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14 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Sep 1What are the best Materia Combos (most useful, unique, etc. . If I recall Added Effect + a Mastered Destruct Materia can cause instant death. .
Oct 21, 2010 – 4.5.4 - Final Fantasy VII: How do the 'Elemental' and 'Added Effect' materia work? For the 'Elemental' materia: You need to have a weapon or .
---Added Effect: This is probably the most popularly used materia in combos. Just make sure the combo is in your weapon. Here are all of the ones you can .
In Final Fantasy VII, the Added Effect materia could be used in a combo slot with a Magic materia such as Bio or Transform or the Elemental Materia with other .
GameFaqs.com, and looked at the materia combination guide by Stewart Bishop. . . Try placing your Time Materia with Added Effect on your armour, and .
MATERIA COMBOS. Combine Added Affect with Poison, Contain, Time, Mystify, or Time. When you hit an enemy it my cause one of the affects that the materia .
15 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2004I was just wondering what kind of materia combinations you use to defeat .
ITT: Post your favorite FF7 materia combo's Misc. . Added Effect + Hades . .. . ..this one is the **** always used it on cloud .
I want a materia setup for my party, I already know these combinations. .
For more information on useful combos, please see our Materia Combos page .
69 posts - 36 authors - Last post: Nov 28, 2005So ok, lets get on with this here are some sample combos: *Materia 1) Added .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Aug 24, 2006Materia Combo somhow getting stoped. Final Fantasy VII - General . Materia: - Weapon: (Added Effect = Hades) (Elemental = Alexander) (MP .
Pick up the ADDED EFFECT MATERIA, head back into the next area, and cross . Equip a [Fire-element (Fire or Ifrit)]-[Elemental] defensive combination and the .
Apr 4, 2008 – added-cut. im assuming deathblow, but. what are some other good/interesting combinations have you guys come up.
9 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 14, 2006Let's share some Materia Combos that make the game very easy! . Final Attack, All, Added Effect, Magic Counter, MP Turbo, Quadra Magic, .
Materia Combinations. (Note: If you put any combos in a weapon it adds that effect to your attack; if you put it in your armor, it protects you from that effect.) .
It can be countered with a "Destruct" materia and an "Added Effect" materia. Difficulty: . Destruct materia; Added Effect materia; Armor piece with two linked materia slots. Suggest Edits. 1 . Final Fantasy 7 Cheats & Hints · FF7 Materia Combos .
Sep 21, 2009 – Anyway, anyone else have interesting Materia combination's they would . Hades + Added Effect on the Armor = Almost RIbbon like defense .
1 post - Last post: Sep 2, 2009Armor : Added effect-Odin/destruct. . character 2 as in combo no.2 only replace every Counter or Magic counter materia with a Sneak attack .
Link extra Comet2 to HP Absorb, MP Absorb (optional) and Added Cut. . .. characters equipped with the Final Attack + Revive or Phoenix materia combination. .
If you have one you'd like to add, send an email to the webmaster. Materia Combinations. Added Effect + Contain. Weapon: Attacks can cause a number of .
Equip a mastered Added-Cut materia to each of the slots, (that would be .
Here are a list of materia combos that can be very helpful during a long battle! . Added Effect + Contain: Causes or blocks Confusion, Stop and Petrify. .
|Zeromus|' Materia Combos Basic Materia Combos Added Effect + Transform - Could transform an enemy. Added Effect + Poison - Could poison an enemy. .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Aug 27Here are some simple combinations: Added Effect + . but if you have a .
MATERIA COMBOS ************** (Dashes indicate paired materia slots) -======= BASIC MATERIA COMBOS=======- WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Contain When placed in .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Dec 29, 2008personally i like making ridiculous combinations to see what it'll allow the .
Use this following Materia combo to ensure that you can leave the game . MP Absorb - linked Any Magic - linked, Added Effect - linked Hades Summon - linked .
Jump to 5X-Cut Materia combo: Since you cannot pair it with Support Materia, pair Master Command with Added Cut, and equip a LV2/Mastered Double .
If you put materia in a linked slot, it will infused with the other materia in the same linked slot, allowing for combinations of materia for different added effects. .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Aug 24, 2006[Archive] Materia Combo somhow getting stoped. . Materia: -Weapon: (Added .
8 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 6, 2002Fire = Added Cut, Fire = Steal as Well, Fire = HP absorb, W-Mgc., Mgc. Plus, Description: This materia combination puts even Ifirit to shame. .
Materia Combos A. Basic Materia Combos B. Complex Materia Combos IV. . WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Destruct When placed in a weapon, some attacks .
Equiping Materia and Its Effects . . These materia add commands directly to .
18 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Feb 14, 2007I was just wondering what kind of materia combinations you use to defeat .
FFVII - Materia - Combinations. Added Effect Tricks - Put an Added Effect materia in one of your weapon slots and have it linked to one of the following: .
Of all the Command materia, Deathblow is by far the easiest to work with. The basic concept here is that outside of combos, cool materia like Added Cut and .
The following are some really cool. and useful Materia combinations. .
10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Mar 26, 2004Mar 26, 04 at 8:59pm ^. re: Added Cut Materia. I Like The IDea of Making Your Own 5x Cut Materia. Added Cut can be a good combo with many .
20 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jul 5, 2003what super combos have you guys come up with materia. heres one of . the Round: base materia Bahamut Zero bz+mp turbo, bz+added cut, .
Simple Combinations. Added Effect. Added Effect-Transform in a weapon; sometimes transforms monsters when hit with the attack. Added Effect-Contain In a .
There are many different types of Materia combinations, from being able to cause damage to all enemies, to protecting your . Added Effect + Poison (Weapon) .
Materia combos are combinations of materia that incraese power or give .
Aug 2, 2009 – Combo inflicts statuses, and with only one Added Effect Materia and no access to Hades yet, there's really not much I can protect against. .
20+ items – *Added Effect+Contain Materia- With this combo in your .
Link extra Comet2 to HP Absorb, MP Absorb (optional) and Added Cut. .
These are some good materia combos to use at almost any time. .
Added Effect Tricks -. Link added effect materia to one of these: . FInal attack- Phoenix: The best dang materia combo in my eyes! .
How does equipping materia effect the statistical characteristics of my character . go Left 1 more screen, the Added Cut materia is lying on the path in the snow. .