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Aggregation refers to the act of accumulating things or individuals. (noun). An example of aggregation is finding and organizing a group of people injured by .
Route summarization, also called route aggregation, is a method of .
Learnthat.com offers free online computer classes in various topics, MCSE, certifications, popular computer programs, programming languages, teaching, .
May 18, 2000 – Question, What is the difference between composition and aggregation? Topics, Process:UML. Author, John Moore PREMIUM. Created, May .
Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market .
1 post - Last post: Jul 25, 2010heres the definition of the video with the same name. i've exploded the vb component into two successive simplified ones as to make it a little .
Aggregate definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation , synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount .
Jun 28, 2004 – Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
port aggregation Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia.
The more general form, aggregation, is depicted as an unfilled diamond and a .
Definition of Account Aggregation: Account aggregation is a method that involves compiling information from different bank accounts into a single database.
Mar 2, 2010 – Making up a new definition of aggregation as "everything we used to do do anyway" isn't very helpful in understanding the changes journalists .
Data aggregation is any of a number of processes in which information is gathered and expressed in a summary form, for a variety of purposes (such as .
account aggregation - definition of account aggregation - An online service provided to individuals, allowing them to consolidate a range of accounts , bills .
Aggregation is a relationship between two objects that is best described as a " has-a" relationship.
aggregation definition : aggregation n 1 the act or process of aggregating 2 ( Ecology) dispersion in which the individuals of a species are closer together .
by CA Ross - 2005 - Cited by 187 - Related articles
Related Content: aggregation definition and more from the free merriam webster [ Url Address: .
Objectives Objectives Upon completion of this module, you should be able to: Describe the concept of aggregation Define time and entity aggregation semantics .
off08.10.11 What is Aggregation? Definition Aggregation. admin to Investments — Tags: Aggregation. In the context of managed futures, aggregation can be .
Nov 4, 2010 – The aggregation definition document defines reporting periods, variables and output types in aggregation output. .
Jump to What is the difference between Association, Aggregation and . : But aggregation describes a special type of an association. .
cell aggregation Definition: phenomenon by which dissociated cells intermixed in vitro tend to group themselves with cells of their own type; also in vivo massing .
aggregation - definition of aggregation from Economics-Dictionary.com: The combining of two or more kinds of an economic entity into a single category. Data on .
A set of specifications called Composable Service Assurances define the standard operating behavior for the services and allow them to be aggregated or .
aggregate adj. Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market. Botany.
Data Aggregation - Combining of sets of protected health information by a . that must be removed under the HIPAA Privacy Rule's definition of deidentified. .
aggregation · Pablo Bouvier. Please enter the English definition of this concept . Please enter a definition in the base language (English) before continuing .
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 27, 2010Definition and other additional information on Aggregation from Biology-Online. org dictionary.
a group, body, or mass composed of many distinct parts or individuals. 2. a : the collecting of units or parts into a mass or whole b : the condition of being so .
Definition of the term Cell Aggregation: The phenomenon by which dissociated cells intermixed in vitro tend to group themselves with cells of their own type.
Aggregation is also referred to as the has-a relationship, to distinguish it from the . David J. Barnes - Cite This Source - This Definition; Browse Related Terms: .
Aggregation - Definition of Aggregation on Investopedia - 1. Used in corporate financial planning, aggregation is a process whereby a number of a firm's smaller .
Definition. The following definitions are taken from the UML 1.1 documentation [ UML]. aggregation. A special form of association that specifies a whole-part .
Dictionary for aggregation : aggregation Definition,aggregation Synonyms, aggregation Thesaurus,
Aggregator refers to a web site or computer software that aggregates a specific . News aggregator, a computer software or website that aggregates news from .
aggregation Definition. . Thesaurus: whole, aggregation, collection, gathering . . Idiom: in the aggregate. Taken all together. Idiom: on aggregate .
Oct 4, 2002 – Risk aggregation is the roll-up of low-level risks to higher levels in the areas of cost, schedule, performance, and any other area that the .
Sep 21, 2005 – In information technology, individual items of data are .
Definition of aggregation , meaning of aggregation , Aggregation - 1 collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage several things grouped together or .
AGGREGATION Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Search Engine.
In this case you can define the methods in the superclass as abstract. . The above example shows an aggregation association and a composition association. .
Platelet aggregation definition. What is Platelet Aggregation and Definition. The process through which platelets respond to chemical signals in the BLOOD, .
Copy & paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. Did .
Constituting or amounting to a whole; total: aggregate sales in that market. 2. Botany Crowded or massed into a dense cluster. 3. Composed of a mixture of .
Account Aggregation - Definition of Account Aggregation on Investopedia - A .
Sep 25, 2001 – Aggregation is the combination of related categories, usually within a common branch of a hierarchy, to provide information at a broader level .
Translated into ordinary words, Interest Articulation means that parties define and . Interest Aggregation means the process by which a party brings together .
aggregation ( ′agrə′gāshən ) ( biology ) A grouping or clustering of .