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acekard 2i update for dsi 1.4.2 and 3ds v2.0.0-2 - YouTube Jun 8, 2011 - 7 min - Uploaded by paliosmiazoi
Acekard 2i 3DS for Nintendo 3DS 2.1.0 - 4E & DSi XL 1.4. Acekard 2i 3DS for Nintendo 3DS. £17.95 . DSTTi 1.4.2. What Do Our Customers Say? "the best" .
Jun 16, 2011 – The Acekard team has released a firmware update for the Acekard 2i that makes the popular card compatible with both: Nintendo DSi 1.4.2 .
Jul 21, 2011 – Firmware Update of AK2i for 3DS2.0 and DSi1.4.2 To Check Your DSi(XL) or 3DS Firmware Version:Click 'Setting' on the Main Menu.
Sep 26, 2011 – All new Acekard 2i cards purchased from NDS-Gear will be pre-formatted and ready to be used on the latest firmware version, so there is no .
The First Newest News About Acekard 2i is that Acekard 2i upgrade to support Nintendo 3DS Firmware V2.0 and DSi v1.4.2. There is a good news for Acekard .
Jun 11, 2011 – Guide for Updating AceKard 2i to work with DSi(XL)1.4.2 and 3DS2.0. Lots of Acekard Fans are concerned with update Firmware for DSi1.4.2 .
Jun 12, 2011 – It's complained by some game players that they got errors in using this new update recently, especially for US and JP version.
Jun 14, 2011 – Home; Acekard 2i Working on Nintendo DSi 1.4.2 and 3DS Firmware . Good news, however, for users of the Acekard 2i card - the .
Jun 9, 2011 – Download Acekard 2i Firmware 3DS 2.0 and DSi 1.4.2 Fix torrent or any other torrent from Other Applications category. Direct download via .
Guide for Updating AceKard 2i to work with DSi(XL) Firmware Update 1.4.1. What you will need . upgrade AK 2i via DSi console which the firmware below 1.4.2 .
Acekard 2i---Perfect Flash Cart For 3DS and DSi! Supports 3DS, DSi, DSl and DSXL! Perfect compatibility. Drag and Play! Anti-Anti-Piracy feature which makes .
If you're using DSi or DSXL please use ak2ifw_update_3ds21_DSi143.nds to update. I f you're . list] selling clones/fake AK2i please let us know(acekard@ gmail.com) and we'll handle it. . We'll release the update file for 1.4.2 after more test. .
Acekard 2i firmware fix for DSi 1.4.3 and 3DS v2.1. July 20th, 2011 by . DSi System Update 1.4.2 is Live! Cards have been blocked, do not update! Working: .
Get the acekard 1.4.2 update,acekard 2i 1.4.2,ak2i update for 1.4.2 ,ak2i 1.4.2 here!
youtube.com, How to Update Your Acekard 2i for DSi Firmware 1.4.1 (1.4.2) (1.4. 3, 14, 780495467, Backlinks to youtube.com, 9, 2011-09-01. youtube.com .
How to update AceKard2i for DSi 1.4.2 firmware - YouTube Jun 10, 2011 - 6 min - Uploaded by luigidude15
This method of storage does not work with the Nintendo DSi, as it does not . . The Acekard 2i can be used on a 3DS in DS Mode, a patch was released . .. card to become compatible with the Nintendo DSi 1.4.2 firmware released in May 2011. .
Acekard 2i update support 3DS2.0 and DSi1.4.2. Please refer to readme file in the package. Acekard 2i of HWID44 can be updated this time too. But Acekard 2i .
Jun 23, 2011 – I just finally got my DSi back from repairs, but my system .
7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jun 29I remember Acekard team was the first team to released the fix for DSi 1.4.1 last time, but when will the Acekard 2i updating patch for DSi 1.4.2 .
Can anyone please confirm if I can use a DSI XL 1.4 to update AceKard 2i to .
Sep 14, 2010 – PLEASE NOTE: This does not apply to any new Acekard 2i .
Jul 5, 2011 – Acekard 2i Upgrade To Support Nintendo 3ds Firmware V2.0 And .
Mar 4, 2011 – Acekard,AK2,Acekard 2i cart Kernels are free to download at . Acekard 2i can be updated for 3DS V2.0.0-2 and DSi XL, DSi 1.4.2. (Guide .
