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Being that those kids are of school age, if they talk to counselors at school, the counselors have to report the abuse. They have. .
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In my experience, well behaved children are also children who have strong .
Sep 23, 2008 . Wikianswers: Sorry I am new here. So, I will introduce myself. . Charlene ( age 50) and Kenton (59) had six kids - Kate is the second .
9 answers - Jan 21, 2009I recently went on WikiAnswers.com and found that … . You kids will believe everything you see. 2 years ago; Report Abuse. 0% 0 Votes .
Jun 8, 2010 . Alexis: 'I hate wikianswers.' Me: 'Did you just say you hate white kids?' Alexis : 'Yes darrian. I hate you.' Me: 'Ohh, that's not cool.' [: .
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What is the difference between wiki answers and answers com?? Can wiki .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 26, 2010at least 20% of kids are stealing Cell Phone from every school are .
Questions about WikiAnswers question: Is WikiAnswers for kids? WikiAnswers was not specifically designed for kids, but it is intended for use by people of .
Oct 21, 2008 . How can you add wikianswers feeds to your personal homepage? , Ask your Computers & Technology questions at ibibo, Give answers share your .
Questions about WikiAnswers question: Wikianswers for kids? It's safe for kids if their parent or guardian watches them to make sure they're safe.
Mar 12, 2008 . I was unfamiliar with WikiAnswers, but apparently it's the place where . As the kids say these days, WTF? What kind of an answer is this .
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Mar 14, 2011 . There's nothing I don't love to do on WikiAnswers! . .. When not on Answers.com , I home school both of my kids, and I lead a Girl Scout .
No, Wikianswers is only for people aged 13 and over.
Mar 22, 2011 . How Will Your Kids Feel If They Know You Didn't Know This Much As Regards Diabetes? . . All Rights Reserved.wikiANSWERS.
Explore additional WikiAnswers pages with questions about Children and the . . If an illegal grandmother of two citizen kids is taking care of them but the .
WikiAnswers - Does jim carrey have kids. Yes he has one daughter. I know .
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May 8, 2010 . Links to Christian kids activity sheets, sunday school lessons and . Here is an excerpt from WikiAnswers that provides a explanation in .
Oct 26, 2009 . Well over on WikiAnswers we learned a long time ago that .
Questions about wikianswers question: Who thinks there should be a specific wikianswers for kids? I kind of do because then that site could be more geared .
http://www.wikianswers.com/Q/How_many_children_does_ti_have · How many children does TI have | ChaCha Answers. The Rapper T.I. has four kids named Domani .
No, there is not an Answers.com specifically for kids. Answers.com (and .
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3 posts - 2 authorsThread profile page for "Can a man become sterile after having 5 kids?" on http: //wiki.answers.com/Q/Special:recentq&tid=584. This report page is a snippet .
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The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents), by Judy Galens and Nancy Pear, . If you're tired of answering your kids' questions (or your own) with “Just .
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Oct 25, 2010 . Kids A version of the Yahoo! search engine aimed at children from 7 to 12. Every site that is retrieved has been judged by Yahoo! staffers .
Questions about Answers.com question: Is there an Answers.com site for kids? No, there is not an Answers.com website specifically for kids.
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Wiki Answers > Categories > Jobs & Education > Education. > Homeschooling Questions . What percentage of homeschooled kids go to college? . . Are home schoolers as likely to make friends as easily as kids in a school system? .
WIKIANSWERS FOR KIDS - Page 3. Wikianswers.
Top questions and answers about Wikianswers-for-Kids. Find 3 questions and answers about Wikianswers-for-Kids at Ask.com Read more.
WikiAnswers - How many kids did Bob Marley have. Four with his wife, David .
Jun 11, 2010 . WikiAnswers – Is whey protein good for kids. Whey protein .
Spreadia is a Social News Engine that helps you to Discover, Follow and .
(wikianswers for kids); Indonesia seeks Bali success once again on the island of Lombok . (wikianswers for kids); Afghans heading for Australia arrested .
1 answerHow many kids does [[Lil Mama]] have? . Lil Mama is only 17, WikiAnswers says she has 7, but this is why we don't use WikiAnswers .
WikiAnswers is an ad-supported wiki-based website where users can submit and answer questions. WikiAnswers.com uses wiki technology and fundamentals, .