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With speeds up to 1.5 Mbps downstream and 256 Kbps upstream, surfing the web just got easier. ADSL is the ideal . 1.54 Mbps x 256 Kbps. 5 E-mail Accounts .
Sep 4, 2011 – Business Basic, 256 Kbps download x128bps upload*, $59.95, Order Now. Business Ultra, 1.5Mbps download x 256Kbps upload*, $79.95 .
31 posts - 23 authors - Last post: Jan 28, 2008Just a quick question, if I'm on a internode 1.5mb/256kbps connection.What speed/transfer rates should I be expecting?Thanks guys, cheers.
Up to 1.5 MB download x 256 kbps upload - Monthly usage threshold 30000 MB( 24000 MB Download, 6000 MB Upload) - Unlimited number of concurrent users .
DSL (1.5Mbps X 256Kbps). $32.99. $395.88, Cable (6Mbs X 384Kbps), $57.95, $695.40. DSL(3.5Mbps X 384Kbps). $39.99. $479.88, Cable(8Mbs X 768Kbps) .
Features, ADSL 256 x 256 Kbps, ADSL 1.5 Mbps x 896 Kbps, ADSL 7 Mbps x 896 Kbps, ADSL Stand Alone 1.5 Mbps x 896 Kbps, ADSL Stand Alone 7 Mbps x .
Speed, Description. Activation Fee, Price. 1.5Mbps X 256Kbps, Residential Standard, $49.99, $49.99. 3.0Mbps X 384Kbps, Residential Extreme, $59.99, $59.99 .
*1.5 mbps download x 256 kbps upload speeds; Unlimited usage, great for gaming, videos, social sites, uploading photo's, remote access, voip and multiple .
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Automatic; 5 Mbps (High); 2.5 Mbps; 1.5 Mbps; 768 kbps; 512 kbps; 384 kbps ( Low). Automatic; 480p Widescreen; 640 x 480; 480 x 320; 320 x 240 . 320 kbps Stereo256 kbps Stereo192 kbps Stereo160 kbps Stereo128 kbps Stereo96 kbps .
May 26, 2009 – So my internet company (metrocast) is giving me th
16 posts - 7 authorshow is 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps for internet speeds or whatever? Date Posted: 7/27/ 2010 8:59:PM. I have no idea. I heard it's a little better than 56k. Just tell me the .
Top Upload Speed, 256 Kbps, 512 Kbps, 1 Mbps, 1.5 Mbps . Minimum Mac operating system requirement of Mac OS X. Tablets supported based on .
Full and fractional frame relay and T1 replacement service; 1.5Mb download X 256Kbps upload; Monthly usage allowance: 24 Gb download/6 Gb upload .
Cable Internet Options: * Entry - (1.5 Mbps down X 256 kbps up) - $29.95 * Standard - (4 Mbps down X 384 kbps up ) - $35.95 * Extreme Residential - (10 Mbps .
PC/ Windows: 300 MHz or faster processing speed, minimum 128 MB Random . Random Access Memory (RAM), and OS 10.4 or higher operating system. . Pak offers download speeds up to 1.5 Mbps and upload speeds up to 256 Kbps. .
3 posts - 2 authorsRE: how is 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps for internet speeds or whatever? Date Posted .
256Kbps X 256Kbps. 4 Email Boxes. Spam & Virus Filter. $49.95. Silver. 768Kbps X 256Kbps. 4 Email Boxes. Spam & Virus Filter. $59.95. Gold. 1.5Mbps X .
Business DSL Packages*, 1.5 x 256, 3 x 384. Speed**, 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps, 3 Mbps x 384 Kbps. Activation Fee, $60.00, $60.00. Modem Fee, Free***, Free*** .
32 posts - 14 authors - Last post: May 17, 2004Just upgraded my ADSL connection at home from: Up to 1.5Mbps downstream X 256Kbps upstream Dynamic IP 1 back-up dial account 8 mailboxes per .
High-Speed Business DSL Service providing speeds from 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps, 3.0 Mbps x 384 Kbps, 6.0 Mbps x 512 Kbps, or 20.0 Mbps x 1 Mbps .
Downstream/Upstream speed up to 1.5Mbps X 128Kbps - 256Kbps (Primary+). Account includes 5 email addresses, 20Mb domain hosting Web space, 1 Static .
