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4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 2, 2007Aspect ratio, screen 1.78:1 1.85:1 masking for 235:1(2.40:1) DIY Screen Section.
1.85:1 is slightly wider. Displaying 16x9 Video. When SD or HD 16x9 video is viewed on television, the aspect ratio and options of the TV itself all affect .
1.85:1 - This is a standard ratio for a lot of movies you see in the movie theatre. Its only slightly wider than 16x9. Example of 1.85:1 ratio: .
Jun 23, 2011 – . the film was designed and preferred by Kubrick in the 1.66:1 ratio. . to be projected at the standard American flat ratio of 1.85:1. .
7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 18, 2004Why is it that when you choose the width 640, you should have the height set to 352? I thought you were supposed to calculate the aspect .
Smaller, more personal films tend to favor the less gigantic 1.85:1 ratio. ( However, I must say that this is a gross over-simplification as there are many .
Monty Python and the Holy Grail was filmed in 1.85:1 ratio without using an .
2 answers - Nov 7, 2008Top answer: You have some interesting numbers there that I haven't seen before. But no matter, here's the reality with regard to modern TV displays: .
Hi, want to join to films (mpeg-2 format). The one is in 1.85:1 aspect ratio and the other in 2.35. Problem is, there seems to be no converter out.
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 8I want to crop my 1080/16:9/1.77 footage to an aspect ratio of 1.85:1 so how would I go about doing this on CS5.5? Is there 1.85 preset?
Jan 28, 2009 – I dont get why every film isnt filmed in this aspect. Whats the point of having black bars at the top and bottom of the screen when you can .
The official aspect ratio of wide screen TV is 1.78:1. Very few movies are actually shot as 1.78:1 but many were and are shot at 1.85:1. Video hints: .
High definition television uses an aspect of 16:9, or about 1.78:1. Aspect ratios of 2.39:1 or 1.85:1 are normally used for movies, while the aspect ratio .
Apr 2, 2011 – Journal Entry #1.85:1 Aspect Ratio: "Verisimilitudinous. " Journal Entry #4709: "12 Winners in All. " Journal Entry #Dunkirk 5-8929: .
The "flat" 1.85:1 aspect ratio was introduced in May, 1953, and became one of the most common cinema projection standards in the U.S. and elsewhere. .
So whether a movie has an aspect ratio of 1.78:1, 1.85:1, or 2.35:1, it is always going to displayed 854 pixels wide. The visible frame height (when you .
Academy aspect ratio example. Hard Matte / Open Matte - 1.66:1 to 1.85:1. Both hard and soft matting involves filming a movie onto a 1.33:1 frame and .
Nov 6, 2009 – Hello everyone, I'm sure that this has been covered, but I could not find all the answers I needed. I have a Panasonic TC-P50S1 Plasma, .
Universal-International and Columbia Pictures determined that they could get by with cropping to an aspect ratio of 1.85:1. Clearly the 1.37 frame is being .
Mar 6, 2000 – For this demonstration, we've chosen to use snapshots of actual DVD video from the film Good Will Hunting (aspect ratio is 1.85:1). .
Sep 4, 2006 – The 1.85:1 ratio, often referred to as Academy Flat, is probably the . Examples of well-known films presented in the 1.85:1 ratio are The .
A discussion in the The Chronicles of Riddick (Theatrical Widescreen Edition) forum.
9 items – Precision Series 1.85 to 1. A huge number of movies have been made in this common film ratio for front projector screens that are just slightly wider .
7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Nov 9, 2002[Archive] Convert 2.35:1 ratio to 1.85:1 using DVD2SVCD Avisynth Usage.
25 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jan 14Sometimes the package will even say something like "1.85:1 (16x9)" for the aspect ratio, which is obviously false. .
9 items – Criterion Series 1.85 to 1. A huge number of movies have been .
Jun 29, 2010 – Written-Directed-Produced by Brendan Carmody Starring: John N. Orange and Marcy Cosmos Music: Karl Sanders The film was shot on Mini-DV .
2 answers - Mar 211.85:1, along with the even wider anamorphic 2.39:1 ratio (used, for example, in Star Wars), are used on almost all American films to this .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Aug 4, 2010If I have video in 1.85:1 aspect ratio, how do I create a project setting that will accommodate this ratio? Pre8fan .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 7, 2010I want to shoot some film on the Arriflex 35mm BL4s camera at Cineworks and obtain a 1.85:1 aspect ratio. Are there special gates available .
Jan 1, 2010 – my tv displays these movies in full screen instead of having .
16 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Apr 25, 2010As already stated, you won't see any black bars for a 1.85:1 transfer. A 16x9 screen is 1.78:1 ratio and the overscan of most displays will .
17 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Jul 14, 2009I tried to achieve the 1.85.1 aspect ratio by applying a matte I downloaded off the net to my film. It kinda worked and it looks pretty good .
8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Oct 25, 2010I opened photoshop cs5 to start a background that has to be 1.85:1 ratio 4k. And photoshop did not have the setting for 1.85:1 4k. .
Feb 18, 2005 – Hiya, I have a set-top box toshiba DVD Player and a Toshiba Widescreen Projection TV. I've noticed that my TV does not really like 2.35:1 .
Another aspect ratio was used by Universal and Columbia Pictures where they cropped the1.37 frame to an aspect ratio of 1.85:1. as can be seen in the film .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 28, 2004Sorry if this has been answered before, but i've been wondering since finally going to a 16:9 tv. But since 16:9 tvs, a la HDTVs, plasmas, .
Shop for BOSTON GEAR SS SPD Reducer, WC 1.85, 20 to 1 Ratio, 56c, #3ZGF6 at Grainger. Over 900000 MRO products - fast & convenient for the ones who get it .
8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Apr 20, 2006Extensive listing of cinemas and photos listed by country and state. Includes photo tours, general and historical information and more.
The "flat" 1.85:1 aspect ratio was introduced in May, 1953, and became one of the most common cinema projection standards in the U.S. and elsewhere. .
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On a widescreen television set, a 1.78:1 image fills the screen, however, 2 .
Academy (1.85:1): Applies an automatic center crop with an aspect ratio of 1.85: 1. Letterbox area of source: This option allows Compressor to detect whether .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: May 18, 20081.85:1 ratio - Creative COW's Sony Vegas user support and discussion forum is a great resource for Vegas users wishing to learn more about .
Mar 2, 2008 – Does anyone know of a list of 1.85:1 ratio hd dvds?
To put it very simply, watching a film with a 2.35:1 ratio will produce a greater amount of black bar than a 1.85:1 ratio print, but will contain more .
When cinema attendance dropped, Hollywood created widescreen aspect ratios(such as the 1.85:1 ratio mentioned earlier)in order to differentiate the film .
1.85:1 aspect ratio: refers to a movie screen or widescreen movie picture that is 1.85 times wider than it is high. See our Aspect Ratio page. .
The "flat" 1.85:1 aspect ratio was introduced in May, 1953, and became one of the most common cinema projection standards in the U.S. and elsewhere. .
Example: "War of the Worlds" DVD: "1.85 Theatrical Aspect ratio Enhanced for Widescreen TVs". - for sw dvd players, you have to "ignore ratio" for 1.85:1 .