For working with DSi Firmware 1.4.2 or 3DS 2.0, please refer: http://www. snipeadeal.com/flashcardguide. Flash Card*. AceKard 2i for DS Lite / DSi (Works with .
3 answers - May 9So I downloaded it, put it in my Acekard2i, did a system update, and it won .
May 12, 2011 – News from acekard.com that Acekard 2i does not support DSi 1.4.2 Firmware temporarily.Please do not update your DSi to latest 1.4.2. We're .
15 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Aug 24It's complained by some game players that they got errors in using this new .
Acekard 2i, AK2i with latest AKAIO Kernel works for 3DS / DSi XL / DSi 1.4.2 / DS / iDS / iDSL / DS Lite. Buy original Acekard card from www.acekard.com.
Jul 26, 2011 – Related Articles:How to update Acekard 2i to 3DS 2.0.0-2 and DSi . and DSi 1.4. 2 · Acekard 2i updated for Nintendo 3DS V2.0 and DSi V1.4.2 .
3 answers - Apr 4Hello, So I've gotten a brand new DSi for my birt… . As this was done, I plugged the SD card into my acekard2i which I inserted in my DSi. Now there is a . My card has a 1.4.2 firmware; my friend's dsi has 1.4.1 firmware. .
The way the 1.4.2 patch works the same as the 1.4.1/1.4.0 patch. . Micro SD back into the AceKard 2i Card and insert into DSL/DSi(lower than 1.4) Console .
11 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 29It is said the Acekard 2i fix for DSi V1.4.2 will be released around june 6th.And many . We have finished the update patch for 1.4.2 system. .
Jun 24, 2011 – Posts Tagged 'DSi 1.4.2 E'. Acekard 2i Error: An error has .
How to Update Your Acekard 2i for DSi Firmware 1.4.1 (1.4.2) (1.4.3 . Sep 13, 2010 - 5 min - Uploaded by NintendoRepairs
Jun 28, 2011 – How to upgrade AceKard 2i to work with DSi(XL)1.4.2 and .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Aug 17, 2009If you want to update one card, use the DSi labeled update. If you have more than one Acekard2i you would like to update, run the DSL labeled .
Sep 24, 2011 – But you can simply borrow a DSi 1.4.2 or older, DS Lite, or a 3DS with . . Loyal fans of the Acekard 2i will be happy to know that the Acekard is .
Kaufen AceKard 2i 3DS(AK2i)Karte für 3DS/DSi XL 1.4.3 Firmware.Acekard 2i 3DS karte hat DSi V1.4.3 gebrochen erfolgreich! Inzwischen hat die .
Jun 29, 2011 – If you read my previous entries, you might have noticed that Acekard team have already released the update for Nintendo dsi v1.4.2 and .
29.06.2011. Acekard 2i dsi 1.4.2. If you read my previous entries, you might .
Jul 5, 2011 – Acekard 2i Upgrade To Support Nintendo 3ds Firmware V2.0 And Dsi V1.4.2 The First Newest News About Acekard 2i is that Acekard 2i upgrade to .
May 17, 2011 – You can download the M3i Zero F-Core 1.8.2 Compatibility with DSi/XL firmware 1.4.2 here. The Acekard 2i released a brand new firmware .
Jun 8, 2011 – How to upload Acekard 2i 3DS 2.0 and Acekard 2i DSI 1.4.2 ? Where to buy Acekard 2i 3DS 2.0 and DSI 1.4.2 ? Come to R4gate.com .
May 19, 2011 – I ordered this acekard 2i and after installing the firmware on to my micro . DSi 1.4.2 firmware fixes for R4 3DS, Acekard, Supercard, iEDGE and .
Our Acekard 2i comes with the latest firmware pre-flashed. It works like a treat with DSi 1.4.2 & 3DS 2.1.0-3 firmware OUT OF BOX. What needs to be done is to .
Jun 1, 2011 – What is DSi V1.4.2 Firmware for ? Since Nintendo did a new upgrade (V1.4.2) firmware to the DSi console, lots of DSi owners begin to be afraid .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 17Now it can supprt the previous DSi 1.4.2 and the 3DS 2.0.0 at the same time! Meanwhile the Acekard 2i of HWID44 can be updated this time too.
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Jun 7the update for 3dsv2 and dsi 1.4.2 consoles has finally been released. . this is for original cards only and could brick clones. . cant upload files.