Other articles:
Jun 16, 2004 . prescribed degree assessments contributing towards the Honours . 2i: Marks at
Nowadays, nearly all candidates sit for honours; an ordinary (or pass) degree (
We normally look for at least a 2i honours degree, however your result in the MSc
Entry requirements: A Master's degree and/or at least an upper second class (2i)
Aug 30, 2008 . Many universities in the UK specify their entry requirements in terms of UK
At least a 2i honours degree from a UK university or an equivalent standard from
Anyone who achieves a first class or 2i honours degree in a relevant subject is
You say "a hounours degree" If you actually pronounce the 'h' when you say it.
Nov 22, 2011 . The BRE CICM Centre welcomes graduates with a First Class or (2i) Honours
Jamaica, Bachelor's Honours degree: 2ii, Bachelor's Honours degree: 2i,
Jan 27, 2011 . What is the equivalent to a 2i honours degree? So, I'm thinking about applying to
Please note applicants for PhD positions should normally have at least an upper
Dec 11, 2010 . The exact quote is below: At least a 2i honours degree from a UK university or an
Candidates for an MRC-funded studentship must hold qualifications at the level
Bachelors Degrees Questions including "What does 2i honours degree mean"
A 2i Honours Degree (or equivalent) in Psychology or a 2ii degree and further
Entry requirements are usually a 2i Honours degree and in some cases a
Students currently studying for a degree will be offered a place contingent upon
Oct 13, 2009 . Australian Bachelor's Honours: 2.2 / 2B / Credit 60%-69% Australian . UK 2i
Applicants should have or expect to obtain at least 2i honours degree in
Results 11 - 20 . Duration: 36 Months. [Full-Time]. Entry requirements: A minimum of a 2i class UK
Feb 16, 2012 . Academic requirement: At least a 2i honours degree in Pharmacology or a
Completed information of Degree Certificate, you will see the gift certificates,
Key Honours Assessment = 68. Degree: 2i. EXAMPLE THREE. Overall
. students should hold a minimum of a 2i honours degree in Life Sciences, .
. for most taught Masters courses is a lower second class honours degree (2.2).
Results 41 - 50. Physics PhD (School of Physics and . . Entry requirements: A minimum of a
Jul 6, 2009 . at least a 2i honours degree from a UK university * an equivalent standard from
Jan 27, 2011 . I think the key difference is that you could graduate with an honours degree of
Society, and should normally possess an honours degree in psychology at first
We normally look for at least a 2i honours degree, however a good result in a
For application to course A100, graduates must have an upper second-class (2i)
May 25, 2007 . -at least a 2i honours degree from a UK university -an equivalent standard from
Feb 14, 2007 . "at least a 2i honours degree from a UK university" (presumably "2i" is a 2:1) www
A 2i honours degree from a UK university or its equivalent from an overseas
Please note: applicants for PhD positions should normally have at least an upper
Ian Manocha's Education. University of Southampton. 2i Honours Degree, Civil
Sep 1, 2009 . "What does a 2i honors degree mean in the UK? . A 2.1 is a very good degree
a 1st class or 2i honours degree from a UK university an equivalent standard
A "double first" at both Oxford and Cambridge originally referred to first-class
Aug 19, 2003 . DegreeInfo Distance Learning - online degree forum - Powered by . Upper
Almost all of our successful applicants have a 1st or 2i honours degree in a
2i honours degree österreich. . MSc-PgDip-PgCert Play Work and Therapeutic
Results 1 - 20 of 297 . 2i Honours Degree. Related searches. honours degree .
Jan 15, 2010 . minimum 2.1 honours degree or equivalent? merci! . (First or 1st); Upper
Entry requirements to Masters Degrees are usually either a 2i or a 2ii Honours
Feb 16, 2012 . A 1st class or 2i honours degree in architecture, engineering, physics, applied
You are normally expected to hold or be about to achieve at least a 2i honours
Jul 27, 2010 . The entry requirements are very high and you must have a cumulative GPA of at
Jobs 1 - 10 of 42 . We bring you all of the employment opportunities for 2i honours degree uk.