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May 12, 2011 – The $80 million color is: #0044CC. That “code” is a precise .
0044CC - The one hundred million dollar colour foomandoonian: “ “Microsoft also tested multiple versions of . A specific color of blue (#0044CC) drove $80- $100.
Mar 18, 2010 – Prior to launching Bing, the company researched what color was best . But not just any blue – this blue, or #0044CC in HTML code, he said. .
Jan 22, 2010 – . "><a href="#" rel="nofollow" style="color: #0044cc; text-decoration: none; . "><a href="#" rel="nofollow" style="color: #0044cc; .
color:#0044cc; text-decoration: none; font:normal 11px tahoma; line-height:16px; . color: #0044cc ; border: none; BORDER-BOTTOM: #00aaff 1px solid; .
h1,h2,h4,h5,h6{color:#c1f2ff;} h1{margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left: 0px . 0px;} a{color:#003399;text-decoration:none;} a:hover{color:#0044cc .
Mar 18, 2010 – This are pure colors. And this is Bing Blue: (Red:0, Green :68, Blue:204) or # 0044cc. So mix of 68 Green and 204 Blue(1:3 proportion) = 80$ .
Mar 19, 2010 – About the 80 million dollars Blue (#0044cc). 19. Mar, 2010 Comments Off. Discussion about the Bing mysterious color for links and importance .
Images and photos matching the color #0044CC (#04C) captured by Aminus3 photographers (page 4).
Mar 17, 2010 – #0044CC is the $80 million color—that's the extra amount Microsoft estimates it can earn from ad sales from just the right shade of blue on .
Compute information about #0044CC. Answer questions; instantly find facts, . Input interpretation: #0044CC (color) . Nearest named HTML colors: .
. #bodyContent a.external { color: #0044CC; } #p-navigation h5, #p-search h5, . scroll left top;color:#FFFFFF;padding:1px 10em 1px 1em;margin:0 3px 0.5em .
Strong cobalt blue #0044CC. Detailed information for each color in the RGB color space. Includes conversions, color schemes, color search and much more.
Amit Chowdhry | Friday March 19, 2010 | 1214 views| 27181Add a Commenthttp:/ /pulse2.com/2010/03/19/bing-logo-color-0044cc-was-worth-at-least-80-million/ .
Mar 18, 2010 – About the 80 million dollars Blue (#0044cc). Discussion about the Bing mysterious color for links and importance of usability and value of .
Images and photos matching the color #0044CC (#04C) captured by Aminus3 photographers.
May 19, 2011 – They learned that one specific color of blue (#0044CC) outperformed all others, leading to an increase in user engagement that produced an .
Mar 17, 2010 – Paul Ray, a user experience manager for Bing said on Tuesday that choosing that specific blue (#0044CC for you color enthusiasts) over some .
Images and photos matching the color #0044CC (#04C) captured by Aminus3 photographers (page 2).
HTTP Colors Page. color="#6666CC", compliment color="#999933" .
HTML Color: #0044cc. color: #0044cc. color: Red (witeli): 0% +10 +1. Green ( mwvane): 27% -10 -1 +10 +1. Blue (lurji): 80% -10 -1 +10 +1. Color Chooser .
15 posts - 15 authors - Last post: Mar 18, 2010And the color is . #0044CC. It's a shade of cornflower with undertones of purple. "We wanted to try red links or brown links and no color .
Aug 19, 2011 – . color=#0044cc>Fantasy</FONT></A> </P> <DIV class=s> <UL><LI><A . color =#0044cc>Standings</FONT></A></LI><LI><A .
#0044CC is the $80 million color—that's the extra amount Microsoft estimates it can earn from ad sales from just the right shade of blue on Bing. .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Mar 17, 2010Paul Ray, a user experience manager for Bing said on Tuesday that choosing that specific blue (#0044CC for you color enthusiasts) over some .
0044cc color palettes. 687631 add to favorites. #4E4A41 #0044CC #1A79E0 # D2C7C1 #B18A73. #3F3D39 #406DA3 #648AB3 #A8A4A1 #8D7E74. 610087 .
2011年3月9日 – [url=http://academic.research.microsoft.com/CSDirectory/organization-north- america.htm][color=#0044cc]North .
Mar 20, 2010 – Wow! “A specific color of blue (#0044CC) drove $80-$100 million dollars a year increase” http://bit.ly/dc9Ppa /via @bokardo .
The color #0044CC is a vivid azure blue color. It is a very cold color. On the RGB color representation, it has a red value of 0, a green value of 68 and a .
Jan 12, 2011 – . #<span style="color:#0044CC">22222222</span><span . </span><span style=" color:#0044CC">ImMostDefinitelyABoy</span><span .
Images and photos matching the color #0044CC (#04C) captured by Aminus3 photographers.
May 12, 2011 – The $80 million color is: #0044CC That code is a precise shade of blue, and it works when a link is the call-to-action. When Microsoft was .
by Eric Bangeman
0044cc is a Intermediate (Blue-Green) color that has numerious harmonious color schemes to choose from. View the Hexadecmial, RGB, and HSV codes as well as .
Sep 16, 2011 – #0044CC – The one hundred million dollar colour . A specific color of blue (# 0044CC) drove $80-$100 million dollars a year increase over the .
May 19, 2011 – They learned that one specific color of blue (#0044CC) outperformed all others, leading to an increase in user engagement that produced an .
About the 80 million dollars Blue (#0044cc) · http://www.vcarrer.com –. Discussion about the Bing mysterious color for links and importance of usability and .
Information about the #0044CC html color code including its RGB and HSL make up, lighter and darker colors surrounding this color code, analogous colors, .
Oct 13, 2006 – . left top; border: 1px solid #222222; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; . a.new { color: #CC1100; } a.interwiki, a.external { color: #0044CC; .
0044cc color palettes. 374330 add to favorites. #3A2647 #0044CC #008EFA #E4F4FF #CF2700. #332B39 #3B6DA3 #619DC8 #C1C8CC #A56234 .
#0044CC - The Bing blue color. Microsoft hat für die Links seiner Suchmaschine Bing verschiedene Blautöne getestet. Dabei fanden die Entwickler ein Blau, .
Thousands of inspiring design examples in our CSS & design gallery. Browsing by color #0044cc.
A large RGB color chart with 4096 colors with their corresponding hex (html) codes. . R - 000. G - 068. B - 187, 0044CC R - 000. G - 068. B - 204, 0044DD .
Jul 31, 2011 – rose-colored.net . margin-left: 0px; width: 0px; } h2 { background-color: # CC4455 ; color: #CC4455 ; } a { color: #0044cc; } /* DO NOT REMOVE .
Aug 18, 2010 – dennisfaust: #0044CC is the best color for conversions: http://bit.ly/cqpkGJ | via @conversionvoodoo Obvious when you see them side by side.
. value="[value]" angle="[azumuth]+90" > <RasterColorizer> <ColorBand value= "0" color="#0044cc"/> <ColorBand value="10" color="#00cc00"/> <ColorBand .
0044CC is the most converting color for a hyperlink microsoft research has shown http://bit.ly/conquN #cro #conversion.
May 28, 2011 – Paul Ray, a user experience manager for Bing said on Tuesday that choosing that specific blue (#0044CC for you color enthusiasts) over some .
Jun 23, 2007 – rich vein color by Phreestyle. . rich vein. HEX: #0044CC. RGB: 0,68204 . Comments. View more Palettes using this Color .
Mar 16, 2010 – #0044CC Worth $80 Million? . The blue color used for links in Bing's predecessor, Live Search, was more pale. .