Sep 8, 11
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  • Feb 2, 2011 – 5t4s: Open Question: Questiion about the 5t4s on tumblr? So apparently this . does anyone know what does 5T4S mean? « Your News NJ .
  • What is 5T4S on Tumblr? [tumblr, 5t4s] TUMBLR ACCENT CHALLENGE! [tumblr accent challenge, accent, tumblr, 5t4s, funny, jmonster66] .
  • Music, photography, film, art and human affection are what make my life worth living. 5T4S users online joshyjosh.tumblr.com .
  • What is 5T4S? ChaCha Answer: 3 Feb 2011 . xlunacyfringe asked: What is 5T4S? Answer: it's a stupid code that users on tumblr that h.
  • Feb 7, 2011 – They are kind of like the original tumblrs. Even if they are't tumblr famous. People who are originial say "5t4s" because only they know what it .
  • whats with this new 5T4S thing? who the fuck cares how long you have been on tumblr for? aren't we suppose to be a family? why should you be superior just .
  • vladimir putin--5T4S(: @sassacre. Mention. 472 . About @sassacre. from Narnia . http://sassacre.tumblr.com . WHAT'S GOIN' ON? sassacre 19 days ago .
  • Feb 3, 2011 – Recommend to Tumblr! JUNK4U PA On Twitter PA On . Or just something like 5T4S so they have no clue what we are talking about. 5T4S it is! .
  • 5t4s See also ts tumblr risk ads about Is to whole ts on lt arelatedfeb . Know what tumblr gatherts ts ts site www iechatter ts what viruss you ts in .
  • 1 answerQuestion: i just got tumblr ;p
  • Mar 9, 2011 – I'm so sick of you god damn hipsters. FUCK. And yes I'm aware I look like shit. Oh well.
  • CAN SOMEONE PLEASE FUCKING EXPLAIN WHAT THIS 5T4S SHIT IS? . http: //5t4s.tumblr.com/post/3133427316/5t4s-the-lowest-rung-of-the-elitism-ladder .
  • diamond- had a post recently about 5t4s and I had no idea what it was so I . Most of what I found was trolling, which ended up as mostly “don't go to tumblr. it .
  • whats your tumblr page ??? no. it's personal. haha. 5t4s responded 2 weeks ago. Share. Smile. lindzz :). Ask your friends this question; Ask your followers this .
  • This site may harm your computer.
  • In case you didn't already know about Tumblr, its one of the newest 31 .
  • 1 answerWhat is 5T4S and HNNG, and what is life? . 5T4S is something tumblr .
  • Feb 3, 2011 – 5T4S: The Lowest Rung Of The Elitism Ladder You've probably seen this around your . there is a possibility you have no fucking clue what it.
  • Jan 31, 2011 – Anonymous asked: What does 5T4S mean? I cannot figure it out for the life of me. Answer: Alright, here's the lowdown on this meme which will .
  • What does 5T4S on tumbler stand for? ChaCha Answer: The Tumblr term 5T4S .
  • Jan 30, 2011 – Anyone who does so is a Tumblr newbie, although they claim to be the veterans of this place. . Tags: vicious circle newbie tumblr 5t4s what .
  • 5t4s What Does Mean Related Information. Subscribe Subscribe to my RSS feed. 5t4s what does mean Video Reviews. Tumblr. FATBOXS2. DOUBLE RAINBOW SONG! .
  • This site may harm your computer.
  • 20+ items – 5t4s tumblr, Best Answer: Let me tell you .
  • Aug 20, 2011 – I'm so sick of you god damn hipsters. FUCK. And yes I'm aware I look like shit. Oh well.
  • 20+ items – Canada Answers - What is 5T4S on tumblr. .
  • 30 answers - Feb 9, 2009I've had so many people ask me lately what “5T4S” means, I've seen people all over Tumblr talking about, its even on google now people trying .
  • Whats 5T4S? <?> text not recognised </?> Can I be your tumblr biffl? What ya askin' for? MESSAGE MEEE, I LOVE MEETING NEW PEOPLEE! <3. Whats your .
  • i know the brand but what style shoes are these? (Nike)? . I've been perusing around Tumblr (5T4S ;)) and I found this Forever Alone Bracelet / Wristband. .
  • Feb 3, 2011 – 5t4s: Hot news about: 5t4s … [read more]. .
  • Feb 2, 2011 – I've had so many people ask me lately what “5T4S” means, I've .
  • Feb 3, 2011 – 5t4s: Recent Posts. does anyone know what does 5T4S mean .
  • Q: 5T4S? Is it STDS? Ayudahh ?? I have no idea what this means, is it a lame Tumblr cult or something? At first I thought it was, but then I realized, .
  • I swear tumblr is ran by a whole bunch of angsty teenage bitches who . reading definitions for '5t4s' on urban dictionary lolololol . what the fuck is a 5t4s .
  • Make changes yourself ! Login or register to EDIT and SAVE any of these pages. What is 5T4S on Tumblr? Order: Reorder; Duration: 5:41; Published: 09 Mar .
  • What Does 5T4S Mean On Tumblr - The 5t4s Thing Was What Someone Suggest Everyone Put On Their Page To Separate Us From The MTV Recruits It Was Meant To Be .
  • Feb 1, 2011 – Since MTV has been advertising Tumblr, we need some sort of . Or just something like 5T4S so they have no clue what we are talking about. .
  • What the hell is 5T4S? . 5T4S is the 'original Tumblrians' way of segregating the old Tumblr blogs from the . So what if the population of Tumblr is growing? .
  • 20+ items – 5t4s?, cheap lasik eye surgery, lasik surgery, laser lasik .
  • Teen Spirit · ST8MENT · Spring 2011 · New $tuff · 5T4S (TUMBLR). What is Acid Embrace? Well some of you may know about www.acidembrace.com. .
  • 3 answersWhat does 5t4s mean? ChaCha Answer: The meaning of it is simple, it is for .
  • Jul 19, 2011 – What does 5T4S mean on tumblr.com The KGB Agent answer: “5T4S” is a somewhat secret code used on the social website Tumblr to show .
  • 30+ items – Where did MTV advertise Tumblr at? ;) 5t4s toppsychics .
  • am feb canjeng jeng jeng jeng jeng whats 5t4s . trends by placing ts somewhere Well, i they feb just got tumblr before Hoping to their info tsjan 5t4s .
  • Feb 1, 2011 – In case you didn't already know about Tumblr, its one of the newest types of blogging. The unique twist to it is that its more similar to twitter and .
  • May 13, 2009 – If you're a nerd, you have spent the last year explaining to your friends the virtue ( or downfall) of Twitter and Facebook. In another year, you'll .
  • What if Michael Vick Were X . Tumblr is a microblogging social network site founded by David Karp and Marco Arment. . 5T4S : In early 2011, the television network MTV began broadcasting commercials for Tumblr that brought in a wave of .
  • This site may harm your computer.
  • What does 5T4S mean on Tumblr? http://adium.me/2011/02/5t4s-be-original-copy-me/ Search Related: What does 5T4S mean on Tumblr? .

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