Sep 28, 11
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  • 0044cc stats. 0044cc, Best! 0044cc color, 2. 0044cc rgb, 3. 0044cc hex color, ( alt.) 0044cc color code, (alt.) 0044cc hex, (alt.) 0044cc cmyk, (alt.) .
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  • Apr 2, 2006 – decimal, CMYK, color, Color Name, NETSCAPE NAME, SAS NAME, . . #0044CC 0,68204, 100-66.7-0-20, very deep sky blue, DARK VIVID .
  • Description BETA, Strong cobalt blue. RGB Hexdecimal, 0044CC. RGB 0÷255, 0, 68, 204. RGB %, 0, 26.7, 80. CMYK %, 100, 67, 0, 20. HSV, 220°, 100, 80 .
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