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1 answerIn California, an Abstract of Judgement was filed over 10 years ago. I recently . Depends on what the judgement was for, but its very likely. .
abstract of judgment n. a written summary of a judgment which states how much money the losing defendant owes to the person who won the lawsuit (judgment .
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If the title search reveals a judgment lien, it means that the judgment creditor has recorded an Abstract of Judgment in the county where the debtor (homeowner) .
Levy execution on the debtor's wages; Levy execution on the debtor's checking or other bank account (bank levy); Record an Abstract of Judgment; Have the .
Abstract of Judgment: A Summary of the judgment. We often use abstracts issued under Code of Civil Procedure §674 as a method of judgment collection. .
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If your case against the defendant involved a traffic accident, you can ask the court for an abstract of judgment, which suspends the judgment debtor's Michigan .
Abstract of Judgment for S. Deutsch & Co. vs. T.F. Chapman et als, October 1892 in Bexar County, Texas. Creator: Unknown. Location: .
May 5, 2011 – Superior Court of Contra Costa County, California. Our court offers many services and programs to assist individuals who enter our courthouses .
Apr 28, 2002 – I'm getting ready to close and my mortgage company stated an "absract judgement" was place under my wifes name on our house. We have no .
Abstract of Judgment as a Lien on Real Property. You have obtained a judgment against someone, and now it is time to collect. How can you make sure you'll .
To create a judgment lien against real property, the judgment creditor typically obtains an Abstract of Judgment from the court that issued the judgment. .
3 days ago – . Protective Order Address Form · Request for Notice to Employer · Request for Abstract of Judgment · Request for Civil-Family Post Trial Writ .
Duration of judgment -- Judgment as a lien upon real property -- Abstract of judgment . (3) An abstract of judgment issued by the court in which the judgment is .
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An Abstract of Judgment is a summary of the Court's decision or award. Abstracts of Judgment are generally recorded with the County Recorder and act as a lien .
Jun 22, 2011 – An abstract of judgement in California is lien on any real property you own now or may own in the future. If you file bankruptcy you must file a .
May 4, 2008 – An abstract of judgment is exactly what it sounds like. It is a written form of judgment between two parties that states who owes who. It gives .
Top questions and answers about Abstract Judgement. Find 25 questions and answers about Abstract Judgement at Ask.com Read more.
60+ items – in abstract of judgment.
An abstract of judgment is a document produced by a court that describes the judgment rendered in a case. If you own real property it can be recorded in the .
Dec 4, 2008 – definition and pronunciation of legal term - abstract of judgment.
Mar 20, 2010 – Abstract Defined. In Texas, a properly fixed judgment lien acts as a lien on all of the judgment debtor's nonexempt real property in the county of .
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The term "abstract of judgment" may be used in a generic sense to describe a condensed summary of a court case, but it is chiefly used in a technical sense to .
Sep 22, 2011 – Obtain an Abstract of Judgment or a certified copy of the judgment itself from the clerk of the court that entered the judgment. File the judgment .
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Find the definition of abstract of judgment for free using Nolo's online dictionary.
Aug 5, 2011 – An Abstract of Judgment - also available as an Abstract of Support Judgment for child support and spousal support - is a document that is .
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One collection technique in California after you have a Judgment.
In order to have an abstract of judgment recorded against real property, submit the appropriate fee to the clerk's office and one Abstract of Judgment (form G-18) .
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Definition of an abstract of judgment. . Examples: The court issued an abstract of judgment in favor of the plaintiff. Related Articles. Consider Where You Fit In .
Aug 11, 2007 – Except as provided by Section 52.0011, a first or subsequent abstract of judgment, when it is recorded and indexed in accordance with this .
The purpose of an abstract of judgment is to create a public record and create a lien or claim if necessary on any real estate owned or later acquired by the loser .
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Jul 24, 2007 – This will be filed with the county of record, and used to have it on public record if the debtor (the person owing) is not abiding by the judgment.
Abstract of Judgment - (Form EJ-001) . A form that the judgment creditor must complete, sign, and file with the court as soon as the judgment is fully paid. .
ABSTRACTS OF JUDGEMENT – a written summary of a judgment which states how much money the losing party owes to the person who won the lawsuit .
Request for Abstract of Judgment | Civil Appeal Bond. JURISDICTION. Small Claims filing fee: $91.00 ($31.00 Court Cost, $60.00 service fee in Denton County) .
Abstract of judgment is a copy or summary of a courts judgment. It is a document disclosing a monetary award issued by the court in favor of a person who won .
How do I Collect a Judgment? Please Note. NEW Centralized Civil Writs & Abstracts Unit at West Justice Center! Click here to learn more! .
Jan 16, 2010 – In researching it, I see that 2 Abstract of Judgements have been filed since the initial foreclosure notice of election and demand was filed.
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How to Handle an Abstract of Judgment. When you win a lawsuit, an abstract of judgment is a legal document that sums up how much money the losing side .
Abstract of Judgment. After a judgment is final, the creditor attempting to collect a debt should request issuance from the court of an abstract of judgment against .
The abstract of a judgment shall contain (1) the name of the party, or parties, in whose favor the judgment was rendered; (2) the name of the party, or parties, .
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