Sep 30, 11
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  • The modern art movement abstract expressionism is discussed at Biddington's Pedigree & Provenance--a words and terms related to fine art & antiques .
  • Abstract Expressionism is more an attitude than a style. Originated in New York City in the mid 1940's, it involved artists from many different parts of the United .
  • Brief article about the movement, also called also called action painting and the New York school.
  •  8 reviews - $12.98 - In stock
  • Provides a history of the art movement with sample artworks.
  • The Abstract Expressionist movement in art, which started in New York in the late 1940s, is said to have been a reaction against the horrors of the Second World .
  • 80+ items – Abstract Expressionism: List of artists and index to where their .
  • 10+ items – B S R T A A C T E X P R E S S I O N I S M Molly Edwards .
  • Abstract Expressionism. Willem de Kooning: Palisades, 1957. Oil on canvas, 6 feet 7 inches x 5 feet 9 inches (2 x 1.75 m). Collection of Adriana and Robert .
  • Abstract Expressionism or "AbEx" (a.k.a. Action Painting; a.k.a. The New York School) exploded onto the art scene after World War II with its characteristic .
  • In the 1940s and the 1950s, American artists become known for their new vision, called Abstract Expressionism. The group includes artists such as Jackson .
  • Artist profile of painter Arshile Gorky, Armenian-American Abstract Expressionist - his life and work.
  • Buy Abstract Expressionism . The only real connection between Abstract Expressionists was in their artistic philosophy, and publications like Tiger's Eye, an .
  • However, the majority of Abstract Expressionists rejected critical labels and shared, . Abstract Expressionism has nonetheless been interpreted as an especially .
  • Modern contemporary artist abstract artwork Abstract Expressionism.
  • one of today's most collected contemporary painters. signature edition prints, abstract expressionism, abstract realism, impressionism.
  • From his smaller works on paper to his larger paintings, they are all unique and powerful. Hoffman has been called a Fauvist, Cubist, and Abstract Expressionist. .
  • Jun 17, 2009 – A clip from Palm Pictures release of Peter Rosen's "Who Get's to Call it Art?" Buy it at the Palm Pictures store .
  • Webster's dictionary on WWW, Main Entry: abstract expressionism Function: noun Date: 1951 : an artistic movement of the mid-20th century comprising diverse .
  • Sample artworks from period artists including Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein.
  • Abstract expressionism - Description: Abstract expressionism was an American post–World War II art movement. It was the first specifically American movement .
  • Abstract Expressionism - Abstract Expressionism Paintings and Art History study of the movement, Artists, Oil Paintings, Images, connection to other Movements .
  • Term applied to new forms of abstract art developed by American painters in 1940s and 1950s. The Abstract Expressionists were mostly based in New York City, .
  • Abstract Expressionism: The Oxford Dictionary of Art.
  • More than sixty years have passed since the critic Robert Coates, writing in the New Yorker in 1946, first used the term “Abstract Expressionism” to describe the .
  • Aug 5, 2011 – The idea behind abstract expressionism was envoke a spiritual and emotional response as well as a revolutionary approach to traditional .
  • Abstract expressionism - movement of abstract painting that emerged in New York City during the mid-1940s and attained singular prominence in American art .
  • Mar 28, 2011 – In abstract expressionist paintings, the appearance of realistic objects is entirely neglected: the style (use of color, space, figures) becomes the .
  • abstract expressionism n. A school of painting that flourished after World War II until the early 1960s, characterized by the view that art is.
  • Abstract expressionism was an American post–World War II art movement. It was the first specifically American movement to achieve worldwide influence and .
  • Abstract expressionism is like meditation and solace for many artists. Also known as action painting, it includes expressive or intense, gestural and rapid .
  • Aug 8, 2011 – Two exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto once again raise complex questions about the evolution of postwar art.
  • Sep 22, 2009 – Abstract Expressionism emphasized the depiction of emotions rather than objects . Most painters of the movement favored large canvasses, .
  • abstract expressionism, movement of abstract painting that emerged in New York City during the mid-1940s and attained singular prominence in American art in .
  • Definition of ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM. : an artistic movement of the mid- 20th century comprising diverse styles and techniques and emphasizing especially .
  • Abstract Expressionism More. Jackson Pollock One. Number 31 Mark . The Art Story project on Abstract Expressionism. National Gallery feature on Pollock .
  • From Realism to Surrealism to Abstract Expressionism to Pop, including the lives of Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning and Arshile Gorky and .
  • Abstract Expressionism is a type of art in which the artist expresses himself purely through the use of form and color. It non-representational, or non-objective, art, .
  • Of Jackson Pollock - number 12 ten credited as the first uniquely American style, Abstract Expressionism is a movement that developed in American painting .
  • Abstract Impressionism History, Gallery & Artists. . Abstract Impressionism History, Abstract Impressionism Movement & Artists .
  • The Abstract Expressionists was a group of very different and individual artists, many of whom came together in New York's Greenwich Village. Among the most .
  • Discusses what is abstract expressionism and how Jackson Pollock made it his own.
  • A summary of cubism, abstract expressionism, and neoplastisim (de stijl). Also has info on Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock and .
  • Abstract Expressionism, defined with images of works from art history, great quotations, and links to other resources.
  • Collection of abstract expressionism works. Provides information about the artwork and artists.
  • Rene Gagnon Fine Art | Post-Graffiti Abstract Expressionism: Bridging the Gap Between Urban Graffiti / Street Art and Contemporary Abstract Expressionism.
  • Inspired by Surrealism's emphasis on the unconscious, Abstract Expressionist artists sought spontaneous personal expression through dynamic applications of .
  • The primary art of this exhibition and a number of other widely publicized art extravaganzas during the fifties was Abstract Expressionism. Eva Cockcroft wrote .
  • The first public exhibitions of work by the ``New York School'' of artists-- who were to become known as Abstract Expressionists-- were held in the mid '40s. .
  • Abstract Expressionism movement including synopsis, key ideas, artists, artworks , and resources.

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