256Kbps X 256Kbps. 8 Email Boxes. Spam & Virus Filter. $59.95. Silver .
768 Kbps down x 256 Kbps up - $39.99. 1.5 Mbps down x 768 Kbps up - $49.99*. 4 Mbps down x 1.5 Mbps up - $59.99*. 10 Mbps down x 4 Mbps up - $69.99* .
Speeds up to 18 Mbps x 2 Mbps*, (only 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps). 80 MB personal web space, (only 10 MB). Available in all serviceable areas. Distance sensitive .
Up to 10 Mbps download x 768 Kbps upload 10 Email Addresses . Up to 1.5 Mbps download X 512 Kbps upload . Up to 3 Mbps download X 256 Kbps upload .
And a 1500\128 service (1.5 mbps download cap) would give you about 183.1 . [convert 256 kbps to KB/s: ((256*1000)/8)/1024= 31.25 ; 256x=31.25; x= .
Tier 1 (1.5 Mbps x 256 kbps). A middle tiered package with download speeds up to 1.5 Mbps and upload speeds of 256 kbps. Download music, photos, videos .
1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps *, $117.59, N/A, N/A. 192 Kbps x 192 Kbps *, $152.88, N/A, N /A. 384 Kbps x 384 Kbps *, $211.71, N/A, N/A. 768 Kbps x 512 Kbps *, $235.24 .
Faster, Up to 3 Mbps x 384 Kbps, $ 49.95 per month, Learn More, Order Now. Fast, Up to 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps, $ 39.95 per month, Learn More, Order Now .
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10+ items – Residential DSL Packages, Basic, Extreme 3, Extreme 6.
8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 2Right now, I'm signed up for the basic ISP, it's 1.5 mbps x 256kb thanks,. Ooma suggests that you have a minimum of 385 kbps download and .
2.0 Mbps x 256 Kbps* Price: $59.95 / month. Details. Internet Packages Business Class*. small product photo. 1.5 Mbps x 128 Kbps* Price: $54.95 / month .
1 Mbps x 256 Kbps (Single User Teleworker) - Customer seeking a low cost solution with greater speed and reliability than a dial-up modem. 1.5 Mbps x 768 .
www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/7711903 - SimilarHow fast is a download/upload speed of 1.5Mbps/256kbps in . You +1'd this publicly. Undo8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 3, 2007I live kinda out in the country in a place where I can't get cable internet .
. 6.5 Mbps; 2.5 Mbps; 1.5 Mbps; 768 kbps; 512 kbps; 256 kbps; 96 kbps; 50 kbps (Low). Automatic; 1080p HD (High); 720p HD; 480p HD; 640 x 480; 480 x 320 .
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Upload Speed. Monthly Price. 768 Kbps. 256 Kbps. $29.95. 30 x's faster than dial -up. 1.0 Mbps. 384 Kbps. $39.95. 40 x's faster than dial-up. 1.5 Mbps. 512 Kbps .
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Fast Access Business 6.0 6.0 Mbps x 512 Kbps; Fast Access Business DSL Plus 3.0 Mbps x 384 Kbps; Fast Access Business DSL 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps .
28 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Dec 31, 2009We decide to cut it down to 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps. It was virtually impossible for me to play any type of videos that require the internet to load. .
10+ items – SBC/Ameritech. Package, Speed, Monthly. (Standard Retail)
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Close window [X] . Rates include a $10 discount for being a Cable TV subscriber 1.5 Mbps down / 256 Kbps up available in Hominy, Oilton and Yale .
10+ items – Product offerings start at 256k and go all the way up to 6000k .
Offer available to new FastAccess Business DSL (up to 1.5Mbps downstream x 256Kbps upstream speed), FastAccess Business DSL Plus (up to 3.0Mbps x .
Choose DSL Circuit Speed: 256kbps x 256kbps (Qwest Charges - $15/month) 640kbps x 256kbps (Qwest - $28/month) 1.5Mbps x 1Mbps -- Best Value! (Qwest .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Nov 15, 2009We decide to cut it down to 1.5 Mbps x 256 Kbps. It was virtually impossible for me to play any type of videos that require the internet to load. .