW (11); Computers: Software: Internet: Servers : Web (137); Computers: Software: Internet: Site Management: .
JobMount job aggregation platform: job aggregator module, fully featured job board software and job spider technology combined. Job aggregator spiders job.
NewsOnFeeds.com - online news aggregator and search engine - List of News Aggregators.
Three-pane RSS Aggregator for the .NET framework.
10+ items – RSS feeds are a spam-free, quick and efficient way to read .
Aggregator is a utility for arranging a set of files into folders based on their extension, file type, mime type, modification date or creation date. Each arranged .
aggregator [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]. —n. 1. a business organization that collates the details of an individual's financial affairs so that the information .
1 day ago – popurls® is the mother of news aggregators, a single page that encapsulates up- to-the-minute headlines from the most popular sites on the .
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire -- News, polls and buzz.
Mobile Aggregator: An aggregator is a mobile telecoms company that acts as an . Mobile aggregators reconcile the payments for those messages, from the .
You read these files in a program called an aggregator, which collects news from various . This elegant Mac-like aggregator is easy to use and powerful. .
Aggregator (Tabbed Modules) is a flexible module that acts as a tabbed container or localization container for 1 or more modules.
Aggregator refers to a web site or computer software that aggregates a specific type of information from multiple online sources: News aggregator, a computer .
Traditional job boards such as Monster will charge their customers to post ads, the aggregators can't do this as they are only linking to the original ad. Instead .
Constructive IT Advice helps businesses make good use of computers and networks.
To view Gmail messages in your aggregator, just subscribe to a new feed, enter https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom in the URL field, and submit your Gmail .
20+ items – Find RSS feed aggregators and news readers to keep up to .
Feb 28, 2009 – Depending on the platform you use, there are a number of aggregators from which to choose. Here are 5 great instant messenger aggregators .
AmphetaDesk is a news aggregator - it sits on your desktop, downloads the latest news that interests you, and displays them in a quick and easy to use (and .
Provides market information including historical data and offers a trade route finder tool.
Vogue.com: The online home of Vogue with fashion, beauty, collections, culture, and video.
About LinuxChix Live. LinuxChix Live is a collection of weblog entries by members of LinuxChix. LinuxChix Live is automatically generated from the RSS/ Atom .
Aug 16, 2011 – The Aggregator is based on and part of the Eclipse b3 project. b3 provides a versatile and adaptable framework supporting build, assembly .
rsslounge aggregator is a free web based rss feed reader.
Comic Aggregator is just what its name says, a website to put all your favorite webcomics in the same page! Log in to read your new comics or create a new .
Jan 1, 2010 – We got a special way to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. While simply wishing you a new year would sound mechanical, we .
The Aggregator from the EIP patterns allows you to combine a number of . . The following example shows how to create a simple aggregator using the XML .
aggregator (plural aggregators). Wikipedia has an article on: . other websites all on one page. Users can subscribe to the aggregator to receive feeds via email. .
An aggregator works using RSS feeds. RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication", and that is exactly what it does; it feeds across information from your chosen .