Other articles:
For a random Wikipedia article, see Special:Random. For information about .
Jul 24, 2009 . Like the New York Times, Wikipedia is fairly reliable on uncontroversial subjects. Curious about boron or the capital of Wisconsin? .
Jan 3, 2007 . Get the Random Wikipedia Article widget on Widgetbox.com! Flip through random articles from Wikipedia in your favorite language.
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Mar 24, 2008OH - and overall i like the random articles idea! since wikipedia is generally free of porn, you oughta consider passing this around to .
May 27, 2009 . If you still want the fun of totally random off the wall articles, the old Random Article button is still provided on Wikipedia itself. .
Select one or more collections and press the button above to get a new set of random quotations. You can also choose a different number of quotations. .
Feb 27, 2008 . Via Wikipedia - Random Wikipedia Articles. Today I decided to play with the " Random article" button on Wikipedia. .
Wikipedia question: Where is the Random Button on Wikipedia? Go to wikipedia.org then click a language. On the left side, there should be a link called .
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Pressing the 'random article' button on wikipedia. Join Facebook to start connecting with Pressing the 'random article' .
Refresh live internet or refresh auction urls content and auctions with this auto automatic update page refresher.
Feb 20, 2009 . New meme: here's a totally random way to make your new random band's new random album cover. Post one! Go to “Wikipedia. .
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Dec 16, 2010Go to Wikipedia. 2. Click on the 'Random Article' link. (This one.) 3. Use that article title as the title of your game. .
10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 23, 20071) Follow this link to Wikipedia Main_Page . 2) Locate in the sidebar 'Random article' and click on it. 3) Record the title and post it here .
Oct 13, 2007 . chooseDoubt clicked on the “random article” link on Wikipedia's left-hand sidebar… lo and behold, he got directed to an article for a garden .
May 29, 2008 . Everyone(except professors and old ladies who watch too much daytime news) loves Wikipedia and what a great resource it has become.
A random number generator (often abbreviated as RNG) is a computational or .
Jul 26, 2008 . One Response to “Size of Wikipedia in different Indic languages”. Links from the talk Open education around the world | Random Stuff that .
Feb 9, 2011 . Random Wikipedia Page Increase your knowledge with this random Wikipedia button for Google Chrome.
Get your daily dose of knowledge from Wikipedia with this random daily Wikipedia article app.View a random article each day, with the option to show a.
Click the icon and up comes a random Wikipedia article. Control/Command-click to move. Share · Ratings & Reviews · Widget History. Current Version: 1.0 .
20 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Nov 14, 2010That's your new band name. Feel free to retry if you get like a place or a name or something. Also you can take only a piece of the article .
5 reviews
Sep 10, 2006 . My homepage is set at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Randompage, which means every time I open my browser I have a random “Hey, .
Mar 7, 2010 . And thus ends the Random Wikipedia Article for good. I've tried bringing it back several times and it's just not catching on. .
Wikirandom. Random articles from Wikipedia . Theme based on the Wikipedia MonoBook skin. . A preview of the output: Some random Wikipedia articles: .
Wikipedia Names Your Band: New meme: here's a totally random way to make your new random band's new random album cover. Post one!
Oct 19, 2010 . Random Wikipedia Fact #44. I haven't done of these in forever but I . thelostboy posted to Random Wikipedia Fact at 4:59 pm on October 19, .
Apr 20, 2007 . How often have you been using the StumbleUpon toolbar to find random sites on the internet when you stopped and said to yourself, .
Jun 2, 2008 . Sometimes internet can be a boring place, when you are lost on ideas and websites worth visiting. Wikipedia can help you over-come this .
Jun 2, 2009 . Learn more, read reviews, and download Wikipedia Random Article of the Day by Darren Gates on the iTunes App Store.
6 answers - Sep 22, 2010Actually, I'm with dthoard here. A random button would be awesome - it'd be especially awesome if you could set it to bring up a random video whilst .
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Feb 20, 2009 . Instructions here: Wikipedia Names Your Band. Wikipedia article: Totally Hip Hop . Random Quote: Albert Einstein. .
Read a random Wikipedia article | 1 of 34 results for Ways to Waste Time | Decide with Hunch.
Oct 30, 2007 . This is fun in a strange kind of way (it kept me amused for 5 minutes) – Wikipedia Vision is a mashup of Google Maps and Wikipedia's recent .
Sep 25, 2008 . The Wikipedia Screensaver displays random Wikipedia pages which are replaced in intervals that the user can define. .
That's right, as simple as it sounds, this simple url is mighty addictive. Simply create a bookmark to the following link (you can drag the link to your.
Jul 6, 2010 . Wikipedia needs no introduction, it is a power house of information. With Wikipedia Screensaver, you can get more information from Wikipedia .
On a website such as English Wikipedia the user can click on "Random page .
Aug 11, 2009 . The question I asked myself: How many times will I have the click the Random Article link at Wikipedia before I find an article that's .
Jan 15, 2011 . Random Thoughts on Wikipedia's Birthday Today. Today, January 15, 2011, is the tenth anniversary of Wikipedia. My, how things have changed .
Jan 12, 2011 . Random Impulse (real name Jovel Walker) is a grime mc from North London and part of the grime crew G-Fam along with Dimples and Rinse to .
My homepage is set at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Randompage, which means every time I open my browser I have a random "Hey, I didn't know that! .
A random sampling. Posted on February 23rd, 2009. A couple of weeks ago, I happened to come across a few Wikipedia articles that struck me as too hard. .
Dec 20, 2007 . There was controversy when I endorsed the movie Once last week, primarily because some folks (where some folks is defined as one of .
May 17, 2009 . Wikipedia Has A Nice Feature, That Enables You To Select A Random Article, Whenever You Feel Like Browsing. "Random Page" Is An Addon In FF, .
Jan 9, 2011 . Random wikipedia articles - random knowledge, beamed direct to your brain. Like knowledge? Like *random* knowledge? Like encyclopedias?
In Wikipedia and other MediaWiki projects, Special:Random can be used to access a random article in the main namespace; this feature is useful as a general .
Feb 5, 2009 . Dave Kragthorpe - "Mud Lake (Alaska)" 1. Jean Hawes 2. Knismesis and gargalesis 3.Benjamin Netanyahu 4.Camphor 5-monooxygenase 5.United S.